Always Start Your Day With A Good Breakfast.

Back to the scene where the perverted

man is still in live action of his own.

Firing two times in a row without a

pause, the bladeless sword starts to

become soft but the hand still didn't

stop from the south and north motion.

No one knows how long it was and the

third shot was fired without getting

hard anymore.

This time, the shot didn't come out

spurting but flowing; and instead of

white fluid, the bladeless swords was

broken to let out blood. 

*Ahhh!!! You falking inhumane

beach! Just kill me already as

your mercy.

*Hah! How many women did

you force without mercy,,, and

you're asking for it now. At least

you will die doing what you love

to do; so stay here and play with

yourself to death.

*No beach! Let me die a painless