
Draco's eyes opened and he sat up to find the lady that had been with him when he passed out crouching a mere feet away from his face, almost like she was fascinated by what she saw. Her expression changed, Now looking at him with astonishment in her eyes. It quickly changed to that of happiness as she helped him up. "I got worried there for a moment. It was almost like you were drowning in a sea of guilt but after doing whatever you did with those three other emotions you started improving almost instantaneously."

Draco frowned, turning slowly to face the girl. "Three other emotions?" Draco looked up to see her Title which read Listener. Crystal still had her ability active so the second she had said that she felt the change in the emotions almost instantly. She felt the boy's emotions were of cold indifference, almost like he closed his emotions off. Which she was used to people doing when they found out about her ability. But to do it that quickly was still pretty impressive, or so she would have thought if the three other emotions didn't hit her like an S-rank monster, all with the same two emotions.

Rage, burning hot rage that could light underwater, but most of all was the bloodlust. So strong it was like they were using it as an attack against her. Crystal stumbled back and her nose started to bleed. She couldn't turn the ability off as the three were assaulting her so much that every time she tried her brain felt like it was going to rupture. Through the pure bloodlust going straight into her brain, she felt her partner's shock and worry but what surprised her the most was that Draco's emotions started to leak through the cold impassiveness. At first she felt worry, then a flash of amusement which quickly turned into worry once more before finally shifting to what she could only describe as superiority.

Almost instantly, the three emotions stopped assaulting her and she canceled the ability. Crystal gasped for air, staring at Draco now with fear. As her mind was completely clouded in fear all the ones in the Protective bubble could feel it. Almost like her body was talking right to their minds, telling them she was well and truly terrified.

The two men inside the bubble with her didn't know what was happening as this was her Title's passive ability. If put into a state where she is feeling one emotion to the point of wiping all other emotions away, then her ability would broadcast that emotion across a certain area as a defense mechanism. "T-take down the b-barrier." the man that was currently kneeling to Crystal's left hesitated due to the stutter in his partner's words.

The man had never heard her speak without it sounding indifferent. Like she was hiding her emotions. After a pause, he complied as she was party leader and the scout would follow the boy as protocol stated. She shyly looked up at Draco who was just standing there looking shocked by the whole thing. She reminded everyone who looked at them of a puppy who had just been slapped for doing something bad.

Both the lady and the man watched as Draco stammered like he wanted to help but didn't know how, before he got up and left. Crystal watched him leave before looking at the man next to her and saying one word. "Hyde." The man's face turned sour before he nodded, stood up, took out his phone and walked to the opposite side of the room and put up a barrier. People could see him making a call but no matter what they tried they couldn't hear. Not even people with special Titles that made their hearing near superhuman.