Chapter 61

I nod my head and pass the new batch of potions to the other healer.

"This should be the last batch, no?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Good. Take a break and let the other take your place."

"You also need to take a break, your highness. You have been working twice as long as us. We cannot stop while you are still working."

I release a sigh before nodding my head.

"Very well. Take a break, I will also take a break."

I look at the servant who follows me around and says.

"Can you prepare something to eat? A fresh juice and some sandwich will do."

"Of course, your highness."

I nod my head and sit on the chair in the waiting room of the hospital. I decided to come to Myr and look how bad the situation was, and boy, it was bad. Other than the plague, a massive famine is happening across the city of Myr.

I need to ask four more ships to get more food from Lunaria and make them go back and forth five times before I manage to create an emergency food plantation. I need to sacrifice a good chunk of land to make a fast wheat and rice producer.

Because of how fast it was producing rice and wheat, the land sometimes needed to regain its fertility. Ten years or so, thirteen years at maximum. However, it was needed as Lunaria cannot feed the people in Myr with our own supply.

Lucky for me, the people who have already healed are more than willing to return and work in the field again.

"Your majesty, here is your food."

I snap from my thoughts when I see the servant bringing me a tray full of food and drink. I can see Grape Juice and what looks like a chicken sandwich.

"Thank you. You can take a break as well."

"Of course, your highness. I will tell the others to switch with me. Please tell us anything you want."


I nod my head and take the grape juice, then take a sip. Hmmm, sweet, but it needs something. I push a little bit of mana into the cup and chill it up. Perfect. I take the sandwich and take a bite. Not bad. It needs a little bit of chili for my taste but not bad.

"Please! Please! Help my child! Please!"

I snapped from my thought when a woman in her mid-thirty ran inside the hospital with a young child in her hands. I put the sandwich away and put on new gloves.

"I can help, maam! Please slowly put him down. Then, I will begin the healing."

"Ah! Thank you, yes. Yes. Please help him."

"Of course."

I put the child to sleep and slowly took out the arrow that stuck on his shoulder while making sure his blood stayed inside his body. After taking out the arrow, I begin to heal all of his injuries. When I'm finished healing the child, I look at the mother before saying.

"Your child is going to be okay, madam."

"OH, thank you, healer! Thank you very much! Thank you."

"And now is your turn, maam. Please hold for a moment."

I begin to work on the mother, who widens her eyes when he feels my mana entering her body. I nod my head when I see her body is healed.

"Can I ask how you get these wounds?"

When I ask her that, her eyes widen up, and the calm disappears once again, replaced by panic.

"Bandit! Bandit outside the city! T-They are coming here! My husband and the other are holding them back, but I don't know if they will survive."

I put my hand on the crying mother before saying.

"I will send some men to help your husband and the others. Can I ask where they are?"


"Thank you."

I look at Ser Jon Connington and say.

"Ser Jon, take forty men and deal with the bandit. Bring two healers with you."

"Yes, your majesty!"

I can see Ser Jon and forty-three men march toward the Bandit's location. I look at the mother sitting on the ground and say.

"Don't worry, they will take care of them and bring back your husband."

Be it alive or death left unsaid.

~A moment later~

"Five heavily injured men! Emergency situation!"

I quickly put on my gloves and ran toward the knights running inside the hospital. I can see a massive slashing and stabbing injury on their chest area. I take a deep breath and feel a good chunk of my mana consumed. A second later, a stasis bubble spreads out toI make sure they are not dead before I heal them.

After working for a few minutes, I managed to save their life. After healing them, I look at the knights and say.

"How is the situation?"

"There are fifty bandits, your highness. They were poorly equipped and they did not have the discipline of a soldier, your highness. Our men should be finished in a moment."

True to his words, I can hear a commotion outside the hospital, and I see Ser Jon walk inside with his body covered in blood. However, he did not step further and bow a little at me.

"Your highness, we manage to defeat all the bandits and bring some of them to be interrogated."

"Good job, Ser Jon. Take them to the Black Dog and let them take care of it."



|Viir - Member of the Black Dog corps|

I wipe the blood off my hand and walk out of the interrogation room.

"How is it?"

"They are coming from the village outside Myr. They are villagers from Rurulu village. At first, they become bandits to feed their family but every time they become greedy and do the killing and loot for fun. They leave their family behind to starve to death while they are hunting."

"Will they become a problem?"

"Yes. It looks like they are a small part of the bigger group. Their main base is in the mountainous area to the east where they will ambush any merchant that comes to Myr from Qohor."

"Should we investigate?"

"Yes. I need you to go there and scout ahead of the knights. Take five men with you. I will tell His Majesty about this problem."

"Of course."

After saying that, she disappears in front of my eyes. Sana, or Codename: Mist, is one of the best scouting personnel in Black Dog. Her specialty is blending with the nature around her, making her invisible and almost impossible to notice.

While she is busy with her job, I also have some work to do. There are still four more prisoners to interrogate, and I will always get my answer for my codename is Demonic Angel, with a specialty in healing and senses overload.