Somewhere in the mall.
*Baby,,, look at how cute
they are. Maybe oneday,
you can also carry me
like a princess in public.
A young man heard the words of his
girlfriend and looked at the direction. He
saw how embarrassing the scene was
and can't help to say,
*Baby, You know how
much I love you but
please don't let me get
embarrassed in front
of many people. I rather
buy the bag that you
always insist for me to
*Baby! Are you serious!?
The prize of that bag is
one million. Do you
really want to buy it?
*Of course i'm serious.
It's better to spend a
million than to do what
you want me to do.
Come on, let go and see
that golden bag of yours.
*Baby,,, your really the
best! Don't worry, I will
give you a reward later
Edian heard everything and can't help to