Cat Call

Draco jogged the rest of the way to his house. It was currently 11 at night when he finally arrived, so he figured his mother would be sleeping by then. He quietly opened the door trying his best to sneak into the apartment without waking his mom. When suddenly a figure crashed into his side and wrapped her arms around his waist. Draco saw the figure before she even jumped onto him but he didn't move as he recognized the person. He couldn't help but sigh.

"You should be asleep, you work tomorrow." This earned him a slap on the back of the head. "I am your mother. I should be telling you that, not the other way around." the words came out broken and she was sniffling through every word. He felt bad, if what they said was true then he had been gone a week, right after he said he was planning on going into a door. His mother probably thought he had died. "I'm okay mom." Draco let out in a low voice, saying it just loud enough for her to hear it.

She looked up into his eyes. He remembered being taller than his mother by a small amount, but it seemed like he had grown taller, or his mother had shrunk. "My boy, where have you been?" Draco flinched when she called him boy, something his mother noticed but didn't say anything. He couldn't help but feel grateful. She was giving him a door to not talk about it. Draco decided that he would tell her, so they sat down next to each other on their old sofa and he started to tell her.

He told her about the field, the monsters that he killed and the spineweb he got from those kills. He told her about the Bronchorn that attacked, and although he down played it, she saw right through him and knew it was worse then he told her. Then he got to talking about the party and his voice dropped a little bit. As he was about to tell him about what he had done his mother reached out and grabbed his hand, interrupting his tale. "No matter what you did, or what you will have to do in the future." she looked into his eyes. "I will always love you. If you truly want to go down this path then all I can tell you is survive. As long as you make it home, nothing else matters."

Draco was taken back as he read his mothers expression, which conveyed how serious she was. He started to protest but she cut him off. "I lost your father, I'm not going to lose you as well. So yes, I do mean whatever it takes." she held his eyes until he continued with the story. He told her how he had killed the scout, her eyes showed concern, but there was never disgust or pity, and he was grateful about it. He left out the part about Ann before he told her about everything that happened up until this point, leaving out the parts with his Titles and power.

Draco agreed with the three that no one should find out, not even his mother. After they finished talking his mother hugged him again, before he went to his room and fell onto the bed and slipped into a deep sleep.

Draco awoke early in the morning, tying his long hair into a bun before he ran to the exchange building. With the new stats he had, the hour walk turned into a 20 minute run. He was still sweating but it seemed to relax him to be moving.


Plus one Agility

Draco looked at the window with amazement. He had figured that since he could just add points to his stats that they would stop improving naturally. Draco set a mental note to check that later as he wiped his face with the black tank top he had on. Someone cat called at him while he was wiping his forehead. He looked up to see a lady jogging past him give him a wink before running off.

Draco shook his head. After he had added the stats and started working out, he had started to get more toned. Draco walked the rest of the way into the exchange building. Although he looked like he had just come straight from the gym, no one paid attention to him. Seeing as people wore large sets of armor and robes and mage hats, It was all commonplace nowadays.

Draco waited in line for 20 minutes before he got to the teller. "Do you have more than 20 Spinewebs today?" The teller's tone was monotone. "Yes.'' was all Draco said. The teller told him he would be given a room seeing as he had more than 20 and that someone would come inspect them for him.

He was escorted into a small room which had a table and two chairs, one on each side of the table and an essence reader in the middle of the table. Draco sat at the one facing the door. He looked over to see a window on the wall, but he couldn't see through it. 'One way glass.' He had been there for an hour already and still no one had shown up to help him. Draco figured this was because of what happened yesterday and they were testing him.

In case they had a mind reader or an emotion reader like the listener from before, he kept his head calm the whole time. Having had enough, Draco thought as loudly as he could. 'If you want information, you're going to have to use your words.' He again closed off his mind and waited. Though this time it only took five minutes for someone to come in.