Tell me why! – II

John's apartment. It was the same as always. A bit dusty since he never used it, but otherwise clean, if not a little under furnished.

A couch to relax on, a table, a tv... Sweeping her gaze around the place, Yue saw that it was the same style of living accommodations that her husband always used.

Or in other words, a cold place that couldn't really be called a home except for the bare necessities.

John stepped away from Yue and then waved his hand, clearing out the dust as well as the snow around them both. After that, he waved to the couch and said, "Make yourself comfortable Wifey. I'll just make some tea for us to warm up... Ah, did you want anything in particular?"

Yue sat down on the couch, shaking her head. "Whatever Husband is partial to, I am fine with."

He frowned, but then nodded. "Alright. In that case..." John hummed and went digging around his pantry. "I think I left some honey here last time, right? And I've got some lemons in my Heavenly Realm somewhere..."

A blanket was still on the couch from the last time the two were in the apartment.

Since Yue felt a little cold, she wrapped it around herself and then watched John move around the kitchen.

A cozy and warm atmosphere. As if nothing was wrong at all. But...

...Was he not going to bring it up?

She knew it. Yue knew it for a fact. While her husband might be a bit dense when it came to affections and women, he wasn't stupid. And when taking into account the contents of that call and how she reacted, he was sure to know that Yue was responsible for what happened to Zhuque.

But he didn't say anything about it.

...No, he didn't say anything, but he did seem a bit weary.

While John was setting the kettle and slicing lemons, he smiled and hummed to himself. But she could tell. It was just a show.

Yue knew her husband the best. And she knew exactly when he was playing dumb to not upset anyone.

'Are you sure you know him the best? And if you know when he's playing dumb, don't you think he's been doing that a lot with you?'

Again, that cold and mocking voice.

Yue pursed her lips and burrowed herself deeper into the blanket.

John paused in the middle of cutting a lemon and then turned around. "Did you want me to turn on the heat?" He frowned and said, "It *is* kind of cold now that it's snowing..."

Yue shook her head and smiled. "It is fine, Husband." She shifted her blanket and said, "This is sufficient."

"...That means that you're still a bit cold." John frowned and then waved his hand. A low hum echoed, the sound of the radiator turning on. "Just sit tight for a bit. The place should warm up soon enough... And the tea's almost done too."

"Yes, Husband."

John smiled and then went back to preparing the tea. And when he did...

'My, my. How obedient we are today.'

...that cold and mocking voice came back.

'Are you playing coy again like in the past now that you're worried he'll leave you?'

Yue flinched and then squeezed her eyes shut.

...It was just her mind playing tricks on her. That voice didn't exist. It was just her guilty conscience weighing down on her.

Yue knew that.


'But am I lying?'

...she couldn't deny the voice's words.

Even so... John wouldn't leave her. He promised. He promised that he would be with her forever. So-

'Then why did he leave you alone right after he transcended? And look at you, pretending to be all prim and proper while playing up the role of a princess. What would he think if he knew you were just pretending?'

Shut up, shut up, shut up-!

"There you go." John's voice echoed from nearby.

Yue opened her eyes to see him standing in front of her.

His blue eyes narrowed with concern for a moment, but he quickly gave her a warm smile and held up a silver cup.


John sat down next to Yue and gently placed the cup into her hands.

Yue blinked and looked down at it.

The cup wasn't the usual kind for tea. It was metal... but despite that, it was only warm even though there was steam coming out from the lid. And there was that too. A clear lid with a small opening that could be closed and shut with a small latch.

John smiled and said, "I figured you might want a lot, so I put it in a thermos cup instead. It won't burn your hands, but be careful. The tea's still pretty hot. Not burning, but you might still want to take small sips."

Yue nodded and then raised the cup to her mouth. As she did, a fragrant scent of honey and lemon filled her nostrils. Warm and refreshing. And then she took a sip.

Sweet. A faint hint of sour. But warm. A warmth that washed away the chill in her heart for a brief moment.

It was simple. Just hot water, lemon, and honey. Even so, in that simple beverage, she could feel her husband's love and care.

'Yeah. John's someone that can love even a vile woman like you.'

Yue closed her eyes and took another sip, trying to wipe away that voice with the warmth.

And then a phone rang. John's.

Yue opened her eyes and looked over at her husband.

He frowned and pulled it out. When he looked at the screen though, his blue eyes flashed a cold jade color.


Yue flinched and averted her gaze.

...So he was angry after all.

'Of course he is. You didn't kill that girl with your own hands, but your words made her end not just her life, but her existence. A girl that he promised to protect after being targeted for her powers her whole life.'

Crushing guilt. A feeling like someone had taken an ice dagger and pierced her heart.

...But it was an illusion. Nothing but the tricks her own mind made up. Even so...

John sighed. "Dammit. Those guys are really persistent, huh?"

Yue looked up at John, but couldn't meet his eyes. Even so, she said, "Is it important?"

John stood up and said, "Not as important as you... but they'll probably do something stupid if I don't show up."

They... Husband probably meant the other girls as well as those two divine beasts.

Yue felt her stomach churn.

If Husband didn't know now, when he talked with them, he would know for sure. And after that... he wouldn't able to just ignore it. So then...

Yue took a deep breath to calm down and then looked up. "S-Should I come with you?"

'Ooh, how brave. Or is it cowardly? Facing them when you're beside your beloved husband instead of alone like you should...'

John shook his head. "It's fine. It won't take long." He smiled and gave Yue a hug. "Sit tight, alright? I won't be long."

Yue closed her eyes, basking in John's warm presence.

And then it was gone.

Yue opened her eyes.

An empty and barren room. Warm in temperature... but cold in feeling.

Just like how her life had been before John arrived.

'And just like the lives of other girls when you took him. Right?'

Yue squeezed her eyes shut and then quietly sipped on her tea, hoping it would help.

But now that John was gone...

Too sweet. Too hot. Too sour.

Completely wrong.

The cold and mocking voice laughed.


An apartment building a few blocks away from Myth Inc. HQ. One that Bai recently purchased. There, in one of the newly refurbished apartments, three beautiful woman were seated around a circular table, staring at each other.

The first was a black-haired beauty with an elegant face and ruby eyes. Wang Zhaojun, dressed in a casual white blouse and jeans.

The second was a crimson-haired beauty with sharp features and foxy orange eyes. Su Daji, wearing a traditional sakura petal kimono.

The last was a seductive black-haired beauty with jade eyes the same color as John's when he was in the Three Realms. Jiutian Xuannu, wearing a loose white nightgown.

A window nearby showed the blizzard was still happening outside, preventing any view but a gray sky and white snow.

Cold. Uncertain.

Just like the current situation.

The three women... No, John's three adopted sisters. They looked at each other and sighed.

Xuannu shook her head and said, "This isn't a conversation we should have without tea... Here." She waved her hand, causing a tea kettle and cups to materialize. After that, she started pouring out the tea.

Daji smiled and said, "You picked up some new tricks, Xuanni."

Xuannu slid her a cup and smiled. "I might be famous as a teacher, but there's a lot even I don't know, Daji. When you live as long as we do, it's better to never stop learning. Never stop changing."

Daji took her cup of tea and then nodded. "Mm. That's true." She stared into the cup and then frowned. "After all, the world sure likes to throw new tricks at us."

Xuannu poured another cup of tea out and then slid it towards Zhaojun.

She smiled and then nodded her head towards Xuannu. "Thank you, Sister Xuannu."

"Of course."

Zhaojun gently picked up the cup of tea and took a sip. After that, she sighed and set it down. "And yes, Sister Daji. Truly, we cannot predict what life will have in store."


Xuannu broke it first. She looked over at Daji and said, "Are Little Xuan and Little Wu doing well?"

Daji nodded. "Mmhm. They were super enthusiastic about having another 'Big Brother' and 'Father' in that Mister Titor, so they were happy staying over at his place... Especially with their Aniki watching over them as well."

"Good." Xuannu nodded. "Probably best to keep them away now that this mess with the princess has blown wide open. Although..." Xuannu frowned and said, "Are you sure that person wasn't Johnny?"

Daji hesitated. "...I want to say he is. That man gave off the same presence and aura I feel whenever I'm with Big Brother. But... he's different."

"But he knows John. And he knows about you as well as Little Xuan and Little Wu."

Daji swirled her cup of tea and nodded. "That's the weird part. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that Big Brother finally made a clone of himself. But that Titor person isn't one. His powers are different too."

Zhaojun took a sip from her cup and then said, "Perhaps he is a member of Senior Brother's flesh and blood family? I recall Senior Brother mentioning that he had an older brother in his homeworld."

Xuannu frowned. "...That would make sense. My gut's telling me something's off about that though..."

Daji flicked her sleeve. "Whatever. We can interrogate Big Brother later." She frowned and said, "There's something more important to talk about right now, isn't there?"

"...Right." Xuannu narrowed her eyes. "That princess." She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "...I knew that Zhuque reincarnated, but I didn't know she did it like *that*. Just what in the heavens did that vile witch say to make such a sweet girl give everything up?"

Zhaojun was quiet, simply sipping her tea.

Daji frowned. "I don't know, Xuanni. Zhuzhu really loved Big Brother, but to go so far as to decide that she could never live without him and do *that*... I don't get it." She took a sip from her tea and then said, "We all love Big Brother a lot too. But it's fine if we aren't the one he chose as long as we can be family like this. Right?"

Zhaojun shook her head and looked over at Daji. "Not everyone is so strong of heart, Sister Daji."

Xuannu clenched her fists. "That's right. And that vile witch-"

Zhaojun interrupted and said, "At least call her by name, Sister Xuannu."

Xuannu narrowed her eyes and said, "I will call her by name when she kneels in front of Zhuque's grave and apologizes! No, even then, that's not enough!" She slammed her fist on the table and said, "I honestly don't get it! Johnny should have known what kind of vile woman that princess was! Sure, she acts prim and proper, but we all saw how she acted after she married him! And you don't approve it either, right Zhaojun?"

Zhaojun tensed and then shook her head. "...If Senior Brother made his decision, I will not question it."

"But you don't approve it." Xuannu stood up and said, "None of us do. Right?"

Daji bit her lips. "...I don't. But she makes Big Brother happy, Xuanni. And after all he's gone through, he deserves that. Doesn't he?"

Xuannu froze and then slumped back down into her chair, covering her face. "...He does. But dammit... Why did he choose her? He could have had any other beauty in existence. *Any*. And he chose such a narrow-minded, jealous, and ugly-hearted person like her..."

Zhaojun tapped the table a bit and said, "...Even if that may be true, Senior Sister has gotten better. Did she not accept us being here and not make a fuss?"

Xuannu snorted. "That's because us three were the only ones to fight for her sake in the Three Realms. Well, more for Johnny's sake. Even if she's mad, she can't say anything against that fact."


"Besides!" Xuannu looked at Daji and said, "She sealed Little Xuan and Little Wu away, didn't she? Right? That's what they told you, Daji?"

Daji shook her head. "No. Little Xuan and Little Wu didn't say why they were sealed, Xuanni."

"But they *did* say that princess terrified them."

Daji nodded. "Yes. They did say that." She frowned and said, "...And they seemed really scared too."

"See?" Xuannu crossed her arms. "Those two were just children. *Are* just children. And yet that princess kicked them out of Johnny's life just because she was jealous."

Zhaojun sighed. "Even if that is the case, Sister Xuannu... What of it? Senior Brother made his choice and they are just now settling in as a proper family." She narrowed her eyes and said, "Do you plan to be a homewrecker now?"

Xuannu flinched. "No. But..." She lowered her gaze and said, "It isn't fair. That princess already had everything she could have ever asked for, and she still decided to take Johnny away from us. From everyone." She let out a bitter laugh and said, "And not only that, but she's pregnant with his child. What a joke. A woman like that... Are the heavens blind?"

Daji hummed and swirled her cup of tea. "...Maybe not?"

Xuannu looked over. "What do you mean, Daji?"

Daji let go of her cup of tea and said, "Don't you think it's weird that Zhuque's reincarnation and both Little Xuan and Little Wu showed up now of all times?"

Xuannu paused. "...When you mention it, I suppose it is a bit strange..."

Daji nodded. "Mmhm. Just as Big Brother and Big Sister are going on a honeymoon, Big Sister's worst mistakes show up here in Big Brother's world."

Zhaojun froze in the middle of sipping her tea. She quickly set it down and said, "...You mean to say this is a tribulation?"

Daji shook her head. "No. This world doesn't have a heavenly will like the Three Realms. And even if it did, you two sensed it too, right? There's an absolute rule preventing anything beyond the level of an ordinary mortal from reaching this world."

Xuannu nodded. "I did notice that my divinity started to unravel when I first arrived here." She paused and then said, "But it isn't now. Strange..."

"Because we're Big Brother's family." Daji smiled and said, "Since this is Big Brother's home, if he allows and accepts it, even immortals and gods like us can be here. But if he doesn't accept them..."

"Then they should lose their powers- Ah." Xuannu's eyes glimmered and a dark smile crossed her face. "I suppose that is one way to handle this..."

Zhaojun tensed, looking between the two other women. "...What are you talking about?"

Daji leaned back. The cute smile on her face vanished, replaced with the sadistic smirk that matched the infamous Demon Lord of the Three Realms. "Isn't it obvious, Zhaozhao? Big Brother's a kind person. He would never have allowed something like this to happen if he knew. So if we tell him and then convince him that his wife isn't who he thought she was-"

Xuannu grinned as well and said, "That princess will lose John's favor and then be forced to leave. Well, if she's lucky. If she isn't..." She chuckled.

Daji giggled, hiding her mouth with her sleeve.

Zhaojun froze and then stood up. "No. I will not accept this."

The other women paused and then looked up.

Xuannu spoke up first. "Why not? Don't you think Johnny deserves better?"

Daji nodded. "Right? Big Sister might be Big Sister... but if she's truly this vile-"

"And how do you know that?" Zhaojun shook her head and said, "How do you know that is the truth?"

Xuannu stood up and crossed her arms. "Why does it matter if it isn't? Who's to say that princess won't suddenly snap again and then act on those beautiful young mortals that Johnny is sheltering? She seems to have changed, but she's also pregnant. What if after the child is born she decides that Johnny doesn't need anyone else but their family? Are you going to stand by and watch as innocent lives are ruined again?"

Zhaojun narrowed her eyes. "You are letting your emotions control you, Sister Xuannu."

Daji jumped to her feet and glared at Zhaojun. "And you're saying you're not? How do *you* know that Big Sister- No, that Tian Yue won't turn back to her vicious self? Did she not turn you away at the gates every time you went to see John? Did she not lead you to becoming a wandering minstrel because you had no home after banishing you from the sect?"

"...Even so." Zhaojun looked up and said, "Even so, Senior Sister is the one that Senior Brother chose. The one who Alphy speaks of so warmly. The one who we all decided to fight for against the Three Realms. Who we decided together to allow to stay with the one we loved the most in this world." She glanced at Daji and Xuannu and said, "And you are telling me that you are changing your mind now? That you are willing to ruin the happiness Senior Brother, Alphy, and his other daughters have attained in this peaceful world?"

"A *fake* happiness," Xuannu said. "One obtained after stepping on countless innocent lives."

Zhaojun let out a cold snort. "And you say that you have not done the same, oh Dark Lady of War?" She shook her head and then said, "Cultivation is a bloodstained path with no innocents. There is none among us who do not have blood on our hands. So... let it end here." She looked to the two beauties and said, "Even Senior Sister's actions may be unforgiveable... We should forgive it regardless. Let us leave our hate, violence, and bloodstained paths behind. If not for us, then for the ones we love as our own daughters."

Xuannu hesitated. "T-That..."

Zhaojun looked at her and said, "What will Meggie think of you if she learns of it? Her beloved aunt, causing the death of her mother... Or at the least, causing her mother to run away with a broken heart. Do you truly wish that upon her? And what of you, Su Daji?" She looked to Daji and said, "Alphy tells me that Betty is finally enjoying herself. That she has found friends she can trust and a dream she wishes to achieve. You mean to turn that over for your own selfishness?"

Daji narrowed her eyes. "Don't talk to me about selfishness when you tried to snare John's heart with your Dao, Wang Zhaojun."

Zhaojun flinched.

Xuannu froze and then glared at Zhaojun. "What?"

Daji crossed her arms. "Before Tian Yue charmed Big Brother, a certain someone here snuck into his room in the middle of the night after mastering the Dao of Charm. Singing a heartrending song of love and regret, she tried to make him take responsibility... isn't that right?"

Zhaojun was quiet and then said, "What of it? The past is the past. We all make mistakes."

"Well." Daji let out a cold smile and said, "Some of us should have to pay for those mistakes. Especially when they hurt people close to us."

Xuannu nodded, lowering her arms. "...That's right. So we're decided then."

Zhaojun lowered her arms as well. "We are not."

Daji smiled. "You're outvoted, Zhaozhao. And remember our vow? We each have an equal say."

"And our vow was to make sure Senior Brother was happy. This will ruin that."

Xuannu shrugged. "Better that he's sad for a bit and then happy for the rest of his life."

"...I see."

Xuannu nodded. "Right? So let's go. We need to tell John what happened and make him see the light about-"


Xuannu narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me?"

Zhaojun swept her hand through the air, strumming invisible strings. With it, the surroundings changed, turning into a serene grassy plain with a flowing river in the distance.

White fire flared into life behind Daji, along with nine snowy tails. She turned towards Zhaojun and then growled. "You don't want to do this, Zhaozhao." As she spoke, her hair burned, turning a snowy white. At the same time, fox ears appeared on her head.

Zhaojun lowered her hands. "We made our choices long ago. And John is happy. That... is all I want for the man I love. And if you two are going to ruin that..." She clenched her hands, causing a pair of swords to emerge. "Even if you are my sisters in all but blood, I will stop you."

Xuannu laughed. And as she did, clones of her emerged around her. "Fine. Fine! Then... To make sure that the man I love doesn't see his life ruined because he was blinded by love... I'll take you down! Daji!"

The white-haired beauty swept her arms out, causing a sun to appear in the sky. Looking at Zhaojun, Daji shook her head and said, "Don't hate me for this, Zhaozhao!"

"Be silent and fight! We have gone beyond the point of settling this with words!"