Z'aheer barged straight in into his room where his throne was situated, he walked briskly to the thrine, and like an angered cartoon character, he turned around then sat on it. Z'aheer couldn't still believe all the things that happened back then, it was like he was seeing something right from a movie, of all the places he could imagine the Optisiar to empower a person, the eyues was the least. That unknown energy he felt when Gary blasted his brother, he couldn't even believe that it could take the latter out of existence, he knew the Optisiar to be very powerful than an animate object's logic, but he never knew a young blood like Gary could control it up to the extent of taking someone out of existence.
'He just got lucky.' Z'aheer tried to confuse himself. And this so fasr could be the best reason of how a formal mortal could use such power, Z'aheer flt the damaging energy from the Optisiar even from afar, he had contacted some top level mages to do the work of either changing his history (Before the incidnent) or manipulate his destiny, but he hadn;t gotten any positive response, Varilence walked to his master with his head slightly bent to the floor.
"My Lord, I'm sorry for the incident, I accept my punishments." Varilence said with his voice filled with soberness, who knew such a monstrous being like him could actually humble himself to the core.
"There shan't be any punishment Varilence, we went un prepared." Z'aheer replied, still tapping on the rock-made arm rest.
"But my Lord, your brother.." Varilence was cut-short by a familliar voice from behind.
"Is still alive." And behold, Jatzu standing unscratched, and looking better than before, he now wore a long red floating robe and black shirt inner with red jeans and a pair of sneakers.
"Since when did you dress like that? And how are you alive?" Varilence turned back before asking.
"Decided to go with this look for now, you've got a problem with it? And also, do you really think a kid would be the one to cause my death?" Jatzu asked.
"Never for once doubted your skills brother." Z'aheer said resting on his throne.
"The boys history's null and also destiny, and there's no reason trying to manipulate what wasn't there in the first place." Jatzu explained.
"Well then we extract the Optisiar from him." Varilence said.
"The Optisiar is a tri-affinate artifact, and is bonded with the soul for eternity from what I heard, There have been several rumors of Mages that boasted their abilities to take the Optisiar out of him, but this is the pure ones and the Harmons, the Archmages Tribunal, Sango, higher level Sky mages and the Darkalions, also the tri-affinates." Jatzu explained.
"The pure ones, those bastards, they wouldn't heed to my own request, they hate all 'Lubestree' with purple hair." Z'aheer said with anger filling his voice. "And let's not even talk about the Harmon, he won't budge, the Tribunals are in fact a now go zone, but we can still try our luck with that Yoruba god, and I have some Sky mages as friends." He added.
"I have another person who can't take it out of him, but would still enslave the kid as his puppet, but he'll be needed to be brought down here since the Lubetrees aura would be needed." Jatzu explained. "The kid can still be subdued to mind control, but this can be done now that he's a newbie, also the same thing appllicable to getting it out of him, once he gets past what is known to be the 'Convergence stage.' He's basicallly unstoppable, not even the Nexus of reality can't undo what it did without restarting the whole Omniverse." He added. This was really bad, very bad in fact, the fact that they couldn't get this out of the boy really quick, Z'aheer knew that even if he managed to remove it from Gary, the object would still be lost in overvoid, with close to zero way to retrieve it without it falling into an already laid trap. Z'aheer was still adamant on giving up, knowing all he could achieve with all that power, how it would be for the benefit of he and his family, he could easily take down Cosmic guardians who were on the trail, meaning that he could destroy a vast amount of planets and cosmic entities without their interferance. He clenched his fist tighter realising what a waste of potential in the boy, he was really angered by this incident, and felt like ripping him apart.
"I swear I'll kill that boy." Z'aheer blurted with his tightened fist slaming onto the throne.
"But my Lord, can we kill him?" Varilence asked.
"Yes, really quick in fact, he's at his weak point now that he hasn't experienced the convergence." Jatzu replied. "But there's a down side, according to what I heard, the Optis might still get lost in the overvoid, and if it dosen't, then 99 other things can be said to happen." He added. Jatzu also felt angered by this incident of losting the Optisiar to a mortal, an unexperienced one to be exact. He also had his own unsaid plan hidden beneath the carpet.
"What 99 others?" Z'aheer asked.
"These are the one I wouldn't be able to say. For now, we need to call in a Sky Mage! I have a friend of mine who also dwells in the mortal realm, he's really powerful and a son to the Harmon of purpose."
"Then let's do so, the kid would be in the Arch plane by now, all we need to do is to get him out." Z'aheer said.
"Lets prepare for war!!"
They all walked past the tall huge wall situated in the skies, at the other side was a bridge that streched out to an unseen point since the clouds blcoked their view, the bridges were made out of old strong bricks and didn't look like it would be falling down anytime soon, Gary and Danny were amazed at this, looking around in awe.
"Yo mate! Where are you taking me to?" Gary asked.
"The realm of divine mage, otherwise known as the Arch plane." Mabvio replied with pried filling the tone of his voice.
"Charming, um, can we go back now, I left my gramps at home and he needs to take his drugs." Gary wasnt really amazed by this, he had seen very awesome things today and the recent days, it was like he had adapted to the whole paranomal system, and didn't need any orientation, he must have been blinded by all this instant 'Power' that he didn't reaslise that Z'aheer still meant businees, thinking that he had killed Jatzu filled him with vast amount of pride. At least he had taken down a villian, just the way he visualised himself doing in the nearest future, even though destroying the carnies was still saving, this still felt special to him since he did it in front of Martha who had been silent the whole while.
The all crossed the bridge and now found themselves standing in frint if two guards with wings and white and gold armour both held a golden staff which had a floating blue orb on the top, his vision becam alerted, he could see the whole city, and hear their charters even from where he stood, the whole place was designed with gold and white, the houses the armour the mages wore, the horses snd som many more. Danny's jaw was already aching, but it still dropped when he gazed upon the city, it looked nothing like earth and this kept him in the state of amazement. And turns out he wasn't the only one, Gary's pride instantly dropped when he caught the anazing view of the place. Mabvio walked past the guards and into the busy city of Ashfar, they kept walking forward, making thier way out of the throngs of mages passing by. They finally reached the front of a huge mansion secluded from the city, they really journeyed far, but the only person feeling exhausted was Danny who complained along the way but would get harsh replies from Mabvio at intervals. The two huge gates slowly opened giving way for them all to pass through, Gary marvelled at the luxury that filled the compound, the fact that he hadn't experiene any form of luxury unlike Danny made it more marvelling. Danny just followed behind, not moved by any of the things around him, even though the fact that the amount of luxury surrounding him surpassed that of his, but he still had to keep his cool, right? Mabvoio was welcomed by a muscular man naked on the top and with white baggy pants, his black silky hair was combed smoothly to the middle,looking like an afro, he smiled with those rosy lips of his, his steel blue eyes gave him a more amazing look.
"What brings the mischieveous one here?" The man asked with a smile,
"Glad to see you too Karlows." Mabvio replied before walking past him, along with the others, Gary stared at Karlows who in return smiled at him. They hadn't gotten into the house when a portal tore widely, coming out was Jatzu, holding a hge well-desinged sword.
"Coming to the arch plane with the boy wasn't so smart afterall." Jatzu said with a smile. Mabvio was shocked by this scene, and so was Martha and Karlows. But no was was as terrified as Gary, he didn't want a round two of brutal beating, the hair at the back of his neck had already stood up, he almost knelt down out of fear, Gary was also the one who 'killed' him, so this meant that if anyone was to collect a very painful beating according to grades, Gary would get a whooping A+.
"How did you get here you demon?" Mabvio asked.
"Actually my brother, Z'aheer's a demonic mage and an ascendant of the Lubestree, I on the other hand, I'm.." Two lights glowed behind him, Danny had to block the blinding light with an arm, and so did Martha, while Gary had no problem seeing through the light. The light died down, and behold, two white wings attached to his back. "...Divine." He completed.
"Stand down, you don't stand a chance, there are over a million Divine Mages here, do you really want to try us?" Karlows asked.
"Not when I've dragged you all into omni-cloack." Both Karlows and Mabvio looked up to see an invincible field surrounding the whole mansion. "Just bring me the boy, and I shall let you go." He added, taking a step forward.
"We've got a Multi Pheonix, Two Divinge Mages, and you think you've got a chance?" Karlows asked with a smirk on his face.
"You really think I came here to fight?" Jatzu asked. A flame formed on his palm displaying an Image. In this animate image, Gary could clearly see his grandfather tied down to a chair, and Z'aheer standing beside him. Gary's eyes widend when he saw this, Jatzu had a smirk on his face when he noticed the latter's reaction.
"Hey Gary, I'm assuming you know this man really well, you know what I can do, and you also know I have no pity for mortals like him. But you my boy are gold, you're special and must not be tampered with, and that's why I'm going to bestow my mercy on this guy, if you show up within the next minute, he lives, you don't... I;m guessing you know the other option" Z'aheer explained. The fire disperesed into nothingness, as Jatzu brought down his hand.
"So Gary, what's your choice? Go with me, or stay and let your merry band end the life of the oldman."