I am going to school


The Television was turn on, as the channels were blank, as it was changed until the arrived one, the local news broadcasting, as only one news was being broadcasted.

"This is not an exercise, the situation has gotten out of control, we here to inform the out break of the new evolution of COD B, as the American government has decided to release the Hidden story to all the mystery...

After a long discussion with the following leaders of each nation, we have come to a decision to expose the truth to the public.... We are, the world is actually facing the most virulent contamination without cure of the new evolved COD B, but know named the T virus, as it's new varient originating from the main source, also the most distructive among the other variants, we have been informed of the fall of half of the Asian territory and we have lost contact with counties like France and his boundaries. All I can say to you all, my people, we should stay and remain strong, we shall bypass this situation all together, and see tomorrow"

"Those where the words of the American president before the white house fell, no news had been disclose on his condition, as the situation gets more out of control."

Looking out the window, the road was deserted, as Brian kept monitoring his environment, his father administered a drug to everybody at home, as Brian asked, all what he received as answer was, to fight an enemy you need to develop an allied similar to your enemy, he said, and Brian was lost, since then, Brian has been feeling a strange need to it meat, but always kept it behind his mind.

Friday, afternoon.

Brian was getting more and more hungry, as he looked at the others who had similar expressions as his own, his dad was in deep sleep sweating, while his mom and brothers were trying their best to forget about the hunger as the ate anything the saw in the kitchen, and hour ago, anonymous person called my dad, as he kept nodding, still know we are waiting.

Ring Ring...

Brian's phone range, as he picked it up, it did not take a minute before Brian was held by his dad with force as he was restricted from going out.

"You can't go!, It's an order!" Said his dad

"Listen, if you stop me, I would not forgive you, a friend is in need, and I would go for his rescue, heard!?" Brian was serious for the first time in a long time, as his father realize that he could not stop him.

After an hour, a bag of food was given to Brian, and a large heavy hammer, Brian chose it against a cutlass, and the car keys.

"Listen son, an advice, don't bring them here, the had not been vaccinated, also take them to safety, the refuge camp at the military base, after that, don't come back her, is a going with no return, take this is my batch, it would grant you a pass to the American citizen rescue, you have a month, we would be gone before three days but a month is what the give to those who can't be reached, good luck son"

As the door closed, Brian had the impression, he would never see them so soon again, he drove the car out, as he left, the journey to the.ain road looked peaceful until he was blocked by traffic, numerous abandoned car on the road, as he was forced to walk on foot.

It was getting late when Brian arrived his destination, as he looked Infront, and was shocked by the sight, corps everywhere, some were barely recognisable, and the rest were missing body parts as bullet holes could be seen on them, Brian ran to the school entrance and saw a horde of zombies hitting on the gate, as far Infront in the campus, he could see people constructing a barricade to contain the horde.

"Everybody, look for anything that we can add, bench, chair, desk anything, we have to block the entrance, have you all heard" said the gatekeeper.

"What is the condition of the students?" Asked a female teacher, her old age made her unable to assist in the renforcement of the barrage.

"Some are still in panicke and a few are wounded" said the school deligate, as she gave her report, her slim body in her blue jean with a black shirt with the hands folded could make any man arouse but, right know, everybody was working for Thier life.

In the large hall, cries of pain and sorrow could be heard, some where screaming out of fear and others were silent, as if praying that all this was a dream.

Rebecca, one of the student, did her best to calm her friend merry as she was in panic, she stood up and tried fetching a bottle of water, as she claimed the stairs to the second level where th storage room was found, when she arrived, she saw a death body on the floor, as she came closer, something or someone pounced on her forcing her on the ground, the sharp teeths and begining aggressive behaviour only mean, he was affected, she tried her best and pushed him aside as she ran for her life forgetting the steps, she knew, if that thing goes down, it's the end, she ran towards the end of the corridor, the without there, faced directly a bush area, she could jump and flee, but she knew, taking such decisions, she would not last long outside.

One thing she did not take into account, the speed of the zombie, as she was hit by it and she stumble on the ground sprinkling her leg, looking up, she saw how the zombie had already launched an attack as she thought this was the end.

Shooowssh! Bamn Bamn Bamn

A shadow entered through the window and before the zombie or Rebecca could realize, three distinct sounds of a strong think hitting on flesh could be heard, as the zombie scratched on the wall behind Rebecca and a stain of blood touched her delicate face, Rebecca was in a daze looking at the shadow who entered like a thief and saved her.

"Are you alright?" Brian asked without turning his head, not because he was trying to play cool but because, he wondered were this immense strength and speed coming from, as he clench his fist and finally look behind.