The Former Eight Wonders Of The World Become A Hideout.

Without waiting for the enemy to find

out the place, two people left the old

house in a hurry.

In the bus station.

Edian holds the soft hand of the woman

still not his wife, saying that it was part

of the play to cover-up their identities.

The lady wears a straw hat (similar to

what the kid wears who want to become

a pirate 👑 ), big sunglasses and a

mask: in order for the people not to

recognize her. For that kind of beauty

she possess and the popularity as being

the most beautiful in the province, it's

very easy to attract attention. As for the

man, there's no need because who

would notice a normal looking guy

walking on the street.

After buying tickets, the two went

directly to their seats. The bus was

modified to carry more passenger than

usual and now have three seats on both

side. It has also a toilet and small store

for the convenience of travellers.

Edian was about to sit on the window

side when,

*I want to seat near

the window.

Edian don't care this things and just

let her have it. There are three seat and

the one in the isles side is still vacant.

It's normal for the driver to wait for other

passengers before moving out. Because

there's nothing to do, the man close his

eyes to practice . He did not remind the

girl to do the same but let her watch the

scenery during the trip because he knew

that it is rare for the lady to go out to

another city.

Immerse in practice, Edian did not care

what's happening outside when a

familiar pain in he's waist was felt. He

open his eyes and look at the woman,


*Do you feel very

comfortable in your


The tone is flat seems that she's angry.

The man was really confuse but soon

realize a little weight in his left shoulder.

He turned his head to look and saw a

beautiful woman, same level as

the woman on his right side.

*Ahem! Excuse me

miss. Could you please

take back your head or

else my wife will pinch

my skin off.

Edian went to remind but didn't forget to

tease. The woman slowly opened her

eye and realize that she was sleeping

on other's husband's shoulder.

*I'm sorry, I was too

tired just now and fell


The woman was polite and made an

apology for her mistake.

*You don't have to

apologies. Just don't

lean to him again.

Before Edian could reply, Miss Han

spoke first in a warning tone. Edian

heard this and was happy because this

woman got jealous, but was also

embarrassed because she overreacted.

He need to do something snd eent to


*Well, let's called it a

tie. Look, I think we're

getting closer to our

destination. We should

settle ourselves to get

off later.

After saying this, the atmosphere

become awkward and the three choose

to shut their mouth until the bus

stopped in their destination. The woman

spoke first to say goodbye and left like

she was running from something.

*Is she beautiful?

Miss Han was so annoyed to see this

man still watching the beautiful woman

leaving and asked a sarcastic question.

Edian who was always calm in the mind

can't be fooled by a simple trick and


*My eyes can look to

other women but never

my heart will. I have

only one and will always

beat to only one. The

woman that I will love

forever is just beside


Flowery words again. No matter who will

hear these words, the heart surely melts.

*Huh! Do you know that

you talk too much. Don't

talk to me and go talk to

that girl.

This lady still pretends to be angry and

utter these words. Edian knows this and

did not take it seriously. Gently grab the

girl's hand and led her to the mountain,

terrace with rice fields. Familiar with the

way, the two walk for almost one hour

and came to an entrance of a cave. This

place was found by Edian in the past life

when he was wondering around the

world. He choose this spot because it's

the nearest place he know and also

there are many resources to collect.

*Are we going to stay


Miss Han asked this question, simply

want ask a question. There is no other

meaning just to know the answer

*Yes, but only for the

meantime. We can't stay

to one place but move

from time to time after

using all the energy and

resources available

around the area. Come

on, let me show you

what kind of treasure the

Banaue Rice Terraces

have been hiding from

the beginning of time

( i'm sure this is not the

Yamashita's treasure in

the mouth of the locals ).

With great curiousity, this woman was

obediently pulled by the man inside👀...