Chapter 95

When we step into the palace, I feel a foul Mana wash over us. The Mana is so nasty that even Melisandre in her earlier days is not as bad as this one. I spread a little bit of my Mana and can feel a small part of the palace.

I widen my eyes when I feel something.


Coming out from one of the doors is a horde of undead. But, this time, it was not a ghoul but a horde of skeletons.


My men raise their shields and hold against the charging horde of skeletons. I swung my sword, and to my surprise, they did not die from their head being cut off. I keep swinging my sword, and after the fifth swing, I can see the skeleton stop moving.

"Use something blunt! Destroy them to pieces, not cutting or stabbing them! Archer, stop! Don't waste your arrow! Use your shield! Bash them to pieces!"

I put away my sword and used both my hands on my shield. I use my sword to destroy the skeleton in front of me. The skeleton is not as durable as the Ghoul, but it cannot be killed in a single slash.

I take a few steps back and give my shield to one of the archers. I need to focus on healing my men. The skeleton can still move even when its arms are separated from its body.

After fifteen minutes of fighting, we stand in a pile of skeletons. Our shield and bare hand are more effective than our weapons at the moment. As for Melisandre… Her fire magic could be more useful if it were a more open area.

All of us continue to walk deeper into the palace before we arrive in the throne room. I can see someone sitting on the throne. Well, it was not someone but something. It was not a living being. It was a skeleton wearing regal clothing. The clothes a king should wear.

"Ah, a visitor."

I shudder a little when I hear that voice. That voice is devoid of any emotion.

"How long has it been? A hundred? Maybe two hundred years ago? Ahhhh, it's been a while."

The undead gets up from its throne and looks at us.

"I'm King Baemar Vaelreos, the King of this land. Who are you?"

I walk forward and say.

"My name is Viserys Targaryen, the King of Lunaria Kingdom."

"Ah, Targaryen, the coward. The people who decide to abandon their family behind instead of helping them in their time of need."

"If this is the result of whatever you guys are doing, my ancestors made the right decision."

"Hah! Don't make me laugh, boy! They have their hand in our experiment and they decide to run away after we reach a critical point of our experiment! If not for them running away, we already reach a new height of magic! A new era where we rule the world as an eternal emperor!"

The undead calmed down a little bit and looked me right in the eyes.

"Hah! If only they stay one more day, they will achieve what I have achieved! An eternal life!"

The undead laughs loudly for a few seconds before saying.

"Sadly, it comes with a price. I need to sacrifice a powerful mage to let me get out of this palace. I have waited and waited for a long time but not a single mage arrived in my palace. I also start to notice magic in the world starts to get thin and my hope starts to disappear."

Baemar's eyes, a floating red flame, brighten when he looks at me.

"But here we are! A young mage with powerful magic inside of him! This is truly a fortune! Come, boy! Let's see who will be the one getting out of this place alive! You or me! Come, my army! Your king commands you!"

The entire palace starts to shake. I quickly prepare a barrier spell that is ready to spring out of my body to protect all of us. An explosion is happening in the throne area, and a second later, I can see a massive bone dragon appear from behind the throne, and on top of the dragon is Baemar.

Behind him and his dragon is an army of skeletons.


I order my men to retreat. This is not a fight we can win if we are staying in this place. We need an open area.

I wave my hand, and suddenly a thick wall made of stone appears behind us to block their movement. However, it looked like it did not do much, as I could hear a loud noise coming from behind us. That dragon is two times bigger than Alduin, and by the look of it, it was stronger than him as well.

"Where do you think you are going?! Did your king tell you that you can run?! Madar! Chase them! I want that bastard alive!"

When we arrive in the open, I quickly snap my finger and create three fireballs before firing them at the massive dragon. As it hit the dragon, I looked at my men and said.

"Leave the dragon to me! Take care of the skeletons!"

"Yes, your highness!"

"Alduin! Rain of fire!"


Alduin releases a dragon breath at the skeleton dragon and keeps them coming. I take a deep breath and focus on my magic. A second later, a pitch black ball appeared in my hand. I throw it at the dragon, and it expands. It consumes the dragon, and it keeps growing.

I can see Baemir jump away from his stead as my gravity ball consumes his dragon. This spell lets me create a ball of condescending gravity that crushes anything inside of it. The gravity inside of it is enough to crush bone into fine dust.

Baemir looked at his dragon as it turned into dust before looking at me.

"You… You dare! Fine! If you want to die that badly, I grant your wishes!"

He slammed his staff on the ground, and suddenly the world started to shake. I move my hand and create a barrier for me, and my men as the ground beneath Baemir starts to collapse. Then, a few seconds later, a massive amalgamation of many kinds of skeletons.
