Will of the Heavens – II

6:00 PM, JST.

A dark room lit with ethereal white orbs and twinkling emerald stars. It seemed like a scene from a fairytale, an ephemeral space that couldn't exist in reality.

A piano stood upon a raised stage, illuminated by a spotlight from above. In the background, crimson curtains framed the piano. And seated before the musical instrument was John Smith, Myth Inc. CEO.

At least, that's what everyone watching thought. Surely this had to be an ad for his new project. This was just a means for him to promote Project MirAIs and improve the company image.

But John didn't care what they thought. Adjusting his suit again and double-checking the tablet propped on the piano, he nodded and then stood up. Turning towards the camera, he let out a tired smile and said, "Thank you, everyone, for coming to watch this stream. I'm afraid that if you're here for news about Project MirAIs or Myth Inc, you've come to the wrong place. This..." He looked at the piano and ran his fingers across the keys, playing a few notes. "...Is a bit of a selfish act."

Right. This was all about his desires, his wishes. If Project MirAIs was meant to fulfill and support the girls, this one stream was for him.

"...I hope you don't mind too much." Saying that, he glanced at the tablet.

As expected, there were messages showing people were confused. Some doubtful. Others saying that he was doing a publicity stunt.

But John didn't care. He kept his gaze out for a message that might be from Yue or Meg... but there wasn't one.

Letting out a sigh, he shook his head and sat down at the piano. "This is a simple stream. Today, I'll be playing love songs and other piano ballads in the hopes that it reaches the one I love. The ones that are out there in the world somewhere beyond my sight." Running his fingers along the piano, he nodded and then started to play.

"Yue. This is for you. And Meg... please come home."


[Play Clannad After Story opening - Toki wo Kizamu Uta]

Staring at the time slowly passing by like sand slipping from my hands

When I try to grasp those moments again, I realize that they're long gone

I just want you to stay, want time to never fade

But time still ticks away, as I wait here today

Halfway down the path of these memories I realize now what I've lost

Chasing freedom and moving on a whim, I realize all that I caused

All alone by myself I think back on that smile

Such a tender warmth that, I had taken just for granted

It was only you... It's only been you

The one that... I hold dear

The one who I love... My skies above

But right now, you're not here

An eternity

what you mean to me

love that means much more

than all I could see

blinded by your light

charmed just by your smile

never thinking that

you were not worthwhile

The mistake I made

leaving you today

saying sorry now

would it be too late?

Now and forever

I will swear once more

You're the one I adore


A brief piano interlude. John let out a sigh and shook his head before continuing onto the next part.


Like the winter breeze, everything will freeze so long as you are not here

Morning comes too fast, and it just won't last when I just can't see you near

If I just close my eyes, I can still see you with me

Smiling oh so bright as you scold me for being dumb

It was only you... It's only been you

The one that... I hold dear

The one who I love... My skies above

But right now, you're not here


Another piano interlude, one with soaring chords and repeated arpeggios.

While playing, John started to talk. "Back then, I was really careless, wasn't I? Leaving without warning, not saying when I'd be back... I don't know what to say, so..."


This is all for you... all of this for you

Just three words, aren't enough

So again for you, one more time for you

I'll sing out until I'm blue...

A song about us... a time of our own

So we can start again

Being by myself, even with someone else

I don't want nothing but you

An eternity

what you mean to me

love that means much more

than all I could see

blinded by your light

charmed just by your smile

never thinking that

you were not worthwhile

The mistake I made

leaving you today

saying sorry now

would it be too late?

Now and forever

I will swear once more

You're the one I adore


A soft piano outro, slowly trailing off.

John paused for a moment, letting the notes linger in the air. And then he sighed and said, "That was A Song that Ticks Away Time. I rewrote it a bit, so the lyrics are kind of cheesy, but I hope my emotions came through."

He shook his head and glanced at the chat on the tablet, hoping to see a sign of them. Of either Yue or Meg.

[mightyrabbit - So sappy...]

[jealousfox - I'll be your Yue!]

[vindictiveviper - What kind of girl ghosts a guy like this!?]

[electricmouse - T_T]

John kept looking for a while longer, hoping to find something. But he didn't.

With another sigh, he shook his head and said, "The next song I'll be playing is called 'Oath.'"

As he started playing the chords in the intro, John said, "Everyone. Please remember: promises are not enough. When it comes to love... An oath is what you have to make."

[Play Chikai - Utada Hikaru]


1:08 AM, PST.

"Stupid... device...!" Omega grit her teeth and tried tapping in a message, but the chat wouldn't connect. No, it showed all the other messages, but her own kept being blocked for some reason.

Eventually, Omega sighed and then turned to look back at the stream, listening to her father sing.

*I never cared about stuff like destiny... but this time I have to acknowledge it.*

A song asking if he was good enough. If she was fine with someone like him after everything.

Omega frowned and then took her headphones off. "...I still won't forgive you."

Her father seemed like he realized what he did. And he clearly still loved her mother. But it didn't change the fact that he left them both behind with only a few words... and that he broke his promise with her.


Omega's frown deepened. "It's strange though... Does father really not detect us?"

The video... or 'stream' as Tsuki called them, was playing in real time. And because of her father's emotions, whether intentional or otherwise, the emanations from the song were being sent around the world. Not enough to have an effect or be audible to mortals, but enough for someone like herself or her mother to hear.

And that was odd too. Even if her mother was tired, she would be stirred by something like this.

Omega shifted her gaze and looked towards the other room. At the same time, she extended her senses.


Kai was asleep. Her mother was asleep. And the entire building was calm.

Nothing was out of the usual...


A faint prickling of danger.

Omega pursed her lips and then focused on her father, intending to send a divine transmission directly.

And then it was blocked.

Not by him. But rather...

"Heavenly Tribulation? No, this has a will behind it...?!"

Omega's eyes widened and she quickly roused her powers, adopting a taiji stance.

Just in time.

A wave of invisible force spread out, an attack on the soul itself. One meant to shatter the heart- No, to draw out the inner demons and bring them to life.

"Hah!" Omega flicked her wrist, causing the force to be dispersed.

But it quickly reformed. And perhaps realizing it wouldn't be able to affect her, it quickly moved towards Tsuki.

Omega's eyes widened and she quickly closed the gap. "Tsuki! Wake up!"

"H-Hm...?" Tsuki's blue eyes slowly opened. "Meggie? What's-"

A distortion. The force reached Tsuki and then pulled, causing shadows to flicker into existence surrounding her. Men and women in black suits with twisted and laughing faces.

*Look. The one who ruined the Rothschild heiress.*

*The bastard child who ended the bloodline.*

*You should never have been born.*

Eerie voices, accusing and sharp.

Tsuki's eyes snapped open and she screamed, quickly clamping her hands over her ears. "NO! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! IT WASN'T MY FAULT! DADDY!"

"You dare to hurt my friend?!" Omega's eyes narrowed and she released her full power. "Even for the heavens, that's too arrogant!"

Black and white. Light and dark. Life and death. The embodiment of both paradox and harmony swept out as Omega's power spread out.

Immediately, the shadowy figures were dispelled. But at the same time...


Omega coughed, sending out specks of blood.

"M-Meggie?!" Tsuki gasped, staring at Omega. "Y-You... Blood?!"

Omega walked over to Tsuki, smiling. "Don't worry, Tsuki. This is just a dream."

"A... dream?" Tsuki blinked, confusion in her eyes.

Omega smiled. "That's right. A dream. And do you know what you can do in dreams?"

Tsuki shook her head. "I... don't."

The shadowy figures began to reform. That will and invisible force spreading out again and pulling out the worst heart demons from Tsuki's memories.

Omega narrowed her eyes and then stomped her foot, causing it to disperse again. But there was a backlash, causing her to cough up more blood.

"Meggie!" Tsuki's eyes started to water and she shook her head. "T-This...! N-No. I want to wake up! I WANT TO WAKE UP!" She screamed and covered her ears, closing her eyes.

That wouldn't work. Omega glanced at the source of the invisible force, the reason why it was spreading out.

A Heart Demon Tribulation... No, an execution attempt by the Heavens using Heart Demon Tribulation.

Was it because this world didn't allow them here? Or was it because her mother had advanced too fast along the path of Karma without facing any Heavenly Tribulations that the Three Realms sought to punish her even in this foreign world?

Omega didn't know, but she did know that there was only one way out of this current situation.

A Heart Demon Tribulation turned the user's mental landscape into reality, using their worst fears and nightmares to destroy them.

And until it was over, everyone involved wouldn't be able to escape. Either the one targeted by the tribulation had to perish, or they had to surpass it.

Omega didn't know the current situation with her mother or Kai, but it seemed like the Heart Demon Tribulation had latched onto Tsuki since it couldn't affect Omega.

So then, to escape...

Omega walked over to Tsuki and then grabbed her hand. "Tsuki."


Omega smiled. "Remember? This is a dream. And those guys are just bad guys. Like in your game."

"My... game?"

Omega held out her hand, carefully forming something.

She wasn't as skilled as her father in making things yet, but for something like this, it was simple.

Tsuki glanced at it. "A... controller?" She took it and said, "What's this for?"

Omega turned around as the shadowy figures appeared again. "I said it, didn't I? This is a game. One that you have to beat. But don't worry." She shifted her stance and said, "I'll be your fighting character. Now... Let's get out of here."

As if recognizing the shift in Tsuki's perception, the surroundings distorted.

A glowing green bar appeared over Omega's head. A few pixels were chipped off already, showing a bit of red, but most of it was still there.

"H-Huh? This... is really a game? And a command list... Taiji?" Tsuki frowned, the fear and dismay slowly leaving her face. Instead, she concentrated, the same expression she once had when fighting against John in Smash. "Special moves, basic attacks..."

The shadows reformed, those suited men and women appearing again. But unlike before, they were faceless, like mannequins.

Music kicked in. A driving distorted base mixed with frantic percussion.

[Play Mega Man Zero Mythos: Cannon Ball]

At the same time, words appeared in front of Tsuki's field of view, paired with a female voice.

[Can't escape from crossing fate!]


Omega shifted her stance. "They come!"

Tsuki blinked and then jumped out of her bed, her silver-wing necklace shining with light. Holding the controller, she smiled and said, "I've got this, Meggie!"


6:13 PM JST.

John stopped in the middle of playing the piano, his eyes suddenly wide. "Meg?" He shook his head and looked at the tablet.

[anonymousaardvark - What's he doing?]

[uglyparrot - I paid good money for this!]

[nightowl - Stop joking! This is being streamed for free!]

John quickly stood up and glanced in the distance.

He was sure of it. For a split second, he felt his youngest daughter's powers flare up, her Taiji domain enveloping the world.

But then it vanished, smothered by something as if it never existed.

John glanced over at Qing.

The former Azure Dragon's face was grim, staring in the distance as well.

John looked back to the camera and smiled. "My apologies. It seems that there's some technical difficulties. I'll be back shortly." He nodded towards Qing.

The stream cut for a moment.

Looking at the tablet, John saw the chat explode with disappointment, fury... the usual response from a sudden stream interruption.

But he didn't care.

At that time, two people appeared in the room, warping in through spatial manipulation.

The first was Beta. Unlike her usual stylish attire, she was dressed plain and simple: a hooded black Nikeys sweatshirt and matching pants. At the same time, her eyes, usually a bright orange but currently a deep violet, scanned the surroundings.

The second was Bai. Compared to Beta's composed appearance, the White Tiger was a mess. He had been wearing a suit and tie combo, but it was completely shredded, revealing his bare torso and leaving only rags for pants.

Beta reacted first. She gave a brief look towards Qing and Bai, looking a bit surprised, but then she turned to John and said, "Father. That power-"

"It was Meg. And it seems to be in America too..." John frowned, quickly wracking his brain.

What was going on?

Just then, in the corner of his eyes, John saw his tablet freeze up. The chat stopped for a brief moment before a flood of messages came through. Hundreds sent at once.

[tsukisuki - Stupid dad! Stop singing and pick us up! Are you blind!?]

[tsukisuki - Dummy! If you want to apologize, do it in person!]

[tsukisuki - I know you love mom already, so come and say it to her face!]

That same message, repeated in various forms.

The name was different. In fact, he remembered the username. Tsuki's. Kai's daughter.

But the content of the message made it clear who the real user was.

At that time, Bai rolled his shoulder and then glared at John. "Oi! Bastard! Why didn't you take care of the Mandate of Heaven before you left?!"

Mandate of Heaven? Of course he did. He bound the Realm Source to his will and-


Dots, connecting in his head. Stray pieces of information that he hadn't paid attention to until now.

The fact that he had used his Accumulation to take away Yue's Heart Demons in order for her to become an immortal and became the embodiment of them so that her cultivation would be easier.

The fact that Yue gave up her path of Perfection to walk on Karma instead.

The storm of karma that erupted when John arrived on Earth.

Events that seemed to want to push John away from Yue, and then now an overt attempt to conceal Meg from his gaze.

And more than that, a 'force' that kept trying to cause trouble for John since he had arrived, as if to distract him from what was important.

John narrowed his eyes and then muttered, "You son of a bitch. No, you sons of bitches. I left the heavens intact before I left, and this is how you repay me?"

"Master John?" Qing called out and then glanced at the camera. "The stream-"

"Oi, Titor. Get over here."

Beta blinked. "Titor?"

Silence, and then a voice that sounded similar and yet different to John's echoed. "Hah. I guess it can't be helped."

Afterwards, a figure emerged in the room, appearing in a splash of 1s and 0s. A man with slicked back black hair and a white lab coat.

Beta's eyes widened and she looked between John and the new arrival. "This...?"

John turned his back on Titor and said, "This is what you were made for. Deal with it while I deal with those bastards."

"Yeah, yeah." Titor rubbed the back of his neck before his appearance shifted, turning back into a mirror image of John in that tuxedo. He walked over to sit at the piano, running his fingers along the keys a bit to warm up, and then said, "But damn. I was *just* on the breakthrough of figuring out how fluctlights worked..."

"Hold on!" Bai stepped forward and scowled. "I want an explanation of all of this first! Just what the hell did you-?"

"Beta. Use your full power to protect everyone we know from karmic, divine, and other intervention. Tell Alpha to be on guard for any potential invaders and to immediately destroy them."

Beta's eyes widened and then she nodded, her face serious. "Understood, Father. Leave the protection detail to myself."

John reached into his Heavenly Realm and then pulled out two items. The first, a white spear with a curved edge, crackling with white lightning. The White Tiger's Guandao.

The other, a double-edged sword with a deep blue blade and a frosty aura. The Azure Dragon's Jian.

"E-Eh? The hell?!" Bai looked at John and said, "When did you get your hands on-"

John tossed the weapons to their rightful owners and then said, "Let's go. We end this tonight... And then we're going back to deal with those idiots who think it's a good idea to try and force my wife's original fate back upon her to try and get rid of me."