Chapter 801: I Like Guibao Being So Domineering

Dani, who was already married, knew that Guibao and the others were returning, and she made it a point to visit her parental home today. Her face was flushed with a healthy glow, suggesting she was living well.

"Don't just stand outside, come in and eat," Ma Xiulian, worried that Guibao might be hungry, swiftly called out.

Everyone bustled into the house, and by the time they finished eating, it was almost ten o'clock, so everyone went home to rest.

The next day, everyone at the commune knew that Guibao and her daughter had come back from the Capital, and they all brought their children to the Chen Family.

They wanted to hear Guibao and Lu Xiaofen talk about life in the Capital and what the schools were like, so their own children could listen and learn.

Even basking in the reflected glory was good!

Zhao Fangfang also came along. Knowing that Gu Tingyun was there as well, she wore a new jacket and applied lipstick and rouge, dressing up carefully before coming.