
Previous Chapter:

"So, what are you waiting for? Let's hunt for 'Upgrade'!" Sorren rushed over his first mission as a UE Fighter now.


"But before rushing into troubles... How about let me see your weapon first?" Asten wanted to check what kind of weapon he is using because weapons also depend on how effective they will be against that opponent.

"Fine by me...so, I use Dagger as my weapon"

"Woah, Dagger style huh? that's quite a useful weapon because it is compatible with swords (small-mid sized) also.

Well, show me your skills of Dagger style" Sorren goes to the place where he used to practice his Dagger skills and everything.

When Sorren reached the place, Asten noticed that place what quite a deserted area...wood was shattered everywhere and a few broken tools. There were a few wooden practice dolls also, Sorren moved closer to one of the dolls and took out his dagger from his behind.

As he rushed towards, he bent down and when he got close to the target, he pulled his dagger out and struck through it, then jumped and flipped so that he could get a force to hit his second target and strike down.. by secs.. the first doll got cut into four pieces and the second doll into two pieces.. same with the other dolls. He got in between the area of two dolls and cut off its head.

"HMPH, this was quite easy" Sorren started boasting about his dagger skills.

"Hmm, It is pretty good according to your age" Asten seems to be a little bit disappointed by his performance.

"How about I give you a new dagger? this one sucks"

Sorren was a little bit surprised because Asten is a soul how can he give anything?

"It seems like you don't believe me. Ok, see."

A system message opened up

[Night Dagger]


[Wind Dagger]

[Blood Oath Dagger]

[Demon Oath Dagger]

"What the hell are these!?" "These are weapons which I made when I used to be alive" "Are these 'E weapons'?"

"Yes, there are 'Custom E Weapon' so choose one."

(E Weapon: Weapons which are compatible with elements using mana stone in it)

Sorren got into deep thinking of which dagger he should choose, and lastly he chose one

"I choose Night Dagger"

[Attack DMG: 40+]

[Speed Assist: 20+]

[Special Skills: -LOCKED- (no compatible element detected)]




"Awesome! now I have my own weapon"

"Got to admit though that you picked up a good one which suits yourself." Asten didn't expect him to pick up that weapon. "Now getting the 'Start' would be easier"

(E Weapon: Weapon with elemental supported and might have special skill also)

"So, let's hunt for 'upgrade now!"

Sorren rushes over the jungle and time was almost evening. "I never came here at dark... I hope nothing creepy comes up here," "Uff, why are you so scared?" "It's not that what you think, wait I think I heard something that way."

"well, I also heard it, go for that creature"

Sorren slowly walked in that direction moved away from the bushes and saw that there was a pack of wolves which was another animal.

"Go! Kill it!" and the Sorren charged towards them with his new dagger and then the wolves noticed him and backed off, because of that Sorren missed it.

The Wolves attacked back and Sorren managed to Defend himself. One of the Wolf was sticking to his new dagger and with his left-hand dagger trusted it into its eyes, "KIEEK"

Right into the eyeball which got ripped apart, blood was flowing out of it. Sorren couldn't tolerate the sight of blood at the beginning as it reminded him of the past.

"Damn these wolves" Sorren again tries to charge against the wolves and he was successfully able to hit them and one of the wolves directly died from it. "Just a few more..."

After Two Hours...

"Huff...huff...huff... finally got it cleared, my right got some bruises though but that's fine"

[Strength : 12 (+40)]

[Agility : 11 (+20)]

[Stamina: 57 ]

"I got some pretty decent stats" "Way to go, boy... we got lighting as our first element"

"Awesome our first element!" Sorren was filled with happiness... and realised it was already very much late.

"Damn it! we got no time Asten to deal with these kinds of stuff now..." Sorren runs towards his base... while running he realised he was running a lot faster than before by a lot! "I am faster than previous! Is it the effect of my dagger?"

"Yes... it is so lot easier to reach base now."

Because of that speed boost he got from his dagger, he reached his base a lot faster and goy yelled by General Garen

"Where were you this whole time!"

"Please forgive me I didn't mean to just get stuck by something..."

"I don't know what it was that made you stop but as a punishment less meal for the dinner"


Sorren didn't get to eat well this time but he was quite happy himself that finally, he has an element of his and an overpowered weapon...

"Today must be my luckiest day." Asten interrupted in between... "Sorren... you might be happy now but lots of things are coming up.. you got to prepare soon for those" "Yeah I know"

"Uff, nothing can be done with you..."

Just like that his first day as a proper UE Fighter goes as the best...but a path always has some troubles...

A.N: I guess I didn't explain how Asten sees things even though he is a soul right? It is very simple... he just shares the vision of Sorren or in simple words whatever Sorren sees... Asten sees that only. Do any more questions? Ask me in the comment box.