Chapter 33

Hyun Na Bi said calmly, "Your happy now? After killing so many people are you happy now? What about your family, your mother? I'm sure you both must be in cloud nine after everything."

That was when something in Jin Yong snapped, and he said to her, "It was all her. When she came to know that I was alive she used me to get into the Jin family and loot everything. It was too late when I came to know the truth. Very late. I had killed them all. The entire family was gone. They had always been kind to me but I failed to see that. I was so blinded by my greed for taking everything that I did not notice them. I am a murderer."

"Tell me everything"

Jin Yong talked on and on for hours about everything that happened in his life until then. He did not ask a word about the baby but Hyun Na Bi was feeling guilty. He had suffered a heart attack because of her and she wanted to tell him the entire truth after she heard what happened in his life. All her anger had gone by the end of the night and it was replaced with… Hyun Na Bi couldn't explain the feeling but she no longer hated him but it was not love either.

It was getting late and it was time to leave but Hyun Na Bi did not want to leave before she said everything in her mind. The entire truth.

In a single breath Hyun Na Bi recalled the entire event that had been haunting her for years, "I got pregnant after our one night stand."

But Jin Yong stopped her, he knew that she was hurt and he did not want her to experience the pain once again, "Stop. You don't owe me anything. You don't have to tell me anything."

"No I want to tell you. It was during the end of my third year and your final year and I was so happy that I wanted to tell you directly. When I came to the rooftop to tell you, I saw you proposing to Ahn Se Na and telling her how much you love her and also how much you hated me. At that moment I thought it was over but I couldn't abort the baby. It was ours and I did not have the heart to kill the baby. When I came home after seeing you propose to her I was bleeding a bit at night. I had no money left. Grandmother was sick so I had already spent all the money left on her. The bleeding stopped but the next day I went to a small clinic for checkup after I was bleeding again. I was emotional and I did not know much. I did not know they were an illegal clinic with uncertified doctors…."

Hyun Na Bi paused but Jin Yong did not say a word and just sat there, and after composing herself she continued, "I do not know if they gave wrong medication or it was something else but when I went home blood just poured out and the baby was gone. The baby died."

Hearing this Jin Yong sat still as a statue and after what felt like hours he asked her, "Was it on the day when I returned after announcing my engagement?"

Hyun Na Bi nodded. How could she forget that day? She was suffering in pain while Jin Yong was celebrating the day with Ahn Se Na. Heiress Ahn Se Na was getting engaged to Jin Yong the son of Jin family and it was quite a big deal and the social media was filled with the couples photos. 

Jin Yong was crying after years. He had never shed a single tear from when he was a kid. But now he couldn't control himself. Jin Yong had no one else to blame other than himself for Hyun Na Bi's pain all through these years. Jin Yong had heard her cries. The blood wrenching screams and he was a fool to think it was because of the engagement. 

"I should have been there for you. I should have been there" Jin Yong said repeatedly but Hyun Na Bi did not say a word. She had cried so much that she couldn't cry even if she wanted to during these days.

Hyun Na Bi continued speaking not bothered about Jin Yong's tears, "That's when I met him. Park Dae Hyun. My husband. I fainted in middle of the road after getting a phone call that grandmother and mother was serious. He was with me the entire time. He did not say anything or expect anything from me.

He proposed. He said he fell in love with me on first sight. I did not love him. I don't know if I hated you or hated myself but I just couldn't love anyone. But I accepted his proposal. Though he loved me, for me it was just a marriage of convenience. I couldn't get pregnant for 5 years. Somehow I got pregnant and had a son. Luckily I got pregnant the second time and that's when I came to know. My husband was cheating on me. In fact he had been cheating on me for so long."

"Come to me. With your kids. You don't have me to marry me if you don't want to. I know that his family is not letting you get divorced. Don't worry I will make all the necessary preparation and pay how much ever they need. I will hire the best lawyers and help you get divorced. I can't bear to see you like this. Its okay if you don't want to live with me. I will transfer some of my properties to your name. You can live with your kids and do whatever you want"

"Oppa where did we go wrong? Would our future be different if we…"

"Give me a day to think"

"I investigated and gathered as much as I could about your husband. You can get easily divorced with the help of this. I will be waiting for you as long as I'm alive"

Hyun Na Bi had gone home after that and even after thinking for a whole day she couldn't reach a decision. She was ready to leave Park Dae Hyun and start a new life but what if the family was not ready to give her the kids. Hyun Na Bi very well knew that if the Park family came to know about Jin Yong helping her with the divorce then they would certainly accuse her of infidelity and they wouldn't allow her to take the kids. Thinking about this nonstop had made her tired and she wanted to sleep but couldn't. At last when she had fallen asleep she woke up in the past.