"Good riddance lads" This words resonated in their ears as they too a ride to where they weren't even familiar with, they had zero knowledge about where the hang man was sending them to and could only wait in patience for what was at the other side. They had been falling down from an endless hole which made their heads dizzy, Gary was already sick to his stomach as he couldn't wait for this mad endless cycle to end. His head kept on throbbing and the source of the headache was unknown to him as he felt the ache all over his head, his vision had now become blurry and he couldn't figure out where his two comrades were. He was about to loose it all when..
His back landed on the hard concrete floor along with the other two lads who were also feeling the dizziness from their long and wired trip.
'You old wanker' Gary cursed from within as he slowly stood up, his bones cracking had became audible.