PDS – Chapter 60 – Pangs of guilt, balls of steel

I stop talking and Katie takes the opportunity to remove the veggie from her mouth.

"Puah! Master… Ben… I…"

"It's all right, love, you don't have to say anything."

"But I want to! Who the fuck you think you are?"

I see genuine anger on her face now, and this takes me aback. I mean, I was expecting it, but I don't have to like it!

"Yes, I know that you used whatever weird power you have on me and my daughter! So what? Neither I nor Hope has ever felt so happy in all our lives! Tell me, you asshole! Will you one day throw us away?"

My voice is firm, coming from the depths of my twisted soul.

"No! Never!"

"Then I don't give a damn if you swooned me with your words or if you manipulated me, and the same goes for Hope! We are yours now, and happy to be so! Now, shut the fuck up and start moving again!"

I look at her in amazement. What a strong woman! All my doubts are gone now. I am me, and I am not going to change!