Double Practice: Perfected.

Inside the car.

Edian is always good in telling a story

and went to say it.

*There are many factors

that can affect the

practice of a being. But

there are only two kinds:

either advantageous or


You were born to have

lewd or impure body and

obviously a factor that

it is so disadvantageous

in your practice. The

energy absorb by our

body is always positive

but your body that is

so impure totally

contaminate it. That's

why the energy you

have absorbed for ten

years didn't give you

any benefits.

These words, it was the weirdest

explanation she had ever heard but also

it was the best among the bullsheet of


*Brother, it seems that

you know a lot and I

believe everything you

have said. But how

come I have an impure

body when no one has