Alfi Titor – [Meincraft] I won’t die this time! (Part I)

A chibi Alfi wearing a mining helmet. With a wooden pickaxe in one hand and a wooden sword in the other, she stood atop a pile of dead zombies. With that as the thumbnail for the stream, a countdown to its start ticked down.

[Meincraft] I won't die this time!

Alfi Titor Ch.

Live in 5 minutes

Sat, November 16, 7:00 PM

[Any bets on what Alfi will die to this time?]

[*Superchat's still not enabled?*]

[Fall damage]

[Zombies obviously]

[Another Creep blowing up]

[That's mean!]

[But the truth.]

Live in 4 minutes

[MOD: Hana Homura Ch. - So you guys bully Alfi too, huh?]

[Oh no! Hide!]

[It's our scary imouto!]

[MOD: Hana Homura Ch. - Who are you calling scary!?]

[*Oh hi Hana!*]

Live in 3 minutes

[Poppy Gloria - You'll do great, darling! Keep it up!]

[Alfi Titor Ch. - Thank you for your support again, Miss Gloria! I really, really appreciate it!]

[*Poppy Gloria's here too?*]

[*Welp, looks like another sleepless night...*]

[*I'll catch the archive! Good luck Alfi!*]

Live in 2 minutes

[Alfi Titor Ch. - *Thank you for the good luck! And please, don't force yourself to stay up!*]


[*No worries! It's only 11AM here*]

[*Hnnngh... but... must support my waifu...!*]

[*YOUR Waifu?!*]

Live in 1 minute

[Overseas bros are motivated today!]

[As expected, Alfi is more important than sleep.]

[MOD: Hana Homura Ch. - Kill the zombies dead, Nee-chan! And I hope you find some cool items too!]



[Yandere Hana...?]

[MOD: Hana Homura Ch. - OI!]


Waiting for Alfi Titor Ch...

[*I wonder if haters will show up here too?*]

[*They'd better not if they know what's good for them!*]

[MOD: Beta - *Rest assured. Simply report and block. I will treat them appropriately.*]

[MOD: Beta - Please report and block any spammers or detractors. I will deal with them.]

[*Alfi has two yandere little sisters...?*]

[The fight for Alfi's hand gets harder and harder...]

[Play C418 - Sweden]

The thumbnail faded away, revealing the same layout that Alfi used to stream Meincraft the other day. The game footage was on the left side of the screen, currently on the Meincraft main menu, while Alfi was on the right. The chat floated above her head, like a thought bubble, while she was seated beneath it.

[It's starting!]

[Hi Alfi!]

[*Morning Alfi!*]


Alfi gave a faint smile and waved. "Sorry for the wait everyone. Papa insisted that I used his gaming chair instead of my old one." She frowned. "I don't know why. My body will be fine either way..."

[Just because you're a robot doesn't mean you can ignore your health!]

[John's actually a good dad?]

[*Good idea! Streaming for hours is bad for your back!*]

[*Take care of yourself, Alfi!*]

Alfi's smile grew after reading the chat and she said, "Thank you for your concern, everyone! I don't think you need to worry, but it makes me happy that you're so thoughtful. Thank you, really."


[Alfi thanked me!]

[*If you're happy, we're happy!*]



"Let's get started. I don't want to waste any more of your time." Alfi opened up her world [Friendzone] again and waited for the game to load. When it did, a soft 'plop' echoed, and her character reappeared facing a dirt wall.


[Did you make a panic shelter?]

[*How dirty.*]


Alfi moved around and said, "Um... I hope you guys don't mind, but I got some help from Beta." She flushed and said, "...I couldn't manage to kill the zombies, so I asked her to help me build a basic shelter."

[Go Beta!]

[*Beta best girl!*]

[Oh thank god]

[Thank you Beta! You're a life saver!]

[MOD: Beta - Of course I am. That is the natural course of affairs in this family.]

Alfi glanced at the chat and turned even redder before huffing. "I'm not that bad, Betty!"

[MOD: Beta - ...]


[Is Alfi clumsy in real life too?]

"I-I'm not!" Alfi paused and then quietly said, "...Right?"

[MOD: Beta - ...Just inform me next time you desire to eat something instead of attempting to cook for yourself.]


[Wait! I want to hear the story!]

[A cooking incident?]

"N-Nothing happened! Anyway!" Alfi quickly changed the topic and started walking around the shelter. "It's still basic, but I have a home now!"

The building was lit by a single torch in the center. There was a single hole to serve as a makeshift window, while a crafting table was placed beneath it. An oak door opened to the outside world off to the side... and that was it.

"Betty helped me get the blocks, but I built it all by myself! Did I do good?" Alfi paused and then lowered her gaze, poking her fingers together. "...I did good, right?"


[*Could be better, but it's great for a beginner!*]

[*Better than my first house!*]

[Must... resist... urge to backseat...]

[Wait. Isn't that basically the same room that she's in right now?]

[That's right! John needs to pay better!]

[First a barren warehouse room, now a dirt house...]

[Where is John anyway?]

Alfi read the chat and then blinked. She slowly turned her character around to look at the room, eyeballing the design. After that, she physically turned around to look and then blushed. "I-It's fine! I-I'll get more decorations soon, promise! It's only empty because I haven't gone shopping yet!"

[Dammit! John needs to do his job!]

[Why can't I throw money at my cute Alfi-chan yet?!]

[*Superchat when?*]

"Superchat?" Alfi blinked and then quickly shook her head. "No, no! Save your money! Spend it on Hana or A- Um, my kouhai in the future! I'm fine as I am, promise!"

[But I want to support you!]

[*You win this round, Googol...*]

[*Save it? Alright. I'll save up for red supers then.*]

"Everyone... you're all too kind." Alfi smiled. "I'm happy. But please, think of yourself first. Okay? Just being here with me is enough."


[*Gah! So this is what it means to want to simp...*]

[*Why are you even more caring than my real girlfriend!?*]

[T_T Why can't Alfi be real...?]

Alfi's smile grew wider as she read the chat. And then she paused. "Oh! Someone asked where Papa is earlier, right? He's busy with managing affairs in this world to ensure we can do all of this without being troubled." She frowned. "It makes me feel a bit guilty though. Ever since we've arrived in this world, I've been completely useless..."

[That's not true!]

[Alfi is not useless!]

[*Let the grown ups handle those sorts of things!*]

[*You're not useless to me, Alfi!*]

Alfi read the chat and then sighed, a smile crossing her face. "Everyone... You really are all too kind. Giving such kind words to someone like me... I really hope that I can make you happy too."

[Uwaa... I'm melting...]

[Alfi is too warm!]

[*My heart... can't take... such kindness...*]

[*I've decided! I'm going to move to Japan and challenge John for Alfi's hand!*]

[*Oi! She's not yours!*]

[Overseas bros are getting ahead of themselves...]

[Yeah! Alfi is OURS! We'll make her happy!]

Alfi covered her mouth and giggled. "I'm grateful for your feelings. But I think you should all reconsider."




Alfi waved her hands. "No, no. I'm really happy that you would think of me that way." She placed her hands on her heart and said, "It's... actually the first time that someone said they would make me happy."



[*T-The first?!*]

[*No boyfriend before?!*]


[MOD: Beta - Do not get your hopes up.]

[MOD: Beta - *Do not get too cocky.*]

Alfi nodded. "Right. Like Betty said, there's still Papa to consider..."

[No problem!]

[*There's 10k of us and one of him!*]

[*We'll just jump him and duke it out afterwards!*]

[He can't take all of us down!]

[MOD: Beta - lol]

[ Beta lol'd?!]

Alfi read the chat and frowned. "Don't laugh at them, Betty! It's not their fault they aren't aware how powerful Papa is!"

[...Wait. Is... Is John really that strong?]

[*Why does it sound like John's a crime boss IRL?*]

[Is Alfi a yakuza princess...?]

"Princess?" Alfi blinked and then shook her head. "I'm not a princess. That's M- Um... That's someone else. But it's true that Papa's really powerful. I don't want any of you to get hurt if you irritate him, so..."

[MOD: Hana Homura Ch. - Nee-san? You know a real princess?!]

[MOD: Beta - :facepalm:]

[*Alfi knows a real princess?!*]

[:thinking: Is Beta the princess?]

[Is Hana a princess?!]

Alfi's eyes started to spin. "U-Um... Th-That is..."

[She's panicking?]

[*Holy crap. Alfi really knows a princess?*]

[*Who are these people IRL?!*]

"A-Anyway! The game!" Alfi moved her character towards the door and said, "We've been talking long enough, so let's get back to it! ...Please?"

[I'm still really curious, but...]


[*I'll allow it!*]

[*This guy, thinking Alfi needs his permission...*]

[If that makes you happy!]

Alfi nodded. "Alright! Now... this time we'll have a fun adventure!" Alfi opened the door and said, "Betty told me a lot about how to play the game, so this time- Eh?"

A flashing green monster with four legs stood on the other side of the door, turning to look at Alfi's character.




"W-Wait! I haven't!"


"Uuu... Meanie..."