Also Known As "Sacrifice Island."

The news that the mysterious island

appeared spread out and many super

being, strong or weak: entered the

island to try their luck. But no one needs

to broadcast the news because the

island is very visible, floating above the

city. It's still in the middle of the day but

the whole city has no light at all because

the floating mysterious island is too big

to cover up four cities. In fact, the

island is consist of four zone. Each

zone is similar to the size of a big city.

Time passed by and the zone got their

own names by different era, but Spring,

Winter, Summer and Fall stand out

among all the names. The three zones

got a very dangerous environment and

no one dares to hunt there because just

entering the area may kill you. Spring

zone is the only place where the

environtment is friendly, so most of

these super being raiders hunt there.

These is definitely a bad news for Edian

because the forbidden tree is growing

in the same place. But even the whole