No Goodbyes,,, Hurt The Most.

The two sisters hugged their brother on

both side and it took them almost an

hour to let go. How can these sisters

take this matter lightly if the brother

who was apart for many decades is

about to leave and the chance of his

return is almost impossible.

Edian watch his two little sisters in tears

but the choice he choose is the best

way and need to be done as soon as

possible. Went to pat those heads and in

a soft voice, he said.

*I'm sorry that instead of

spending this time with

you, I choose to leave.

I know your years old

enough to understand.

This place, my wives

and daughters; I

entrusted to the two of

you. Make sure that no

matter what they say,

everyone should stay

here: use force if

neccesary. Well, both

of you are smart and

already know what to

do. I don't need to tell

everything and the only