Hana Homura – [Karaoke] Karaoke party! Yay! (Part II)

Alfi walked up to hug Hana. "That was beautiful!"

Aoko looked up at the two, awkwardly shuffling her papers.

Alfi looked back and then frowned. "Get over here, Aoko-chan!" She waved Aoko over and said, "It's time for a group hug!"

"...Fine." Aoko's ears turned red and she set down the papers. After that, she walked over to the two and moved to hug Hana. But before she could, Alfi pulled her in for a hug as well.

Aoko turned completely red.

Meanwhile, Hana let out a bright and happy smile.

[fluffypenguin] OMG! They're adorable!

[simplesheep] Screenshot! I gotta screenshot this!

[orangeoctopus] Too pure... I'm burning up...!

Hana wiped away her tears and shook her head. "It's weird. I'm crying, but I don't feel like I'm crying. It's just... like my tears had to come out."

Alfi patted Hana's back and said, "That happens. But it's okay to cry, Hana."

"Mm... Thanks, Onee-chan."

Aoko nodded. "Cheer up, Sis. We'll do something fun later to make up for it."

Hana laughed. "I'm fine. But if Aneue insists..."

The group ended their hug.

When then did, Alfi looked over to Hana and said, "It's my turn now, right Hana?"

"Oh!" Hana nodded and handed Alfi the mic. "Here, Onee-chan."

[redrobin] Time for an angel to sing!

[evileel] :thumbsup:

[Alfis_bird] Let's go, Alfi-chan!

Alfi stepped forward and smiled. "This song is a bit sad too. But I thought it was beautiful, so I'm sharing it with everyone." She took a deep breath and said, "I hope that this miracle and my heart reaches you."

Hana moved to sit down where Alfi was and then looked up with anticipation.

Aoko sat back down at her chair and then looked up as well, quietly watching.

[Play Kokoro - Rin Kagamine]

Synthetic chime and soaring strings. After a brief interlude...

"Now... Open your eyes."

...A familiar and charming male voice echoed.

[happyhog] John?!

[loreowl] Wait?! Are we getting all the lore today?!

[mechanicalworm] This song...!

John's voice echoed again. "Good morning."

Alfi smiled and said, "Good morning."

"Do you know who I am?"

Alfi nodded, her burgundy eyes filled with nostalgia as she said, "You are the one who created me."

"Is everything working well with your body?"


"Very well. Then, your name is..."

Alfi let out a soft smile and closed her eyes. After that, she started to hum along with the soft strings.

Drums kicked in, and then...

Alfi started to sing, her voice slightly distorted like a robot's.


Once upon a time there was a man

Who had found himself in foreign lands.

All alone he desperately sought out miracles.

Working to the bone just to create

Someone who he could share with his fate.

Throwing all his heart into a wish


Countless years passed, sometimes just too fast.

But in the end, he made it at last.

A miracle 'robot' who would be

there with him.

Time marches on, the two still held strong.

But in the end, he couldn't last long.

Leaving her there, walking out alone

From her heart...


A brief interlude. With it, John's voice came back with a somber voiceover. "I'm sorry, Alfi. Live well, alright?"

[loreowl] It *is* an origin story!

[mysterymouse] Wait, so... John died?

[confusedcat] I'm so confused.

The interlude finished, and Alfi continued to sing. Except now, her voice sounded normal. Real, instead of robotic.


Memories of mine, spun like a rhyme.

Words that echo deep in my heart.

Feelings that I couldn't know just overflow.

You were always there right by my side

Laughing as you said you were fine.

Is this what you told me then? The heart you said I would find...?


[awfulalligator] Dammit! My heart! T_T

[ragingrabbit] Who was the bastard who wanted more lore!?

[purplepanda] $%#@!

A brief interlude. Alfi took the moment to stop singing and take a break, taking a deep breath. But even though she did, her voice continued. A voiceover, just like with John. Except that Alfi's voice was cold, robotic.

"At the time, the automaton couldn't understand. She was strong and he was weak. So then why? Why did he always sacrifice himself for her?"

The music started to kick up again, and then Alfi continued singing.


Emotions. Kept within. A heart that. Now begins.

"Finally I know what it means to smile."

Emotions. Kept within. A heart that. Now begins.

"Finally I understand what is meant by sorrow."

Emotions. Kept within. A heart that. Overflows.

"Why did I only understand right now... when you're gone?"

Once upon a time there was a man

Who found himself in foreign lands.

Just how sad must he have been all by himself?

Yes right at that time, upon that day.

He was smiling bright as can be.

Just to see that I was there and still alive...

So I'll sing to you... all the words I couldn't then.

It's all for you... until the end...!

Thank you so much.

I love you so.

"My selfless father who gave up everything just for me."

Thank you so much.

I love you so.

"I'll always remember all your kind words."

Thank you so much.

I love you so.

"I'll never forget all the times we had shared, you and me."

Thank you so much.

I love you so.

"My caring Papa I just wish..."

"That you were here still..."

"But I will live on..."


The instruments died down, leaving only a soft chime like a music box.

Alfi stopped singing, closing her eyes gently, lost in thought.

And as she did, a voice over started. Alfi's voice again, but warm and gentle.

"It was an impossible wish. No matter what, the artificial girl would outlive her father. Even if time spun back, the day of parting would come again. Her emotions and bonds on that day would sever once more. Even so, she wouldn't let that crush her. Because even though short, they were her most precious treasures."

The voice over cut out, and the song came to an end. But when it did, Alfi opened her eyes and spoke in a soft and light voice, one that sounded like a young girl's instead of her own.

"Thank you so much, my dear Papa..."

[graygoose] AAAAAAHHHHH

[losingloon] *It's too early to get stabbed in the heart like this!*

[americaneagle] *Dammit! Why do we have instant subtitles?! It was better when I just felt the pain and didn't understand!*

[Alfis_Knight] Alfi-samaaaaa!

[Alfis_OldChair] We'll do it! We'll make sure you have bright memories!

[Alfis_HotCocoa] The world! The stars! We'll put them on display for you!

Alfi lowered her mic and let out a sigh. After that, she said, "Thank you everyone. I hope that didn't dampen your mood too much. Um... Does this help?" After that, she let out a shy but bright smile.

[sappysquirrel] Yes. Yes it does.

[dark_soul] *Humanity restored.*

[blobfish] :melt:

[loreowl] So we're getting all the lore about Prototypes today, huh?

[yellowsparrow] If this is just karaoke, what's the concert going to be...?

[divineduck] Alfi is definitely an angel! Nobody can tell me otherwise!

Hana jumped up and gave Alfi a hug. "That was beautiful, Onee-chan!"

Alfi smiled and hugged Hana back. "Thank you, Hana! You did great too!"

Aoko watched the two and then started to sweat. "I-I thought we were just singing to have fun. I didn't know we had to pick songs with lore..."

"Hm?" Hana leaned back and looked at Aoko. "Oh! You didn't have to, Aneue."

Alfi nodded. "That's right. I just picked my song because I needed to sing it."

"Mmhm!" Hana smiled and said, "Me too. And it's something I didn't really want to sing alone." Hana let out a small laugh and said, "I think I would actually break down crying if I did."

"Wait, why?" Aoko frowned. "I get that it's a sad song, but... That bad?"

Hana looked at Aoko and sighed. "You wouldn't understand, Aneue. But anyway." She smiled, wiping away her gloomy expression. Grabbing the mic from Alfi, Hana walked over and held it in front of Aoko. "Now it's your turn, Aneue!"

Aoko stared at the mic, sweating. "Y-Yeah... About that..."

"Take it, Aneue!" Hana pushed the mic towards Aoko and said, "You can't run away now! Onee-chan and I sang those emotional songs, so it's only fair you sing at least something for us!"

Alfi nodded. "That's right! Besides, I heard from Hana that you have a beautiful singing voice, Aoko-chan. It's not right to hide that!"

Aoko looked between Hana and Alfi and then groaned. "Fine!" She took the mic and stood up. "I'll sing some stupid songs for you. But you guys can't laugh, okay?!" She pointed at the screen and said, "You bastards can't laugh either! This isn't my channel, but I'll get Betty to help me go through the logs and ban you when I stream again!"

[curiousmonkey] Resorting to threats, huh?

[GoldenOrca] It's fine, Queen. We laugh at you enough over other things anyway.

[FailureFox] I just want to hear how Queen sounds when she sings.

[firebird] Beautiful singing voice?

[forgetful_owl] Anyone else think it's weird that Alfi is suddenly complimenting Aoko a lot?

[Valley_Shark] Let's go Queen! Kill it girl!

Aoko walked to the front, swapping places with Alfi.

Hana went to sit back down on her chair at the left, sipping an orange soda while watching Aoko.

Aoko glanced back at the other girls and then off to the side, as if contemplating on whether or not she could run. But then she sighed.

"Well... here I go. Remember, no laughing!"

An eerie opening, with a somber bell toll. And then an electric guitar run started, followed by chimes and a light flute.

[mirrortuna] Wait. This opening...

[silkysalmon] *XD Sailor Luna?!*

[StraightGarbage] Just got back in time for Queen's singing. So... we magical girls now?