Like a Dragon

The parking lot of Myth Inc. HQ. After winding down from that tense conversation, the rest of the dinner between John, Kai, and Sakura passed without much trouble.

There was the part where he had to talk a bit about his family... and the awkward bit where he had to improvise on why Alpha and Beta called him Master at first before they had started to relax and call him Father, but all-in-all things went well.

And then it was time for everyone to leave for the evening.

"Bye Mister John!" Tsuki waved and then turned towards Alpha and Beta. "Bye Miss Alpha! Miss Beta!"

Rin nodded and waved goodbye as well. "Have a pleasant evening, everyone! I'll do my best tomorrow too!"

Sakura sighed and pulled Rin for a one-armed hug. "You work too hard, Sweetie."


Kai chuckled and then nodded at John. "I'll leave it to you then."

Casual words, but ones with a double meaning.

John nodded and said, "You just worry about taking care of your daughter, Kai. And take Rin and Sakura home safe, you hear?"

"Of course. I'd rather die than let harm come to any of these girls."

Tsuki flinched, quickly tugging on her father's coat. "D-Daddy?"

Hearing her voice, Kai flinched too and then patted her head. "It's a figure of speech, Princess. I wouldn't ever leave you."


Kai smiled and held out his pinky. "Pinky promise."

"...Okay." Tsuki nodded and crossed her pinky with Kai's. "But if you lie then I'm going to get Miss Alpha to beat you up! She's really good at martial arts, you know?"

John blinked and looked at Alpha.

She coughed and averted her gaze, blushing.

Beta looked over everyone and said, "It is getting late. Please, drive safely and have a good evening."

Sakura glanced at her phone and said, "Beta's right. It's almost nine... we should get going, Kai. You wouldn't want to keep Tsuki up too late."

The young girl huffed and said, "I can stay up late if I want! I'm not a kid!"

Sakura smiled and ruffled Tsuki's hair. "Of course not, Tsuki-chan. But you need to sleep well if you want to grow up properly. Don't be like your big sis Rin and stay up all night reading manga on her phone."

Rin gasped and said, "Y-You knew I was doing that, Mom?!"

"I pay the bills, Sweetie. Of course I knew."

Rin flushed and then quickly walked over to Kai's car, a blacked out Honda Civic.

Kai chuckled and unlocked it, letting Rin duck inside.

"Wait for me, Rin nee-san!" Tsuki jogged after Rin, hopping into the seat next to her.

Sakura laughed and headed towards the passenger seat of the car. "Come on, Kai."

"For someone who insists she's not old, you sure do act like a nagging wife..."

Sakura stopped and turned her head. "Hah? What was that?"

"Nothing, Sakura." Kai shook his head and then walked over to the driver's seat. As he got inside, he gave John a short wave and said, "Take care, Friend."

John nodded. "Leave everything to me."

Kai smiled and shut the door. After making sure everyone was safely buckled in, Kai started the engine and drove off, leaving only the faint crimson backlights in the darkness.

And then they were gone.

John stared into the darkness and then frowned.

Beta noticed her father's changed mood and said, "Is something the matter, Father?"

Alpha noticed as well and said, "What's wrong, Father?"

John tucked his hand into his pocket before changing his clothes. At once, a dark suit and pants appeared on him. Clothes more fitting for a funeral than a casual night stroll.

"I'm going to make our first hire."

"Eh?" Alpha blinked. "This late, Father?"

Beta quickly walked in front of John and blocked his path. "You will not."

John frowned. "And why not, Betty?"

"Regardless of the circumstances, you still need to clip, edit, and translate Hana's privated karaoke stream on your channel."

John blinked and then he sighed. "Right. First things first."

The matter with the local yakuza was important, but ensuring Rin's career was more important.

Besides, with those guys handling things, John shouldn't have to worry about the yakuza for the time being.

John shrugged and said, "Let's head back inside then. I'll take care of that before I head out."

It wasn't like anything major was going to happen in a couple of hours.

...Though it did bother John that his shadow servants seemed livelier than usual when he sent them off.

But that was probably just because of his emotions at the time giving them more realism. It wasn't like he really brought the guys to life.



"Is that all? Man, the Seiryuu have gotten soft." Maji tossed a body to the side and shook his head.

"You can't blame them too much, bro. Considering that man took us out, they must have thought they didn't need to train their skills anymore." Saji kicked an unconscious thug off to the side as well, cracking his neck.

A soapland in Kamurocho. After John told them to go stir up trouble, Maji and Saji decided to head to their old stomping grounds and clean house.

"It's those two!" A man pointed from behind a door and said, "Get them!"

More doors slammed open and then thugs with guns started to pour out.

Maji sighed. "Kids these days don't have any sense of honor."

"Mm." Saji tilted his head to his sworn brother and said, "Should we teach it to them, bro?"

The man hiding behind the door shouted. "Shoot them already!"

Maji rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Kids and their toys..."

Gunfire filled the hallway, erupting it in noise like a fireworks display.

But at the same time, there was a strange sound.

An endless stream of beautiful metallic notes.

And then the gunfire died down.

When it did, an odd sight was on display. Silver powder, falling to the ground, almost like snow.

Maji flipped his knife around and grinned. "Our turn now... Right?"


Maji stepped forward, a wide grin on his face. Sticking a finger up with his left hand, he wagged it and said, "No, no. We're not monsters. We're 'ghosts.'"

Silver flashed and then screams filled the air along with a mad cackle.


[Recommended BGM]

Asako clutched her left arm, staggering down an alleyway. "Damn... it..."

A mess.

She thought that she had handled it after the race with that foreigner, but it seemed that she underestimated her father.

To think that he would actually throw away all decorum and order her death after the accident failed...

"She went this way!"

Voices. More of her father's men.

"Tch..." Asako grit her teeth and looked around.

A back alley on the outskirts of Kamurocho. Snow covered the ground. Fresh snow at that, enough that it'd be obvious if someone went through.

"Shit. Guess I have to push through it..." Asako sighed and then grabbed a handful of snow, rubbing it on her left arm.

Pain shot through it, and blood stained the ground. But more importantly, the cold numbed the pain a little, letting her move it.

At the same time, she let out a breath, calming herself.

A pair of men in suits ran into the alley. One with a wooden bat and the other with a serrated knife.

The one with the bat pointed at Asako and then cocked his head back, shouting. "Over here!"

Asako pursed her lips and considered running. But she could feel it. While her limbs were working now and she could use the 'flow' of her martial arts after that breakthrough in the race, it was like pouring water into an oil fire. Odds were that she would collapse before getting to the end of the alleyway.

Not to mention that she would probably get surrounded the moment she did.


There wasn't anyone to save her life this time around. No Torabu heir to send his bodyguards to bail her out of trouble. No suave older gentleman to kill the assassins after her life. No attractive foreigner to stop her life from spinning out of control.

Asako clenched her fists and raised them, getting ready to fight. At the same time, she assessed her body.

She had lost her coat and only had her white blouse on. But that was ripped and stained with blood from the knife blows she blocked with her arms. Her jeans were riddled with holes and also stained with blood.

Her right arm was probably fractured, if not broken. Meanwhile, her left was bleeding from a stab wound that she couldn't even treat, only kept at bay from the snow she jammed into it.

In short, she was only a few steps away from death.

The foreigner might have saved her life the other night, but it seemed like he only bought her a day's worth of time.

The man with the bat stepped forward, pointing it at Asako. "You've caused a bit of a mess, Lady Asako. But I suggest you come with us before we take drastic measures." Saying that, he walked forward.

"Shut up and fight me, motherfucker." Asako spat on the ground and said, "I'm not about to take lip from some dipshit who can't even wipe his own ass and has to drag another guy to handle one girl. Or what, not man enough to handle me alone?"

"You bitch!" The man with the bat growled and ran forward. "I'll show you-"

"Wait, you idiot! Even if she's wounded, she's still the Boss's-!"

Asako slid forward, dodging the bat by a hair's breadth. At the same time, she slammed her head into the man's nose.

"Gah!" He dropped the bat, reaching to clutch his nose.

Asako kicked her left leg, lashing at the bat. With it, the weapon spun through the air and slammed into the man's neck.

His eyes widened and he fell backwards, collapsing on the ground.

Pain shot through Asako's body, protesting at the movements. But she ignored it.

One second more. If she could live one second more, any pain was fine. Instead, if she felt pain, she was alive. And that was what mattered.

The bat clattered on the ground.

Asako reached down and grabbed it with her left hand before raising it up.

The man with the knife spat on the ground. "Dumbass." He flipped it around in his hand, holding it in a reverse grip before advancing. "A wounded beast is the most dangerous. Charging in like that... What an idiot."

Asako raised the bat like a sword and said, "And you're not? Trying to match the Seiryuu Heiress in close combat... Are you suicidal?"

The man smirked. "I'm not. But I don't have to match you. All I need to do-" He suddenly dashed forward, swinging his knife.

Asako swung the bat to block it. But as she did, the man twisted his blade, causing it to bite into the wooden bat.

The impact jarred Asako's arm, causing her to wince.

The man grinned and he pushed forward. "...Is wait until your last dregs of energy run out."

"Motherfucker...!" Asako wrapped her right hand around the bat and pulled it back, intending to wrench the man's knife with it.

But he was a step faster and pulled back first.

The force sent a wave of pain through Asako's arms and she flinched, loosening her grip.

As a result, the bat went flying through the air, landing on the ground behind the man.

Clatter. Snow being kicked up in the air.

The man laughed. "I knew it." He smiled and said, "You're wounded more than you let on."


More men started pouring into the alley. One, two... a dozen of them. Some with guns as well.

The man flipped the knife around in his hand and said, "A pity. Princess Asako was always pretty and talented... but the boss's word is final. He doesn't need a snake who wants to try to become a flood dragon."

Asako pursed her lips and stepped back. But when she did a wave of exhaustion hit her, along with a jolt of pain. "Fuck..." She hissed and forced herself to stand up instead.

The man with the knife laughed. "Looks like it's the end of the road for the little blue snake. Well." He stepped forward, all amusement wipe from his face. "Time to say good night, Prin- Hm?"

[Play: Yakuza 1 OST Track 2 - Receive You]

Faint footsteps coming from the other side of the alleyway. Not only that, but there was the sound of a body being tossed to the ground, followed by a low groan.

The man with the knife narrowed his eyes and stared behind Asako. "Who the hell are you?"

Asako glanced back and then her eyes widened.

A man in a light grey blazer, suit pants, and a maroon shirt with an upturned collar. Slightly spiked black hair and a stern expression that looked almost like a glaring dragon.

She recognized him. Not just from the clan records though. Instead, she had seen him recently and in the flesh. "You're...?"

The man in the light grey blazer gave her a faint smile, nodding. "You can take it easy now."

Asako laughed, tears welling up in her eyes.

And there she was thinking that she already owed that foreigner her life. How was she going to repay this debt now?

The man in the light grey blazer... No, the one who looked eerily similar to the Dragon of Dojima stepped forward. Kiri narrowed his eyes and said, "All of this for one girl?" He cracked his knuckles and said, "Pathetic."

Asako stared at the man and then sighed. "I'll leave it to you." Muttering that, she gave in to the wave of exhaustion and pain. Before she fell down, a pair of firm arms grabbed her and then gently set her against the wall.

Asako blinked, her consciousness fading. Still, as it cut out, she saw it.

That man stepping forward, his fists raised in a firm stance. At the same time, she heard his gravelly voice roar out. "Step forward if you want to die!"


...Ah. She really needed to stop falling for men like that...