After coming from Cafe they went into the bedroom for watching movie . Alice started playing with roses spread around her .
suddenly they heard a bell sound .
Then Henry realized it's a Calling bell
After hearing that he went and open the door...
The door was not locked, but it was just closed...
When he opened the door, he saw Alice's mom was standing at the door.
Mother: Hi, Henry ! Do you know where is Alice?
Henry : Come in Aunty, she's here ..
* Alice while coming out of the room *
"Hey mom , I am here "
Mom : Alice , Helia is coming today.
I want you to cook her favorite food. Let's go .
Alice : OK mom , sure .
*Alice's mother leaves *
Henry : Who is helia ?
Alice : She's my cousin .
Henry : You know what , I hate this name.
Alice : Really..?
Henry : yea , Helia was my ex's name.
Alice : Oh...
Henry : Anyway , you go and cook for your cousin .
Alice : Hey you can also join us.
Henry : OK. I'll be there.
*Alice gives Henry a goodbye hug*