
The sky had no stars as darkness envelope all the space around, the only source of light was the full moon enveloping the empty sky.

The exist a phenomenon when the moon colour turns red, and right know, the moon gave out an eerie feeling of death red as the quiet night was feel with monsters screams, as the four people in the small house had difficulties in either speaking or sleeping as the remain quite.

Brian could only be saddened of the situation, the only person useful to him is death, as he observed the sky, he could still spot out numerous white dots flying fast in the sky.

"Tumb!" Something hit the zinc and rolled down, Brian looked out, only to see a Human head, the rest of the group came closer to take a look, disgusted, the girls could only hold their mouths and the boys could only feel bad.

"Bamb..Arrrrrgggggg" a large creature landed on the floor, followed by three orders as the fought over the head, in this obscurity, it was like a nightmare.

Daybreak, Brian and the group continue their journey, the distance to cover was still a long journey as the avoided numerous dangers, escaped death and fought for their miserable life and 3 days passed.

Brian was equipped with a heavy hammer, his body had strangely became strong and healthy, but this did not encourage him, the more he wasted time, the more the chance of saving the man was limited and also.

"Brian, I can't walk anymore, I am exhausted" said Rebecca, as everybody agreed, in difference with Brian's healthy body, apart from Edward who could still bare the fatigue, the girls were sweaty and exhausted.

Annoyed, he was ready to abandon them when he heard the sound of an engine, a car?, He thought, as he look behind him, he freaked out as he started running forward.

"Stand up and run idiot!" Scream Brian as he dashed like an arrow, the rest all turn behind to look and their expression turn ugly, as a large truck was approaching them at High speed with no intention to stop, but that wasn't the most terrifying aspect, behind the van, was a large horde of about a thousand zombie of different forms and shape with no definite human shape on them.

The tired girls could only jump up and sprint with all the had, a moment of slowing down and the would either become meat flesh for the zombie or paste meat from the car rolling over them.

"Grab my hand!" A female voice screamed out loud, as Rachel turn and saw some one's hand, the van had slowed down and someone was trying to help, "hurry!" She screamed again, as Rachel send her hand and held it firmly as she was drag in, next was Rebecca, as she was pulled in, a zombie, smashed on the car, pushing the car slightly, the power wasn't human, as everyone freak out on the horde who had catch up to them, as Edward did not wait for a hand and instead jump in.

Brian did not stop and kept running at full speed, surprised by his speed, he rival the van and passed it, the driver was shocked as he wandered wether this dude wasn't one of the experimental soldiers?, As he smashed the accelerator, the van produce a gasly noise producing smoke before leaving the horde behind.

As the lady who saved Rebecca and Rachel look out, she saw the distance between the horde and the van growing as she sight in relief, but, it wasn't over, as she heard a scream from the sky, all the passengers could only freak out especially Rebecca and Rachel.

"Tss, the wraths are here, I am taking out the big one" the lady spoke, and the driver nodded without saying a word, everyone looked at them, "what big one?" Murmured Rebecca, as a large object was kept hidding under a black cloth, as the lady removed the cloth, only to reveal a giant military gun with a thousand bullets.

"We never used this against a horde, but against the nightmares of the sky, the wraths" she open the van's door as she aimed towards the afternoon sky.

"It's time to hunt down nuisance" she said as she fired at a large. Creature, the sound produce by the gun was ear storming, as everyone could only hold their ears.

"Huh? Is that a gun?" Asked Rachel, what came out of the gun wasn't normal bullets, as the flying creature fell immediately one touched it.

"Fragmented bullets!" Screamed the woman, as she smiled like a mad dog, and kept shooting.


The noise was terrible, but Edward was worried, Brian was still outside, as he look Infront, "Huh?!, Where's Brian?" He asked, as the girls all look out, Brian was no where to be found as the car kept heading forward.

From afar, in an abandoned building, a shadow jumped a high position and looked at the direction of the noise, as he saw numerous light object bringing down his kinds, as it grin, as long sharp teeths were revealed, and it disappeared from his position as fast as it appeared.

Brian, could not continue with the others as he ran inside the quarters neighborhood, but he was being chase by two zombies, from their appearance, they were the mutant type, and their transformation phase wasn't completed, as human like features could still be spotted on their rotten bodies, Brian kept running, taking left right, and jumping, but it look like, this guy's weren't ready to leave him go, as the continued the chase.


The firing did not stop, as the sky kept feeling up with a huge mass of the wraths as the kept diving at the van, hitting and pushing it, the advantage was rapidly taken by the wraths, as very soon bullets were running out, everybody in the van, where worried to death, even the cold headed woman could not hide her fear.

"Arrrrrggggg gaaa" the zombie roared as it kept hitting his teeths producing an irritable sound with it's mouth, the others did same, was this a communication function? Brian asked himself, as he was surrounded by four of them and was trapped by a wall, could not jump, only means to escape, was to fight out his way from this small group, before the situation get out of control.

"What did we do to have such punishment" Brian asked himself, as the zombie pounced on him like hungry beast, salivating on their newly acquired feast.

The gun finally ran out of bullets, as the lady could only use a normal gun to shoot down the wraths, but was useless as the bullets did not do any harm to them, as the van was gradually being pushed, and finally, a large shadow appeared and hit the van violently sending it flying away like a toy.

Banmmb crash!

The van ended on a wall, as the passengers were all barely unconscious, as their ears were ringing like bells, Rachel slowly open her eyes only to see a hideous beast with large wings and a human torso stretching up, it's beast head resembling that of a bat was terrifying, especially it's long and bloody teeths, or where there cabins?, But, the only information that rang in Rachel's mind was, "get up, get up, run, run, run, get up and run, that's the devil, the devil!" As she started unconsciously shouting, the approaching devil could only smile at the persistence of his food trying to escape her faith of being eaten.


"Huh?" Both the monster and Rachel were surprised, who was this creature who stood in between them, with a medium hammer and a bloody body with numerous bits on his body and why was his body producing mist?

"Brian?" Rachel spoke unconsciously wether or not it was Brian, this entity was her last hope.