
Draco awoke inside his mind, it was dark here and no-one spook. "Hello?" He heard himself echoing but instead of his voice it went from the dragons, to the goats, to the lions before returning back to Draco's. But it was deeper when it returned. Almost as if he had merged with the three voices to create a different yet similar voice. "Thanatos? Sophos?" Draco paused for a second before saying "..Lion?"

Draco heard a giggle but it was a deep voice that did it. "Shut up you snake, you're ruining the surprise." "says you Mr. Lion." again Draco heard the dragons barely contained laughter. He walked towards it and a third voice chimed in. however it seemed less annoyed and more like they have surrendered to this course of their life.. "You two seriously had to ruin the mystery?" "Awe come on that was great... Lion." The Dragon's voice continued to laugh. In a mocking tone. Draco felt embarrassed, as after all this time he still hadn't learned his name.

"Sorry but what is your name?" the dragon burst into laughter once more, only this time it was accompanied by a swiftly cut off laugh from the goat. "I… have not picked one yet." the space went completely silent, " there a reason or…" Sophos started talking before the lion could and before the Dragon could make another joke. "Names hold power as you saw with the life contract. So to pick a name is to bind yourself to that specific name for the rest of your existence. Now there are two types of names for humans, there's the one someone gives to you when you are born. And although this one has power it is very minimal. Your true name co-."

Draco cut Sophos off when he realized the answer himself. "Comes to you as a floating blue tag above your head." Draco looked around for confirmation only to realize he was talking to only their voices. "That is correct, however your true name is special." "because you have us three." Thanatos chimed in. "So in turn you have four true names. However be wary, as having power over someone's name is a twisted and dark way to manipulate someone, even for us three." The two other voices made sounds of agreement before Sophos continued talking.

"Like I was saying, the power over a person someone can have just by knowing their true name can be devastating, now think what they could do if they knew all four names bonded to one person." Draco's face showed wonder and understanding at the same time. The Dragon caught this and voiced out. "You become a puppet." there was a bite to his words as if he had experienced it before. So never tell people your true name, Draco understood this but then remembered what Findor had said before he fell unconscious. "If you are not supposed to tell your name then why would Findor swear upon his to protect me. Also if names are so important then why are ours just tele marketed above our heads."

"first of all, it is a very serious matter to swear upon your name. It means either they have nothing else they can do in that situation or it means they trust you not to do anything with the power you hold over them or they want to show you how much they are willing to risk to keep the promise they gave to you."

"And secondly it's not the Title that matters it's the real pronunciation. Now think about it like learning to wield a sword. If you look at someone and say "teach sword skills." As you sit on the bench and watch them practice, nothing will happen, however if you say teach sword skills and you show him the sword skills you want them to learn. Do you see where I'm going with this?" Draco did in fact understand it.

"I see, that makes someone with my Title special, huh?" "Smart boy, the fact that you can hide your true name is very rare. So I suggest never giving out our names or your original Title." "so wouldn't it be better for the Lion to never have a name?" The three went silent at his words. Before Sophos started talking again. "For one to not have a name, they are unable to connect there self to anything. So they can not remember and will forget everything unless reminded everyday.

"Except this numbskull somehow remembers that their name was amazing and they don't want their name to be anything less." This time the dragon chimed in. "yeah, however he can't remember what that amazing name was, or is. So he's stuck in an endless loop." They sat for a second before Draco spoke "How about Pride?" "Pride?" "Yeah, pride means to be deeply satisfied with one's own achievements. Plus it also has a double meaning. A family of lions is also known as a Pride of lions."

The Lion's voice stopped to think and Draco could physically feel him move farther away from the three. Sophos was the first to speak, followed by Thanatos. "Not a bad choice kid." "Should have just called him lion from now on till it sticks." After waiting around 2 minutes, Sophos started to talk once more. "There is some stuff however that we need to talk about, regarding you and what happens next." Draco had been expecting this talk so he wasn't that bothered by it. "Ready when you are." "First you should look at your new skills and Titles before we proceed." taking the goats advice Draco checked out all the new abilities he had received.


New ability

Description- By imbuing Mana into your muscles you are able to take on the strength of the ogre (+20)


When activated your Wisdom is halved.


New ability

Description- by sending out waves of your mana imbued with the bruteness of the Ogre you are able to Convince your enemy you have an army of dumb muscle heads behind you.


Current range is 90 feet. Cool down 3 hours.


When used against monsters, it will have the adverse effect of drawing in predators.


Any targets above your current rank will know it's coming from one person.


New ability

Description- by devouring a large number of Muscle mutts. You were able to absorb there

Ability to infuse mana into the muscles on their legs boosting their speed.


New ability

Description- after Devouring a large number of muscle mutts. You have absorbed there

Red hair.


New ability

Description- by sending mana into targets head, you are able to catch them in a illusion

Where they will be tortured over and over. Until you release them or they break out


Due to the original Title holder being a low rank the effectiveness of ability will be cut


Must have double the target's wisdom stat.

Must be within 5 feet to activate.

Must be making eye contact with the target.


Title absorbed

Pierce (E)

Please rename the Title.

Bore through (E)


Description- every arrow shot has the 5% chance to ignore armor.


Every successful shot will stack the chance on top of the last.


If a shot is missed or blocked the % will reset to 5%


Title gained

Devourer of brutes (D)


Description-your hunger rises and with it, your capacity to devour.


Devour will take less mana to cast on dead Ogres