
I love and hate Twitter. Twitter is an abusive relationship.

I have never been suck in to one app so much in my life. I can literally just refresh once every 30 minutes and find something new.

So I was scrolling you know the usual. Porn, porn, porn, some alegation of pedophilia, funny meme, ALL CAPS TWEET, porn. And then I see this one tweet.

It is a 1 minute video of a Mascot for a Vtuber at a convention, and it's the biggest crackhead energy vibe I've ever gotten from anything. I'll leave it in the comments but still.

Twitter is just a rabbit hole I love, it also has alot of great po- I mean art, yes art. I also love seeing people argue on Twitter about something I don't care about.

It's just like watching 2 people argue on a random street corner. You're not going to intervene unless it gets overly violent, but you still watch and place bets in your mind on who's gonna say the first racial slur.

That's actually a fun game on Twitter, start an argument and see how long it takes before the person says a racial slur. I'd say on average maybe 5 tweets, a high of like 20. Minimum of 1.

This was originally going to be about why I love Microsoft Excel but this is more entertaining tome right now. It's also where I find alot of my insults from.

Go in a popular youtubers Twitter comments and scroll for 20 minutes, you'll find some good insults.

Heres some good ones

"You are like Cyberpunk, you were good untill I looked at you. You are the definition of a discord moderator. A tub of lard has less fat than you. A Mcdonalds fryer has less grease on it. Nikacado Avacado eats less calories than you. Your mother mustve sued the condom factory."

You know, that good stuff.

Also its fun to see how many people get cancelled a day. like everyday theres another pedophipe getting canceled.

Its like an international food market. Full of weird ass shit.