New Sword, New Ruler, New Wife And Etc.

More than a hundred gods in complete

battle gear that are blessed with

different blessings, went to surround

Edian with Luicy behind him. A human in

the realm of Incubation was able to

mobilize the royal guards and if other

race would know this, the celestial race

will become a joke. These celestial royal

guards are looking at the two enemy

with no vigilance at all and thought that

it should be easy to kill an idiot and a

beach. It's hard to believe that many of

these royal guards once like a loyal dogs

following the beautiful Luicy but now, all

becomes a coward and unable to

contradict the most coward celestial in

Supernal World.

*Boy! Stop your useless

struggle and cut yourself

so not to feel more pain.

Don't worry, we will not

kill Luicy. After we play a

couple rounds with her

and was satisfied, that's

the time we send her to

you in the afterlife.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

The one who holds the title, head of the

royal guard had a bad thought and even

said it proudly. The others heard this and

joined to laugh while the mind was

thinking of the good thing that will

happen later. But the laughter didn't last

long and replaced with a dead silence.

Everyone except Aeya now knows what

kind of existence they provoked. Edian

right now can display his strength

without using any form. Unless a

Supreme god will appears again just like

in planet Eros. But for these bunch of

gods with trash weapons, the man can

kill a thousands.

*I don't want to kill innocent

celestials! All I want are those

celestials who are responsible

of Luicy's torture. I give you

ten minutes to bring these

celestials in front of me or else,

many of you will follow the fate

of that celestial.

Hearing the last sentence, everyone

looked at their fellow guard who

become a hundred meat on the ground

and then looked at their king.

The king saw this and went to scold.

*What are you doing!?

Scared? Are you all

stupid? Why don't you

do it together! Can one

super being has the

ability to defeat all the

celestials here. Don't

forget that this is

Supernal World! Our

territory! Now! I order

you as the king to kill

that bastard.

These scared guards heard this and

came to their senses. The courage

slowly coming back and about to do it


*Father! Do you want

these guards to die

before you realize

what's going on. Do

you know that brother

Edian killed the Lord

of Eros and thousands

of sytirrans alone.

The words was so loud and petrified

these guards. They suddenly

remembered the rumor that was still

circulating around the universe and felt

weak on their knees.

*Aeya, what are you

talking about? I heard

that the god of death is

the one who killed the

Lord of Eros and many

sytirrans. Do you want

to save him by making

up a story? Aeya! I'm

telling you, no one can

save this bastard from


Aeya heard this and want to give up but

these guards are innocent and must be

saved so,

*Father, what kind of god

of death your talking

about. Brother Edian

saved me from the Lord

of Eros and cleaned up

all the sytirrans in that

city. He also manage to

wipe out the army who

came to help. Father! If

you don't stop now, many

celestials will also die in

his hands.

The king then hesitate and finally

choose to compromise. Still in an

arrogant tone, he said.

*Boy! Leave this place

immediately together

with that beach before

I change my mind.

Edian seems he's waiting for something,

didn't reply and just stood there.The king

saw this and his head become hot again.

*Boy! Don't force me to

do it. Do you think

Supernal World is the

same as Eros? We have

more Supreme gods

here than there.

These news made Edian to react and it

was seen by the king. He thought the

boy was scared and become more


*Hah! This is your last

change boy! Dragged

that beach and get out

of here.

Edian heard the word beach again and

the killing intent to the king went to the

peak. Seeing that the time has come,

he never thought of leaving instead,

*Your ten minutes is up.

All your lives is now in

my hands.

The words sounded and before it could

spread out, the man with the wind and

lighting moves and rushes toward the

mastermind of the crime. No one has

the ability of perception and speed to

intercept this, only the aftermath was

seen by everyone. The king's head

rolled on the ground and there was a

complete silence in the arena. Later,

a cry was heard breaking the silence.

*Father! Hu! Hu! Hu!

Aeya who knew that her father was

wrong but still the heart is broken. She

didn't resent her brother, just to grieve

for the death of a family member. Edian

saw Aeya like this and pitied her but

didn't regret killing a wicked king.

There's a little sister crying but the goal

is still not achieved so he said in a loud

deep cold voice.

*If you still want your

head on your neck!?

Bring all the celestials

who are involved. This

time, I give you one

minute to do it.

These frightened guards was in a hurry

to betray their comrade and pushed

them in front.The minute ended and

thirty celestials was force to kneel by

their fellow guards. Without confirming

the matter, Edian swing his sword thirty

times as thirty heads fell to the ground.

Ignoring the horrified royal guards, the

man went beside Aeya and said.

*Aeya, I hope your

smart enough to

understand the

situation. I'm not

that kind of being

who go around and

kill other beings. I hope

you and me could still

be brother and sister in

the future.

The little girl who's emotion is unstable

stood up and hugged the man. This

being murdered his father but still her

heart beats for him.

*Brother Edian! I don't

blame you for what

you did. I just,,, I just,,,

Hu! Hu! Hu!

The man really can't stand to see

beauties in tears and about to say some

good words when six super beings

suddenly appeared. The pressure

coming from these newcomers was felt

by Edian and knew that he can't handle

even one of them. "If there's a battle to

fight, my form still can't be transform

because my body is still in the process

of recovery".The man thought of a

way but nothing came up but trouble

won't wait for anyone and will surely hit

him so hard this time...