Chapter 103

"Vy! Come on! Come on!"

I smile a little as Dany drags me through the market of Sol-Luna city. Running next to me is Rhae and Ari. Dany, Rhae, and Ari are growing to be beautiful ladies. Already I can hear people talking about how they become beautiful women.

"Calm down, Dany. The vendor will not close anytime soon."

"But the food will be gone if we do not hurry up!"

I sigh a little and follow her with a smile on my face. It's been a year since I sent two hundred workers, twenty engineers, and a couple of dozen of White Cat and Black Dog corps for security.

The White Cat will ensure the worker and the rest of the people I sent stay healthy while the Black Dog helps the engineer to build the canal. Of course, the Riverland sent their people to help with the project.

A few people are trying to ensure the project is not finished, but that is where the Black Dog is coming to interfere. They will question anyone suspicious and ensure they are interrogated thoroughly.

After interrogating them, they will ensure the spy and hired arsonist disappear from the planet's surface.

In a year, they manage to connect the canal from Seagard to the Green Fork River and Blue Fork River. Now, they only need to connect Darry to Duskendale. King Robert Baratheon and Lord Jon Arryn also ask me to connect King's Landing to Storm's End.

Bakir and I decide to agree with the proposal because it opens a path between Stormfist and Westeros. In exchange for this, I was given free access to the river and canal in Stormfist for seventy years.

This is an agreement between the Baratheon family, not the Royal-Baratheon family, because the canal passes the territory of the Baratheon family, not the Crownsland.

"Vy! Come on!"

Ah, it looks like I stop walking while thinking about the project. I followed her to the food vendor near the port. It was a Grilled Squid vendor. I can smell something good from the vendor.

"Vy! Here!"

Since we have stayed here, Dany has loved eating seafood, especially squid or octopus. Of course, she likes other seafood, but she loves those two.

"Two grilled squid, please!"

The owner chuckles a little and says.

"Of course, princess. What about you, your highness?"

"Hmmm, I will take one as well. Rhae? Ari? Do you guys want some?"

Rhae nods her head while Ari shakes her head.

"Can I get the meat skewer instead?"

"Sure. Here is some money."

I give her a couple of coins and see her go to the next stall, where the owner sells grilled meat. After we buy a lot of food, we go to the nearby park, where we sit under a tree. I conjured a blanket for us to sit on and plates for our food.

"Oh! Oh! Can we learn that spell next time, brother?!"

"Hmmm, sure. I will teach you the basics of transfiguration."


I smile a little as Dany shouts in excitement and starts to eat her food. She and Rhae's mana reserve have reached the safe amount for transfiguration. While transfiguration is easy for me, for both of them, it was not.

They are talented in elemental magic, especially Rhae. Dany is good in elemental magic, but I feel she has talent in other branches of magic.

After eating all the food, I decided to entertain them. I show them some of my transfiguration magic by creating a golem made of mud. After creating a small barrier around us, I let them have a small spar with my golem.

I don't want the spectator to get hurt by the little spar.

I see Dany release a ball of fire from her hand, and Rhae supports it using her wind magic. On the other hand, Ari writes something in the air, and suddenly a chain made of magic appears from underneath the golem.

The chain holds the golem, so it cannot move.

This is Ari's magic. While the other two have a massive mana core inside their body, Ari does not have it. She can only manipulate the mana in the air using special tools (a Wand I made using the Sea Dragon's part.) that let her directly manipulate the mana in the air.

By doing so, she can write her rune in the air and create a lot of spells.

What she writes is Ukuz. It was an old language of the north. It means Steadiness, Frozen, Imprisonment, and Mountain.

This world's rune is just like the rune on Earth. One word has a lot of meaning. She can use each of the meanings separately or combine them.

Right now, Ari is using the Imprisonment aspect of the word and combining it with Weir. It has the meaning of Trust, Chain, Bond, and Animal. Yeah, this one is a little bit weird. I don't know why it has an animal and trust when the other is a chain and bond.

When she combines them both, it creates a magic chain that imprisons the target.

I let them fight the golem for a few minutes and see my creation start to crumble. So let's increase the difficulty.

I smirk a little and decide to enchant the golem. After sending my mana directly to the golem, it changes shape. Now it holds a shield and sword in its hand and moves faster than before.

"Take this! Firebolt!"

She released a cantrip this time. It looks like her mana will not last much longer. I look at Rhae and Ari; they are the same. Rhae, Dany, and Ari have glaring mistakes in their fighting style. They quickly went for the most powerful spell they had and did not think of their mana reserve or stamina, in Ari's case.

She needs stamina to control the mana in the air, unlike Rhae and Dany, who directly have mana cores inside of them. Because of this, she needs to work hard to increase her stamina if she wants to cast many spells.

And by casting her powerful spell in the beginning, she did not have the stamina for the second wind of the fight.

When I feel their mana reserve at the red zone, I quickly dispel the golem and stop them using my gravity magic.

"And that's it."

"We almost had it, Vy!"

"Yeah! We almost had it!"

"That's right!"

I shake my head at the three girls complaining about their losses. I guess I should expect this, huh? They are still kids, after all.

"Nope! You guys lose this spar! Do you know why?"

Seeing none of them willing to say something, I decide to fill their head.

"Because you guys are impatient. Fighting is not all about powerful spells and rune arrays! To cast powerful spells you need a lot of mana or stamina for Ari. If you already deplete your mana, what happens? And don't tell me that you can use your cantrip, I will not accept it."

Seeing them looking down on the ground, I sigh and pat them on the heads.

"I know you guys are excited to show me your progress but remember that you do not have unlimited mana or stamina. You need to make sure you have them all the time even after the fight. We don't know when the fight is over and need to save the mana in case something happens. Do you guys understand?"

After receiving the answer, I nod my head and repair the park using my magic and say.

"Alright, let's go back. I will teach you guys some more magic."



I read the weekly report Bakir wrote for me, and it looks like all the projects are going smoothly. The Darry family continues to say thanks for who knows many times. It's been a year since they said their thanks. I think, at this point, they just want to annoy me. I know they are grateful for returning their son to them and helping their family prosper but come on!

The current lord of Darry even writes that they are willing to declare me their king. However, I told them not to do it. I don't want to sour the relationship between Westeros and Lunaria.

"Your majesty."

I look at the door when I hear someone knock on my door.

"Come in."

When the door opens up, I can see Bakir walk toward me with a letter in his hand.

"What is it, Bakir? It is unusual for you to go to my office this late in the evening."

"This is an emergency situation, your majesty."

"Oh? Tell me."

Bakir gives me the letter in his hand and says,

"My spy in King's Landing gave me a report regarding Lord Jon Arryn."


I read the letter and widened my eyes after reading it for a second.

"Jon Arryn has died from poisoning."