The day the came.

Africa.... Cameroon

"Ouch!" A needle entered Brian's finger as he tried lifting up the log of wood, he looked at it and tried removing the needle-like object as he felt fell pain, his mom who was nearby came closer and helped him, as he relaxed and it was removed.

"Brian!, Hurry up, stop being lazy, and carry those woods to the basement" screamed Brian's father as he wondered on who gave him such a lazy child, as he brought out a chair and sat on it, he took out his phone and when for YouTube to search for recent news.

Brian frowned on father's remarks, but did as he was informed, he went down the basement and did not take long before he was back, but dusty, he passed his dad heading to the living room as he took a look at what he was watching, the title was the same as the past four months, but from the look of it, it was serious this time around.

"The rapid evolution of COD B; New infected, the outbreak and the transmission still remains unknown" that was the heading as Brian read it secretly.

A female journal of GNN, global new network, held her earpiece while trying to speak, her expression looked worried as she kept looking behind her, when she was given the signal, she entered her journalist mode.

"Good morning viewers of the world, this is Anita Sanchez on report, thanks again for handing me the floor, as you can see behind me, authorities are trying their best to handle the crowds and arrest those who are not following the lockdown period, 10 cases have been discovered, and all present the same symptoms, a violent need to be aggressive, mutilating themselves with their own hands, and an inexplicable need for meat, we would all have the impression of watching a thriller from a zombie film before it's outbreak, the Mexican police force are actually very engaged in controlling the situation, this was Sanchez from Mexico" she abruptly stopped as the studio of the GNN platform was shown back, as the man, named Domson Clowd, tried readjusting his eyeglasses, and wiping his forehead, but Brian saw through it, before her interview stopped, Brian could see a man dressed with what looked like a police uniform, signaling her to move away, as it looks like their situation was going out of control, and at the moment their camera made a 90 degree on the left to leave, something looking like a human body could be seen flying out of the barricade sending a man near faraway with a push.

Brian did not have much thought about it, but fell and inexplicable fear about that thing. Mr Domson, remained calm, as he gave the report of the situation occuring in the world, as basically, everything was focus on COD B evolution, the American not disclosing on what form it had evolved and the reason why it's virulent and people are kept confined immediately their hands start trembling and the need to scratch their bodies.

"The situation was expand to the territory of new harizona, Hong Kong, Berlin, las Vegas, Paris and Venice, which puts the government of all countries in a complicated situation, the inability to contain the panic crowds of those areas has made the situation look Worst, but research has shown that, Africa, and certain zones like in Australia, has not been exposed to the virus.

Brian fell relieved as he left for the living room, seeing his juniors watching cartoons without caring on what is going out on the outside world, made Brian envious of them, he left for the kitchen and had a glass of water as he headed to his room, closing the door, he told himself that, everything would comeback under control,is just a matter of time.

He was wrong.

"Leave me pass, I have children out there waiting for me!" shouted a man, With a big black loggage behind him.

"My family is waiting for me, I can't remain here!" a woman screamed as she tried to much into the crowed.

"Stop pushing, I have a child with me!" Screamed another woman, as her child was crying loud enough to disturb a man near by.

"Ask your damd child to close his fucking mouth" said the man enrage by his situation, not only them were found there,

"{Laisse nous passé, je vous en prit !}" Said a man, looking as if he was running away, french, English, German and even those from infected zones were all packed in the Paris airport, as the pushed and the police tried in preventing them from entering, until.


A gunshot resounded as everyone scattered out of panic, people were being smashed on the process as a poor child was a victim of their assaulting steps, a police officer tried his best to stop the Roit but was inexplicably shot on the chest as he fell on the ground, people saw it as an opportunity and forgetting where the gunshot came from, the pounced on the police force barricade still in a daze of their colleague's death.

Taken by surprise the barricade could only collapse on the mad rush of the crowd, not far from the airport, a man dress in black stood up, he adjusted his earpiece as he gave out information.

"Mission accomplished, the carriers should be heading to their new destination" said the man, as he kept his large sniper gun in his case and left the area.

With the situation getting out of control, only one plane was authorized to immediately leave the sight, as people embarked without concern of the security measures. The conflict was so deep that, military trucks came as re-enforcement, as, people where either arrested, neutralised and others shot down, and finally as the situation came under control, the head of troops saw a plane taking off, as he had a bad feeling.

"Where's that plane heading to?" Asked the caporal Mike Burg, to one of the airport personnel, she looked up, and remembered that, the planes destination wasn't precise, due to the mad rush of the situation, but she could not give any answer, as she geust.

"It's heading towards Australia sir" she said, as a soldier took charge of her and brought her to the refuge for victims.

(Ending Eve MV, # top lover of his music)

The plane in question traveling passing the clouds, the outside looked peaceful as the rising sun in the sky immaculate the clouds with an orange texture and a clear beauty as anybody would feel appease at such a view, but, looking at the window of the plane, the could weakness a horrifying scene as people were been killed, bite, screams, blood and so on, no one was spared , as a doll was covered in blood on the floor, the rackage extended to the cockpit of the plane as the pilots were assaulted.

Being mutilated, the pilots unconsciously change the plane's line as the destination change, from outside, it looked peaceful as the horrifying sounds were covered by the plane's engines and the wind.

In his room, Brian's, pencil suddenly broke, which rendered Brian startled, as he look out of his window with a worried expression, as a plane light could be seen passing.

That day was their arrival