The Universe Is To Small For Enemies To Meet.

Ten minutes earlier.

Supernal World, Empyrean Galaxy.

Central City... Royal family fortress.

In the hall, the whole royal family and

other important celestials are present. In

the highness seat, a young celestial

sat there cold as ice. In front of her is a

young handsome being talking elegantly

but can't hide the arrogance in him.

*Aeya, marriage between

two race is the best way to

prevent a bloody war. Marry

me and let's seal an alliance

that will last for a lifetime. Is

it a win win for the two of us

and both planets.

This being is really arrogant and was

falking direct to say what he want to say

without any respect and sincerity. The

celestials in the hall are so angry and

want to kill the trash on the spot but no

one dare to act recklessly.

*Is everyone in the Heavenly

land speak like that or just

you who didn't even reach

the realm of Ascension.

What do you call a super

being in a right age, son of

an lord with unlimited

resources and still stuck in

the realm of Transformation.

I'm sure you don't know

because aside from being a

loser among losers, the brain

on your head is defective. So

tell me now, how could I

marry someone like you who

is only strong on the mouth

and dependent to his


Aeya right now is really in a bad mood.

Her big brother ( future husband ) didn't

come instead, a very annoying waste

appeared and proposed a marriage. The

little queen didn't hold back and let the

truth slap this arrogant young lord in the

thick skinned face. The young lord heard

it all and was " Emosonally Damagj ". The

facts hit him hard and instantly enrage.

*You falking beach! Do you

really think I'm in love with

you that's why I want to

marry you. If those seniors

didn't suggest this idea, your

planet had been long invaded

by bloody means. Now, I give

you one last chance. Marry

me and form an alliance or

let war decides everything.

Finally, the real purpose was revealed

proudly by this waste son. Although it was expected, these celestials are still

shocked and angry. Almost all of them

hope for their queen to choose war.

*Did the proud sons of

heaven also thought that

we, the celestial race will

bow their heads easily. I am

just a weak young queen but

I believe that a strong king is

always behind me and will

appear if i'm in trouble. I, the

queen of Supernal World

declare was to Heavenly land.

Go tell to your ambitious

father to stop dreaming and

be satisfied to his territory. If

not, come here and be a


Aeya, a little girl had trusted the big

brother she knew and took the initiative

to wage war against a superior planet.

*Ha! Ha! Ha! An inferior

planet dare to say such a

thing. Your the one who

made me, do it the hard

way. P1 and P2, capture

that beach for me. It's a

good souvenir for me

coming here.

The words was heard. Two Supreme

gods in the middle stage move their feet

to execute the order. The royal guards in

the realm of gods saw this and

instinctively moved to intercept the

threat. But what is a god in front of a

Supreme god. Ten guards went to save

but even their own lives, they failed to

keep. The celestial Supreme god who

want to save the queen but they were a

little slower. P1 and P2 after cleaning

those minions, went to capture the

queen. The movement is very fast and

about to grab the little queen when a

figure faster than them suddenly

appeared and cut those filthy hands.

These two Supreme gods who never

detect the in coming attack lose their

hands. Everyone was shocked on the

scene they saw. No one spoke for a long

time including the arrogant young lord

of the Heavenly land and all of them

starring at the newcomer nervously...