
After three hours and forty-eight minutes, they finished cataloging every single one of the item's Enchantments and Rank. "Alright, well onto the important part. The money. The 255 tunics, seeing we are buying them in bulk we can't pay the going rate for each individual, is that okay with you?" Draco nodded and she continued talking. "The going rate currently for an E-rank leather tunic, plus the worse enchantment out of your lot, would be around 29k, which would equal around $7,395,000 however due to a bulk deal we would take off 25% which would mean we would be willing to pay you $5,546,250.

"Now moving on to the cowl hoods. They are not an item that is sought after. So we would be willing to pay 5k per cowl, which would come out to $775,000 however with the 25% off it would come out to being $581,250. Next are the leather braces. These are more looked for seeing as most of them are iron reinforced. So we would say 12k for a pair of iron reinforced braces so that's $1,716,000 which is $1,287,000. The rest we would say are 8k per pair, which with the 25% comes out to be $408,000.

"Then the boots, they are an iffy subject. Nowadays people are going for everyday clothing shoes so these will be harder to sell. So we would say 4k per pair. With the discount that's $507,000, we will also just buy the lone boots for $9k for all of them. Which averages $500 per pare. Knife belts are good, we will pay 7k which with the discount is $1,128,750. For the pants, we would say 12k per so $2,142,000 with discount. Now on to the striker's equipment. There is a lot of good gear here, however like I said we aren't going to buy these full price, so I'd say for all of it."

she took a second to think about it. "We will pay 327k for all of them. Do you have objections to any of those?" Draco shook his head no. "Perfect, now if we add all that together you will be getting." She took a moment to punch all the numbers into the little calculator she had been using during all that number crunching. "That will equal out to $11,936,250 however, I have a proposal. If you are interested."

Draco looked at her with a skeptical gaze. He had already gotten into a situation like this before with the Ice Queen, his luck had been good then, however, he knew it would run out eventually. "What's the proposal?" She smiled. "It's simple, I will triple what we owe you. You only have to answer one question correctly, Are you interested?" Draco's eyes grew wide as saucers. Both she and the old man smiled at his blatant lust for money. "Alright, the question you have to answer is a simple one. What was written in the envelope."

It went dead silent as Draco thought about it for about three seconds until he understood the question and spoke while donning an expression that said 'this is a waste of time.' "Never looked.'' She was about to look over at the man at her side, however, he stood up before she could do anything. "Cash or card?" Draco told the man card and he watched as a little less than 12 million was transferred over to his account. "Anything else we can help you with?" Draco shook his head and told the two to have a good day before walking out of the store, without looking at any of the items on the walls.

"Never seen you pay someone yourself in all the years you've been staying here." The man had watched Draco until he left the shop before he looked over at the blacksmith, "befriend that kid." the girl was dumbfounded by that, however she didn't say anything. She grabbed the envelope and sat down in the corner chair. "What does granny say?" she rolled her eyes before fully breaking the envelope and taking out the folded piece of paper. After reading it in her head she voiced it for Dugg to hear. "Could you pick up ketchup on your way to the house? I will be making cheddar-worsts and cheeseburgers. P.s- tell grandpa he is also invited unless he is dead...then I want my money." Dugg grumbled before laying his head back down on the counter.