Chapter 44

"That is good. You two have gone far in your magic training."

I smile and pat their head, earning me a massive grin from them. A child truly has the biggest imagination. The hardest thing I have is to imagine, which makes my magical training a little bit harder.

However, Dany and Rhae manage to do it quickly. Right now, they do not have much mana inside their body, but it will be taken care of when they get older and continue to train their magic.

Right now, we are training in transfiguration. Just a simple spell like how to change a pile of logs into a table or other thing with a similar size for now.

I decided to use this kind of training after thinking about expanding my knowledge of magic. I decided to take magic from the Harry Potter world for two reasons. One is that they are very versatile, and the second one is because they did not use a large amount of mana.

Most of the spells are not bending reality to create something. They only change the subject that already exists. For example, water conjuration looks like creating water out of thin air, but it was changing the oxygen in the air into water.

Unlike my first attempt to conjure water, using Harry Potter magic is easier. I really create water, and by doing so, it takes a LOT more mana to do it. I create water from nothingness, and it takes a lot of mana. However, by doing the spell from the Harry Potter world, I can cut the mana consumption by ninety-eight percent.

I shake my head and pat both Dany and Rhae's heads.

"I guess that is for today's lesson. Do you want to eat something? I think I will cook for today."


"Vy will cook?!"

I smile at them and nod my head.

"Aye. So, what do you want to eat?"

"Ummm… Uuuuu"

I can see them think really hard and even their dragon thinking about it. Silverwing and Elia put their heads on their wings. After a minute of thinking, Dany looks at me and says,

"Steak! I want steak, and I think Silverwing agrees with me."


Dany giggles and rubs her companion's head. I look at Rhae and wait for her answer.

"Ummm, do we still have some chicken? I want some fried chicken."

"Sure. We still have chicken in the kitchen. Elia, what do you want? Steak or chicken?"

I can see the blue dragon look at Dany and then Rhea before rubbing her head on her master.

"Chicken then. What about you, Alduin?"

"Grow! Grow!"

"Hmmm, seafood? Well, we have some fish and octopus left. Sure, I can do that."



I laugh a little when I feel him licking my neck.

"Stop it! It tickles, you fire breathing lizard."


|Doran Martell - The Scheming Snake|

"Ohhhh! It is really beautiful. More beautiful than what the rumor says it was."

I nod my head in agreement as I see the city we are currently in. Sol-Luna is the capital city of the Lunaria kingdom and the place where his Good Brother ruled. |AN* Good Brother is Brother in Law|

I also hear that my niece survived and stayed in this place. I want to see her and hug her. She is the only connection I have with my dear sister.

"Hello, there~."

Before Oberyn could walk toward the beautiful whore seducing him, I grabbed his hand and said.

"Not right now, Oberyn. We need to go and meet your family first."

"B-But brother! Look at her; she is so beautiful, and the way she invites me makes me want to fuck her right here immediately."

"You can go to the whorehouse after we meet Viserys."

"Fine! Just wait for me, my dear. I will be back and give you the night you will remember."

I can hear the whore giggling at my brother's word and walking inside the building. I shake my head and order our servant to push my wheelchair. When they arrive in front of our destination, I look at the massive white castle with slight awe.

The castle is bigger than the Red Keep, with the wall surrounding the castle being two times taller than the Red Keeps. I heard the rumor that this castle will be finished in two years. I did not believe them. This castle took at least twelve years to complete and a few dozen million worths of gold.

"Halt! State your identity and your intention!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear the guard stopping us.

"My name is Doran Martell, and I come here to see my Good Brother. I have sent a letter beforehand."

"Please wait for a minute."

We wait for a minute before I can see the previous guard get back with a middle-aged man following him.

"Good afternoon, my lord. I"m Bakir, Advisor to his highness, Viserys Targaryen. Please follow me. His highness is currently busy cooking some food for his sister and niece."

"Wait! Cooking?! Why are you letting your king cook?! He is your king!"

I can see Bakir take a deep breath and look at my brother.

"Please watch your words, my lord. We did not want him to enter the kitchen either, but His Highness likes to cook food and likes to feed his sister and niece the food he cooks. We beg him not to enter the kitchen because he is the king, but he orders us to let him get to the kitchen instead. Please don't assume we did not try to stop him, but it was a direct order from our king, and we will obey. It also did not help that his cooking is VERY delicious. Even the royal cook admits that he cannot beat his highness in the cooking contest, and he even cries the first time he tastes his highness cooking."

I look at the man in front of me with a disbelief expression. Viserys Targaryen, the son of the Mad King and the little brother of the Silver Prince, likes to cook? What kind of place is this? I shake my head and look around the castle.

While walking through the castle, I can see the barrack where many people are training using their swords and shields. While watching the soldier training, I noticed a familiar face among the crowd.

"Is that Jon Connington?"

"Hmmm? Ah, aye. Jon Connington, the Royal Guard, alongside Ser Willem Daryl. He is a good man who is willing to throw his life to protect his highness and his family. He took three arrows to his chest at war against the New Three Daughter to protect his highness. He did not even scream because he was afraid it would break his highness concentration."

I see. That is just like how I heard about him. He is a man who is known for his loyalty to the crown and his bravery on the battlefield. I should thank him later. He is the reason why my niece is still alive and well.

We continue to walk through the castle before we arrive inside the palace, and Bakir leads us to one of the rooms. It looks like a meeting room.

"Please wait a moment. I will call his majesty to meet you soon."

"You did not need to do that, Bakir. I'm already here."

We look at the other door and see a young man standing there with a smile on his face. I can see two children following behind him and a group of servants behind them holding many trays of food.

However, what gets my attention is the creature on the children's shoulders. It was a lizard-like creature with wings, and is that fire I see? The Targaryen family has their dragons back.

"I'm Viserys Targaryen, and standing next to me is Daenerys Targaryen, my sister, and next to her is Rhaenys Targaryen, my niece. I welcome you to the Lunar Palace."