Alfi Titor’s First Gaming Stream

A blank screen with a solid black background. On it was the usual message counting down a scheduled livestream.

[Meincraft] Alfi Titor's First Gaming Stream

Alfi Titor Ch.

Live in 5 minutes.

November 16, 7:00 PM

[Alfi-chaaaan! We love you!]

[Alfi Titor Ch. - Live soon! Sorry for last time!]

[Don't apologize! You did great!]

[I was crying too!]

[You were on TV!]

[Alfi Titor Ch. - I was?]

[Alfi Titor Ch. - (╥︣__╥)]

[MOD: Hana Ch. - Don't worry, Nee-chan! You'll do great!]

Live in 4 minutes.

[Poppy Gloria - You've got this, darling!]


[A verified account?]

[Poppy Gloria?!]


[Alfi Titor Ch. - Thank you Miss Gloria! I'm honored!]

[Hnnngh! Why can't I be verified too dammit!]

Live in 3 minutes.

[Just got here. Meincraft stream?]

[Ooh! Comfy stream with Alfi-chan?]

[How's everyone doing today, chat?]

[Let's go!]

[Great, how about you?]

Live in 2 minutes.

[Alfi Titor Ch. - *nervous*]

[*3AM gang, let's go!*]

[*Greeting from America! Loved your debut!*]

[*A stream at a reasonable hour and with Alfi of all people?! Blessed!*]

[*Finally! A stream the Europe bros can catch!*]

[www Overseas bros are excited]

[Ooh right! Can Alfi-chan speak English?]

[Alfi Titor Ch. - *Thank you for coming all this way! And please, don't stay up to watch me! Get some rest! I'll always be here waiting!*]

[*Kuh! B-But... my waifu...!*]

[*YOUR waifu?!*]

Live in 1 minute.

[MOD: Beta - None of you are qualified to be Eldest Sister's husband.]

[MOD: Beta - *You bastards think you have a chance with my oldest sister? Dream on.*]


[*Gah! Scary!*]

[www Miss Beta's harsher on the overseas bros]


[So Miss Beta is the final boss after all!]

[Alfi Titor Ch. - Betty! Stop it!]



[MOD: Beta - Tch.]

Waiting for Alfi Titor Ch. to start...

[Play C418 - Sweden]

The solid black background changed, turning into Alfi's room. The silver-haired young woman was the same as before. But she was also different. The lacy black one-piece dress was gone. And in its place...


[P-Panda pajamas...?!]



[Too... cute...]

[*Hnnnggh. I can't handle this much sugar so early!*]

Alfi shifted in place, pulling the panda hood over her head. "T-This is embarrassing... U-Um. I hope you don't mind. But I wanted to have a comfy stream with everyone..."


[*100% OKAY!*]

[You can wear whatever you want!]

[It's even better if you don't wear anything!]

[This message was deleted by a moderator]

[MOD: Beta - I will break you.]

[*I'm in my pajamas too!*]

[Uwaa... I'm melting... too cozy...]

Alfi glanced to the side and smiled. "Thank you! Then I'll get started. Let me just sit down and pull everything up... Um, it was this button, right?"

The video changed, moving Alfi off to the side. At the same time, a menu screen popped up on the left. A dirt background with [MEINCRAFT] at the top, along with options for new game, settings, and exit game. And then, over Alfi's head, there was a miniature copy of the livechat, laid out like a thought bubble.

[Let's goooo!]

[We're really doing this!]

[*I wonder how good she is?*]

[*Just got here from Readit. Is she real?*]

[*OMG! Even the chatbox is cute!*]

Alfi pulled over a chair from out of frame and then sat down. As she did, she let out a sigh. "Phew. Everything's working this time. That's a relief." She smiled and then said, "So how is everyone doing today? I'm sorry again for ending the stream so suddenly last time..."

[I'm doing better than great now that you're here!]

[*Tired, but it's worth it!*]

[*Don't worry! you were great!*]

[It reached us! Your heart definitely reached us!]

Alfi glanced at the chat and then her smile widened. "I'm glad. And I hope that I can make it worth it for the overseas friends watching so late."


[www overseas bros got friendzoned]


[*It's okay! Friend is better than pervert!*]

[*Being with you is always worth it, Alfi-chan!*]

"Let's see... A new game. And a new world... E-Eh? A name? And a seed?" Her eyes widened. "I-I didn't expect this. U-Um... Any ideas?"


[Step on us!]




[*Yeah! Friendzone!*]

[www The overseas bros are hilarious. Asking for 'friendzone'...]

Alfi frowned and read the chat. And then she blinked, confused. "Step on you? Why would I do that? A-And I'm not cuddly... Or your Nee-chan! U-Um... unless you want me to be."


[Nee-chan! Alfi nee-chan!]

[MOD: Beta - No.]

[E-Eh? So harsh...]

[Whoa. Little sis putting her foot down.]

Alfi tilted her head to the side, as if listening to someone. And then her eyes widened. "O-Oh! Sorry everyone, but I can't be your Nee-chan. My baby sister would get mad at me when she shows up. Um, but I can be your best friend?"

[*Mission failed successfully.*]

[*I'll take it!*]

[*We're doing it boys! We're moving up in the ranks!*]

[Dammit! The overseas bros are too powerful!]

[Nooo! Alfi-chan, don't leave us!]

Alfi laughed. But then she froze and covered her mouth. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you..."

[We made her laugh! Ha!]

[Take that, overseas bros!]

[*Dammit! Why is she so cute?!*]

[*Don't mind me. Taking screenshots for my collection...*]

Alfi shook her head and then smiled. "Should we get started then? I think 'Friendzone' was a good name. This will be the world that I share with all of you, my new friends. The seed... Oh, I can leave it blank."

A few more clicks on Alfi's part and then the world started to generate, showing a loading screen gradually spreading out with green and yellow colors.

[Kuh. Friendzoned...]


[Let's go! Time for blocks!]

[I can't believe this game is still popular.]

[*Ooh! The new Space update is coming soon, isn't it? Perfect time!*]

[*Are you going to make a public server?*]

[MOD: Beta - *No public servers.*]

[*Geez! Didn't you yell at Titor about being overprotective? Why are you-*]

[The user has been timed out by a moderator. (60 seconds)]

Alfi glanced at the chant and frowned. "Beta! Stop that! I'm more than capable of handling things by myself!"

[Right! You aren't even the older sister!]

[Let's go! Support Alfi against the tyrannical Beta!]

[*You tell her, girl!*]

[MOD: Beta - ...Fine. But I have all of your IPs and locations. You have been warned.]

[H-Haha. Good one, Miss Beta.]

[...She's joking, right? She can't possibl-]

[O-Oi! What just-]

[Oh my god. How is she-]

[Huh? I think I hear someone knocking on my-]

Alfi's eyes widened and she spun around. "Betty! Stop!"

A melodious voice echoed in the background. "Relax, Eldest Sister. They are just joking around."

[We've been caught!]

[MOD: Hana Ch. - XD]


[*Oh my god. Is that her sister's voice? So smooth...*]

[Why does Betty sound more Onee-san than Alfi?]

[Beta Titor debut when?]

[MOD: Beta - Never. I have no desire to be involved with you degenerates.]



[Yes! Scold me more-]

[This user has been timed out by a moderator (3600 seconds)]

Alfi blinked and then glared at the chat. "Playing a trick on me! Hmph! I won't forgive you."


[Don't hate us!]

[*Trick? What's she talking about?*]

[*What'd we do?*]

[*JP bros pretended to get taken out by Beta.*]

[*Oooh. Rude.*]

[*Geez. Being so mean to Alfi-chan.*]

A soft 'plop' echoed. And then the game screen changed, revealing a sprawling village, a dark rectangular structure in the distance, and then an ocean with an underwater stone fortress, a portion cut out to reveal a glowing starry portal hidden in its depth.

[!!! 12 Final Eyes already?! And a stronghold near spawn?!]

[What the-? God tier luck!]

[As expected, even the Meincraft gods are supporting Alfi-chan.]

[*Any% world record coming?*]

[*I would call hacks, but Alfi's too pure for that.*]

[*Alfi-chan should go buy a lottery ticket!*]

"H-Huh?" Alfi blinked and spun her character around. "Is this... did something good happen? Is this good, everyone?"

[*More than good!*]


[*Even better than Dream luck!*]

[You can beat the game in an hour!]

[Sasuga. The speedrun genes run deep.]

[Alfi-chan is hacking to the gate...]

"U-Um... W-What do I do?" Alfi's eyes spun. "I don't want to disappoint you. U-Um... Um...!"


[*Take your time!*]

[*Meincraft is meant to be relaxing!*]

[We'll be fine even if you just sit here all day!]


[*Punch down those blocks for wood*]

[*Go look for chests!*]

Alfi scanned the chat and then said, "Wood? Chests? U-Um... okay." She moved her character, walking around the outside of the houses.


[Eh? Where are you going?]

[*She's not raiding the houses?*]

[*Why is she going off when everything's right thEre?*]

"Wood, wood..." Alfi muttered to herself and walked further off into the distance in the opposite direction of the village.

[No! Not that way!]

[The village! Take down the wood in the village!]

[*lol That's adorable*]

[*What a noob*]

[*What a boomer.*]

[Alfi-chaaaan! Go back!]

"H-Huh? Go back? Why?" She blinked and pointed with her finger. "But there are trees right there. See?"

A deep spruce forest was in the distance, getting closer as Alfi moved her character towards it.


[There's resources in the village you can take, Alfi-chan!]

[*Go steal from the villagers!*]

[*Everything is already at the village!*]

Alfi stopped her character in front of a tree and started punching it. "I think I remember seeing it work like this... Oh."

A soft plop and then a block of spruce logs popped onto Alfi's hotbar at the bottom of the screen. Alfi scrolled towards it and smiled. "I did it!"

[Hnngh. B-But the village...]

[Great job Alfi-chan!]

[You could have just stripped down the village...]

[*I mean, it's adorable, but...*]

Alfi glanced at the chat and then frowned. "Why are you all talking about the village?"

[It has food and everything!]

[There were carrots!]

[wood and stone are right there]

[*You didn't check the chests!*]

[*Go take a bed!*]

Alfi's frown deepened. "I'm not going to take things from them." She leaned back and crossed her arms. "Do you know how hard it is to make a living as an ordinary villager? You spend your whole life just trying to get by and then some haughty young master or noble comes by and demands tribute. And you can't refuse because they'll kill you. And even when you do give it to them, they'll try to kill you anyway to get more."


[B-But it's a game?]

[*No, no. She has a point.*]

[*Agh... can't take it. She's too pure...*]

Alfi shook her head and said, "I'm not going to be like that. Those villagers worked hard to live their life. So I'm going to work hard just like them to live-"


[OH NO!]



[*A CREEP!*]

Alfi blinked. "H-Huh? Run? Behind me? A cre-"



[You died!]

Score: 0


[Title screen]

Alfi leaned forward and covered her face. "Uuu... I died without accomplishing anything..."



[*no good deed goes unpunished, huh?*]