Chapter 107

|3rd POV|

Moon Wolves Tavern is the busiest tavern in the entire Winterfell because of its low price and delicious drink and food. However, it was all a cover for a network of spies. Whose spy? Lunaria.

They are the eye in the North for Viserys.

The people in the tavern have a pleasant day and eat their lunch before someone suddenly kicks the door open. The tavern owner looks at the door and sees Eddard Stark, the lord of Winterfell, kicking the door.

Ned quickly walks toward the owner and says.

"I need them."

That word makes the tavern owner confused.

"Pardon me, my lord?"

"I need them. I need a healer. I know about your establishment. I let you and your people make this building because your people are helping my people. However, don't make me destroy your establishment. I know your real job."

The tavern owner looked at him for a few seconds before saying.

"Very well. Wait here for a second."

The owner gets to the back room for a minute before coming back with a woman wearing a white robe that covers her face. It was a well-known robe. It was the robe of the famous healer from Lunaria.

The woman looks at Ned and says,

"What can I do for you, my lord?"

"I need your help. My son fell down from the tower and needed a healer to heal him. The Maester says he is not in critical condition but cannot use his legs like before. I need your help. Heal my son and I will give you anything you want."

The healer nods her head and says.

"Take me to him, and I will see what I can do."

"Thank you."

Ned and the healer walk toward Bran's room, where the healer can see a young boy sleeping soundly on the bed. She can see the Maester look at her with distrust, but she is already getting used to it.

She and her healer, who stays in Winterfell, are healing many people in the south from the Black Death. Yet, even when a lot of life is on the line, the Maester still looks at them as if they are traitors that will stab their patients with a knife.

The healer walks toward the boy, but Catelyn Stark stops her before she can do something.

"What do you think you are doing?! Who are you?!"

"Stop it, Cat."

Ned looks at her wife with a stern expression.

"She is a healer from Lunaria. Let her do her job and heal Bran so he can still use his legs."

Catelyn looks at the healer with distrust for a few seconds before reluctantly letting the healer do her job. Catelyn is a worshiper of the seven, and just like the other worshipers, she hates magic.

However, Catelyn is a little bit more tolerant after seeing the result of their work. Riverlands are one of the places where the healers do their work. So many people were saved because of them, and not too many died from the Black Death.

Unlike Westerland, where the healer refused to go, and as a result, eighty percent of their people died from the plague.

The healer looks at the boy and starts to cast a few spells on him. After diagnosing the patient, the healer put her staff on the boy and started chanting.

Unlike Viserys, who is loved by magic, many mages and healers from Lunaria need a medium to cast their magic. Some use runic arrays, but most use chant to reduce the amount of mana consumption by a lot.

"... Let the light bless you…."

After a few seconds, Bran's body starts to glow, and his face starts to regain its color. Finally, after another minute, he opens his eyes.

"Mother? Father?"


Catelyn quickly pushes the healer away and hugs her son tightly. When the healer gets up from the ground, Ned apologizes and puts his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for my wife's behavior, Madam Healer."

"You don't need to apologize, my lord. It was a natural reaction from a mother who just saw her son get injured."

While the Stark has a joyful moment, the Lannister who arrived a few minutes before the healer did not have the same joyful atmosphere, at least some of them.

Joffrey Baratheon is disappointed that he cannot see Bran die in front of him and cannot see the despairing expression of the Stark family when they lose their son.

Cersei Baratheon and Jaime Lannister have worried expressions because they are the reason why Bran is in this situation. They are afraid that the king will kill them both because they know that Robert will choose the Stark over them.

After a minute, Catelyn wipes her tears and looks at the healer next to her.

"Thank you, healer. Your actions will not be forgotten."

"Think nothing of it, my lady. I'm happy to help. However, shouldn't we ask young Bran how he fell? I hear from the others that young Bran is an expert in climbing, right? He should not have fallen down from the tower that was just repaired."

Hearing the healer's words, Ned decides to ask his son about it. However, instead of hearing an answer, Bran answered them with confusion as he did not remember anything. Hearing his answer, Ned asks if she can heal Bran's head.

"Sadly, I cannot heal brain damage, my lord. The only people who can do that are the Royal Healers and his Majesty Viserys."

"I see."

Ned makes a plan to invite them, but before he can do that, his wife decides to say.

"No matter. As long as he is alive and well, I don't care. We will do our own investigation and see who dares to push the son of a Great Lord."

Ned reluctantly nods his head and asks the healer to leave them alone while promising to reward her later. After saying goodbye and getting out of the room, the healer's face changes into a frown. While she is checking on Bran, she feels something that should not be there.

It was an influence from the outside. Some kind of memory magic that she has never seen before. After working with the Black Dog for a few years, she knows many of their memory techniques that prevent anyone from learning about their identity.

However, this is something she has never seen before. If the Black Dog's memory spell is subtle and hard to find, this one is brutish. It was easy to find, but it has the power to back it up.

When she arrives at the tavern, she walks toward the owner and says,

"Call the Black Dogs. Some kind of foul play has been done and it involved the Stark. Bran Stark has his memory altered or at least suppressed."

Whoever did this did not know they had invited the Black Dogs to their home. The Black Gods are on the hunt, and they are even more vicious than the Wolves.