
Draco let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He didn't even think about Brutis going through an evolution. He picked Brutis up and decided they would hunker down for the moment being. He carried him over his shoulder until they got to the base of a tree where he sat down and laid him over his lap, slowly petting him while keeping an eye out for predators.

It didn't help that Brutis started emitting a small hum of power out into the world. Draco quickly realized that the hum was the power the Elf and Findor were talking about. It was confirmed when three small groups of Goblins just randomly showed up and fought each other before the victor headed for Brutis's body. Draco quickly and ruthlessly took care of them before they could get within a ten-foot radius.

Draco tried to move him back to the wall, however every time he thought about moving he would be attacked again. So instead he hunkered down and decided to defend him instead. As he fought he would save the creature's bodies for him when he woke up. Draco had been continuously taking care of random creatures that were showing up, only having to get serious a couple of times when multiple Spiderlings showed up.

however, it wasn't until it was getting dark that the real problem started. Brutis had five hours and thirty-two minutes when the sun started falling, Draco thinking nothing of it seeing as he had supposedly spent a week in this field, he just continued monitoring his surroundings. As he waited the sun slowly continued its descent until there was no more light in the sky. Instantly roars went up all around him.

Draco's head snapped up from Brutis's form, looking in every direction like he was getting surrounded by a pack of wolfs. He threw out his senses, he knew the female had been watching his every move so he couldn't use his full arsenal when fighting which he knew was going to cause him trouble if he came across a stronger enemy. 'Do you think I should shapeshift if someone is around? Left wrist Yes, right wrist, No.'

There was no answer so Draco asked a different question to them. 'Will shapeshifting cause drastically noticeable changes?' This time the response was instantaneous as he felt a pinch on his left wrist. Draco figured it was Thanatos only answering as he was the one Draco chose. 'Will I be able to fight better if I shapeshift?' This time there was a perfectly well-synced bite to both wrists.

'Yes and no? That doesn't help.' Draco was about to activate a skill so he could have a fast conversation however just as he was about to cast, dozens of Goblins came running out of the bushes. He stopped thinking about talking and got into a fighting stance. Draco took a quick look at his stats to make sure he was still okay.

Name-Draco lionheart


Title-Impaling sight





Strength-104 Wisdom-99

Agility-94 sense-87(every 8S=1foot radius) vitality-94


Although his fatigue was more than halfway to one hundred. he wasn't going to waste his available points. Draco was about to start engaging when he heard another roar, only this time it was coming from directly in front of him, or more accurately right behind the Goblins which were actually avoiding Draco and Brutis. 'They are running away from something.' As soon as he said it he had a feeling like he was correct, Draco suspected he had felt the three confirming his feelings.

Suddenly the brush from where the Goblins came from was obliterated and a creature he hadn't seen in these woods came rushing towards him like a Maglev train. Its skin was that of dark red leather with scars marking it. It was at least ten feet tall and its head was standing straight up and ended in a stubby nose, reminding him of a dull pencil tip. however, as it roared its head would split into four and open to reveal a circle of razor-sharp teeth. Its pencil head spun around 360 degrees. On its chest, closer to the tops of its shoulders were two holes that were opening and closing steadily.

As it opened its head to roar Draco was reminded of a flower and its pedals when they opened, only these would no doubt close to eat him, and Its arms were the size of tree trunks. It was wearing a harness that wrapped around its chest going to its back, there was a loincloth that was fashioned around its waist that covered all the way down to its knee. from mid-calf down were rhino legs.

Its hands were like humans only with four fingers instead of five. For a split second Draco's mind screamed at him to dodge out of its way, however, he knew Brutis was behind him so he had to face this monstrosity head-on. Draco pulled out his bow and activated , attaching it to the end of the arrow. Draco poured mana into it, making it stronger and more visible, however, he didn't care right now.

He shot it to a tree to his left, then connected the end of the Thread to another arrow and shot that one at a tree to his right. He then put the bow back into his inventory and pulled out his knife, keeping it in its tactical form. The creature continued running, solely focused on the dozens of Goblins it was hunting. It was closing in on his trap, sixty feet, forty, twenty, thirteen, it slowed down and stopped not ten feet from the trap he had laid. It sniffed the air before looking at the wire, then sniffed once more before looking up and directly at Draco. "Well that failed." was all Draco could get out before it let out an ear-piercing scream and came sprinting towards Draco.