Glimpse At The Real Mysterious Place.

There's no faster way for a woman to

calm down from emotional breakdown,

only to let her cry on a man's chest:

feeling secure and loved.

Edian's chest is very effective and the

crying slowly stops, until;

*Are you really here to

take us home?

She looked at the man's eyes, asking a

question: expecting to be true.

*Why should I come here

and lie to you about this

matter.Well, I should treat

brother Clarke first and

let's talk later.

This sister is also worried about the

condition of his brother in arms, went to

close the door and pulled Edian towards

the miserable Clarke.

*Sister Mika, what's going

on? Who's that male with


A man who can't move finally saw her

sister came back and went to ask.

But before she could answer,,,

*Brother Clarke, you may

not recognize me

because of my appearance

but it is me: Edian. Drink

this and recover. We will