Chapter 76

|3rd POV|

It was a very depressing sight in the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. Above the King's Landing is a massive black cloud that hangs above the heads of the people who live in the city. King's Landing has experienced immense bad luck in the past seven days.

From a massive storm that destroyed their building to a gigantic thunder hitting a group of people at once.

However, this bad luck is only aimed at one person, the High Septon. Anyone who stays away at a certain distance from the High Septon will not experience this bad luck. On the other hand, the people who remain near the High Septon will receive what many call Divine Punishment.

There are already fifty people who have already died protecting the High Septon. They died a gruesome death from being mauled by a Direwolf that is supposed to be in the North to getting struck by thunder.

The people start noticing this sign and avoiding the High Septon. When he tries to preach to the masses, the people quickly run away as if he is the devil that wants to take away their life. When he tries to improve his image by walking around the city street, the people will throw something at him.

What made matters worse for him, he got infected with the Black Death. The same disease that he thought did not exist. He tried to hide it, but in a matter of two days, he infected all the people around him and spread it around.

When Jon Arryn heard of this problem, he and a group of knights came to High Septon's residence.

"High Septon Arvin, by the order of the king, I sentence you to death. As the law was created by the king, anyone who lived near the palace would be executed. Take him away."

"No! You can't take me away! I'm a High Septon! I'm the chosen one! I'm the one who carries God's Will! You can't do this to me!"

By the time the knights manage to carry the High Septon out of his residence, people are already gathering to see the High Septon's execution.

The High Septon continued to try to get out from the Knight's grasp but to no avail. Finally, something happens when the Knight cuts Arvin's head off.

The gloomy sky begins to disperse, and the sun finally shines upon the people in King's Landing. It is as if the Gods smile upon Jon Arryn's decision to kill the sinner.

"Lord Hand! Lord Hand! Lord Hand!"

The people start to chant Lord Arryn's name and title. That day, Jon Arryn's reputation soared through the roof.

While King's Landing celebrates the death of their tormentor, the people in Lannisport are hopeful. Many people gathered in the Lannisport, waiting for a certain ship. They are waiting for the ship coming from Lunaria.

The news about the Healers from Lunaria will go around Westeros to heal the people from Black Death. They are excited. Anyone who gets infected gets exiled to the edge of the city and will leave their home behind.

They are excited to see their family and finally get rid of the plague that makes their life miserable.

Among those people who are waiting for them is Lord Tywin Lannister. He was already informed that the healer would come to his city and start healing his people. However, after he is informed about the incoming healer from Lunaria, he gets another letter from an unknown person.

This letter says that the Healer is in Oldtown, and there will be a chance for him to steal the cure from the Healer of Lunaria as the Faith Militant is causing havoc.

If not for the letter from Lunaria, he will consider it and maybe some men to see if they see a chance to take it. However, with the healer coming to his city and healing his people for free, he knows which action he needs to take.

He would be an idiot to kick out the people who want to heal your people. He is not the fat High Septon.

"Oh? Here they come. Will you greet them, brother?" Kevan looks at Tywin, who is drinking wine while looking at the dock from their room. "They have arrived."

What Kevan means by that is a massive ship with the symbol of Lunaria on its sail.

"No. I already sent a letter to make sure the Leader of the group will come to this place."

"Ah, that is why you order a lot of food to be delivered to this room. That is very unusual for you. What is it? I have read a letter from an unknown person telling us about the opportunity. Why did you decide to ignore it?"

"Because I'm not an idiot, brother. After seeing Lunaria Kingdom, I know one thing for use."

"What is it?"

"We cannot win against them."

"Pardon? Are you telling me that we cannot win against a kingdom that just appeared not too far ago?"

"Aye. Currently, we cannot win against them. Lunaria has too much support from other countries and city-states that we cannot win against them. My spy tells me that even the Summer Isle is willing to band together to fight Lunaria's enemy to repay their generosity."

"The Summer Isle? Are you sure? They have been at war for generations and you tell me a single kingdom makes them willing to ignore each other and help this one small kingdom?"

"Aye, and also they are not small any longer. With Myr now part of Lunaria, they are one of the biggest countries in Essos. Especially with Volantis and Tyrosh is busy taking care of their slave who have an idea of revolting against their master, Lunaria start to spread and taking control over the disputed land."

"More land means more people. However, that should be a problem no? Westeros have many troops that we can use to win the war."

"If we are united."

"What? A war against a kingdom across the sea will unite all of the nobles, no? Especially if the king declares war against them."

"No. If you really think that Fat King can call ALL of his banner then you are stupid. The only person who has the real power in the throne is Lord Arryn and even him cannot unite all of the nobles in Westeros. What makes matters worse, some of the nobles are in debt to the Dragon King. Either they are an honor bond because Lunaria helped them in the past or they are literally in debt to them."

"A little bit noble is not a problem, no? They are a small noble after all, they only have a few hundred men to command and that is nothing for the rest of the nobles."

"That might be true but remember that while we are fighting in the front, the most devastating thing that can happen is betrayal. While we are facing the front those small nobles will stab us in the back and take an important point in the battlefield."

"So, what should we do now?"

"Nothing. We do nothing. Don't wake the sleeping dragon unless you want to be burned."

"But you are a Dragon Slayer, right? We killed one dragon in the past and I think we can kill another one."

"No. We killed a lizard in the past, not a dragon. This time we see a dragon and I don't want my family to be burned by an angry dragon."

Tywin hates playing as a wise lion. He wants to be seen as a fearsome lion, but to last this long, he needs more than just a fearsome reputation. He also needs wisdom, and a wise lion needs to know when they need to back down and when to strike.

Right now, they need to back down at the moment.