
The monster was around 3 feet tall, it resembled a goat but it had six legs and it had three horns that stuck out of its head. Two horns that came out of the back of its head to wrap around the sides of its head and one that went around the top. They all came together to enclose its head in what seemed to become a pointed horn almost resembling a drill.

Draco's blood ran cold, as he knew this was without a doubt a monster. The goat thing was staring right at him, they were in a standstill. Neither one moved, both waiting to see what the other one did first. Draco decided he needed to do something. After building up the courage, he ever so slightly picked up his left foot making it hover not inches off the black rock floor.

Just as he was about to rotate his foot to stand and take off running in the opposite direction of this monster, he saw a symbol floating above its head. It was green, just like the window color. It could have been no bigger than a 50 cent coin, while it looked like an eye in the process of opening. He was confused, he could have sworn that it wasn't there when he had first seen it. Thinking that maybe it was like his window he thought about reaching out and grabbing the symbol, The eye suddenly expanded in front of him.



Error-can not show more information

due to level difference

Description- An animal that eats certain

rocks from the world kerith to survive, their three horns grew around their heads to protect them from large falling rocks as they scavenged for food. Although when unprovoked they spend their time ramming their drill like horn into rocks, due to it not being able to find food for a week the beast has become Enraged.

The word enraged was blinking, when Draco clicked on it it opened up a second window overlapping the first.


Passive Effect.

Description-when the Order is about to lose all its energy it will inject mana into itself as a last effort.


The Uorder's stats will double. it can't tell friend from foe and will attack anything it deems as possible food.

Draco was pulled out of reading the Description of this creature when he saw movement coming from behind the glowing green window. The Uorder was charging at him aiming the drill like a lance, and was aiming it at his stomach. Draco threw himself to the left as the goat came rushing past him. He desperately looked around, trying to find a way out and away from this monster.

As he looked around all he could see was what looked like a small enclosed room that was made out of the black rock. The walls were smooth with juts and carvings in them that only went about 2 inches thick as far as he could see. Above he could see a floating green ball of glowing light, not bright enough to blind but enough to be able to see everything clearly in the room.

He was pulled away from his sight seeing as he heard grunting. Thinking the goat thing was coming at him again he whipped around, only to find the goat's horn had embedded itself into the wall making the goat get stuck in the process. It fought to get out but no matter what it did it wouldn't budge. He crept closer to the goat, making sure he was able to run away at the drop of a hat. As he got closer he started to see some things he hadn't noticed before. The first being its body was skinny, almost like it hadn't eaten recently. 'So the description was accurate.'

The second thing he noticed was the horns on his head had little indents that faced towards its back, reminding Draco of the arrows he saw some of the hunters using. They said it was to make it so it wasn't easily removed. At that thought Draco shuddered, he now knew if he hadn't jumped out of the way of that horn, he would currently be between the goat and the wall. He knew it could get loose any second so he had to deal with it when it was vulnerable.

He searched around looking for anything he could find to kill this monster, however all he could find was chips of the rocks that the Order had dug out of the wall. Thinking of something, he moved to one of the larger shards on the ground near the wall to the right of the beast, all the while making sure not to get in its line of sight. The peace he picked up could fit in his hand and it came down to a point, albeit a not so sharp point.

Taking a shaky breath in to compose himself, he slowly moved over to the side of the Uorder all the while making sure not to be hit by its thrashing hooves. The goat slowed, trying to build up strength to pull to get itself out of the wall and that's when Draco struck. He slammed the pointed edge into the side of the goat's neck. Instantly Draco felt resistance but still it slid in about 3 inches.