A Ruler

The scene Infront of them was a horror, all living creature could only feel fear as even the air became stiff and dry to breath, the plants curved in submission, the insects kept quiet, the ordinary zombies ran away and the strong could only fear, the humans could only be feeling amazed and terrified at the scene, at this precise moment, Rachel who was one of them watching knew; A new era has begun, and terror would be it's weapon of domination.


The roaring of the beast attracted the others, as the zone was filled with thousands and hundreds of different types, ordinary zombies, Colosseum, mouthpart, small wrath, and some strange ones as the all gathered to watch the territorial battle.

"What the fuck?, If this bastard is really the controller of this zone, how come his not like the others" Alex was confused, this boss was different, he look weak in her eyes, the basement squad could easily eliminate it with the new equipped fragmented bullets.

The agitated atmosphere suddenly became quite, as all the creature looked up, towards a particular direction, there he was, as Alex immediately held Rachel and lean herself on the dilapidated car, she held Rachel's mouth avoiding her from speaking, as she make a hand gesture, so as Rachel should stay quiet.

A human like shadow stood up, only a blur silhouette could be seen as the creature lifted his hand in approval, and as if understanding, the wrath pounced on Brian attempting to tearing him up, and Brian's reaction was the most shocking, as he did same, lifting up his hammer.

As the hammer came down aim at the monster head, the monster suddenly halted and used his wings to produce a large gust of wind which completely took Brian off gaured, as he was send flying in the sky like an empty plastic.

Alex and Rachel were both hit by the gust as Rachel was lifted up, Alex immediately caught her and held onto the broken door of the car, as she screamed.

"Your too light you girl, if we come out of here, I would take charge of your training" said Alex, she look up and so Brian's body been carried away by the wind.

The wrath did not waste time, as it took off, it had a surprising speed, as he covered up the distance between Brian and him in five seconds, catching him with his sharp claws, what he did next frightened Alex, as she imagine the worst scenario.

The wrath pierce his claws on Brian's back and lifted him up in the sky, and as it kept flying up, it was difficult to watch them, as only dots in the sky could be spotted.

"What are you doing, I am definitely losing!" Screamed Brian, as he tried to breakthrough from his seat, the entity kept quiet for a while, Brian could only weakness his body been played with like a toy, he thought, "was this the end?"

"You can fight with recharging....., Your body needs the virus to grow" said the entity, but Brian could not still understand.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked Brian.

"The virus is part of me, in resume, to get stronger, you need to feed more on the infected, is like leveling" said the entity.

"What?!, Part of you?, Need to eat zombie? Never!" Brian rejected, as he fell disgusted, thinking of the rotten purse and bacteria on the body, he fell as if vomiting.

"So you would die, and I would disappear, is easy as ever, farewell young man" said the entity.

"Wait, don't go, I have numerous questions to ask?!" Said Brian.

"We requesting answers when your in death's door?" Asked the entity.

"If I survive, would you answer them?" Asked Brian.

"Dunno, we would see" said the entity.

"Ok, that's better than anything, first!, Hand me back the control, with the strength" Demanded Brian.

After covering a significant distance, the atmospheric air became chilly and cold, as it was difficult to breath, but that did not affect the wrath, as it thought of flying up again.

Immediately Brian's body shook, he open his eyes, the deep blue it had was replaced with a light blue, as he immediately smashed his hammer on the monster's chest.

Swooosh !

"Arrrrrrccckkk!" With a beast like scream, the monster left Brian, as the later started falling, the strike was so great that the hammer remain embedded into the monster chest, as the monster became berserk.

Dragging out the hammer, the monster immediately look down, like an eagle, it dive, with the intention to finish this bastard.

Brian saw the monster coming, it speed was truly astonishing, as he to position his body to increase his fall, both monster and human fell like stones as those in the ground started screaming and roaring like hungry beast.

Brian speed wasn't fast enough to outrun the monster in the air, like an eagle the monster got closer to Brian showing his claws, but this was part of Brian's plan, as he turn to face the monster.

The monster took it as an opportunity and tore Brian's right hand, the blood flashed on the monster's face as it vision was blurred for a second, opening his eyes Brian was on his back as their sky journey came to an end.


The impact was so strong that, the concrete road cracked lifting up dust, all the monster including the strange one in the building observed, who was going to come out alive, it did not take long for a body to be send out flying before hitting the wall.

Alex and Rachel were shocked seeing Brian crashing on the floor, was he still alive, if not, they were next, both breathed in wishing for Brian to stand up, but their expectations were shattered when the saw a body thrown out of the smoke.

The wrath apparently came out victorious, as his next target was the humans still alive, his attention was drawn on to them as it came closer.

Stopping a meter away from the humans, he looked at the strange creature on the building as if waiting for his approval.

The indifferent creature stood up prepare to leave, but his attention was suddenly carried to a particular direction, as a threatening aura emerged from the position the human was send flying, his cells were screaming in terror and fright and was warning him to run.

From the smoke, he body emerged, covered entirely in blood, as his eyes were shining with a threatening bleu, as the human in question lifted the hand who was cut down, and immediately, another one grew up.

The strange monster immediately roared, as all the surrounding monster faced Brian, ready to eliminate this threat, the appearance of an entity like this only mean one thing to the monster.

Their natural predator, and if humans develop this power, they would be Doom, so the had to take him down.

"Extreme strength, speed and cells multiplication... What is a civil of an abandoned country doing with a Geno v power, don't tell me he is a carrier?" Alex thought, as the scene unfolding Infront of wasn't a dream, if that was the case, she wasn't permitted to leave this human die here, she had to bring him back, even if it had to take her life.

As Alex thought of the worst and Brian was ready to move, the wrath who was ready to pounce on Brian immediately fell as his head burst open spreading out bones and brain parts, and immediately, a shower of bullets came raining down the monster.