A Little Drama and Army Of Supreme god

Four beauties are wordless in front of the

emoting big man but a voice sounded

behind them.

*Brother Edian, we're sorry that

you almost died because of us.

*Yes big brother, we're very

sorry. If you didn't acted in a

hurry to save us, maybe the

result is not like this.

Everyone almost forgot these twins but

it's good they took the initiative to say

hello. Edian who's wasting tears heard it

and realize that his behavior is not a

good thing. Without wiping those tears, a

bright smile appeared on the face and


*What are you two little sister

saying? What happened to me

is nothing to do to the both of

you. It's because the enemy has

a last card and got me in

surprise so stop blaming

yourselves and let's all forget

it. Come on! Is there something

to eat in the kitchen? Because

i'm starving to death.

At least the words have some effect and

two little beauties went to wiped their

tears. The man took the lead and

everyone followed except Arrianne who's

still embarrassed of what happened

earlier. Aingelikca was the last in line and

notice the little sister.

*Arrianne, is there something

wrong? Don't try to hide it and

tell us if there something wrong

with you.

Arrianne suddenly blush upon hearing

this, quickly hugged big sister's hand

and said.

*Sister Aingelikca, there's nothing

wrong with me. Let's hurry up to

the kitchen because i'm also


The little girl pulled the wondering

Aingelikca and hope her sister will not

ask question again. Luckily, the big sister

didn't speak anymore and the two went

to the kitchen.

In the dining table, six beauties and a not

so handsome man is taking a big meal

while having a good conversation.

Arrianne notice that this big brother

seems to forgot what she did and talking

to her like nothing happens. But no one

knows how's the man is struggling to

act normal. How can he forget this kind

of experience. This story is so good to

boast in front of his friends and can be

a bedtime story for his future children

entitled " How I Met Your Mother ". Edian

still has the skill of acting manage to play

the game and the incident that almost

ended to a tragedy was totally buried by

the good meal.

*By the way, what did those

Supreme god do when I was

asleep for more than seven

days? I will never let them go

even they will hide in the

boundery's of the universe.

Everyone was confuse when they heard

the words seven days. Khristeine is

always the first to speak and said.

*Edian, according to what we

watched in Arrianne's phone.

The remaining ten Supreme god

fled as soon as they saw their

two companions lost their heads.

The servant present on that time

said he heard one of them said

something in their own tongue.

Although he didn't understand it,

he can see how scared these

bunch of Supreme god was. A

rumor is spreading that the

words translated as " Barbarian,

race of the ' head hunters '. But

Edian, did you say you slept for

more that seven days.How

could you say that because it

was just more than a day.

Edian heard these and it was too much

to digest. He know something about the

Barbarian race and they're really a head

hunter race. These means that the rumor

is true and someone in Earth has a wide

knowledge about the outside world.

What's more, the man was sure he spend

more than seven days in the unknown

world but he was also sure that

Khristeine said was true. Edian was in his

thought so these beauties didn't not

disturb him. Six ladies talked about their

thing and let the man thinks as much as

he want.


Somewhere in the planet

called " Heavenly Land ", Five people is

having a bad time talking.

*Peater, are you sure it was done

by barbarian?

*My lord! I'm not sure about it

but Paule and Thoemas are

strong Supreme gods. It seems

they lost their heads without any

stuggle. What kind of existence

can do it and the most suspect

is the barbarian race.

The lord heard it and was convince. With

an arrogant tone he said.

*Even the barbarian race is

strong, the Angelic Body must

be captured no matter what.

Go and take a hundred of

Supreme gods with you. No

matter who comes to stop

you, kill them even the

barbarians is not excepted.

*Yes my lord! I will make sure

to accomplish the mission.

After saying this, the super being

disappeared and went to assemble the

army. Edian who's still trying to think of

the possibilities didn't know what's

coming neither the people of Earth are

ignorant to the great disaster on the
