Chapter 12: Hogwarts Magical Newspaper (Edited)

After half an hour, Harry and Ron left Snape's office for the Gryffindor common room.

The castle was silent since dinner had ended.

Ron said worriedly, "I wonder how Ivan is doing, I wish we could go to the banquet."

Harry pondered for a moment and said, "Professor McGonagall doesn't want us to show off."

Ron wisely replied, "She didn't want anyone to think it's a good idea to drive a car to school."

Harry listened to Ron's words and said, "Yes, but she could at least tell us what house Ivan is in."

Ron said confidently, "He has to be in Gryffindor, just like Ginny."

Harry looked a little worried, he liked Ivan and wanted him to be in Gryffindor, but thinking about how smart Ivan was, he replied, "That's not necessarily true, he's so smart he could be sorted into Ravenclaw"

Ron listened to Harry's opinion and said, "As long as he's not Slytherin, Ravenclaw is also a good choice."

The two walked and chatted until they reached the entrance to the Gryffindor room, which was hidden behind an oil painting of a fat lady in a pink dress.

The fat lady saw them approaching and asked, "Password?"

Harry didn't know how to answer, so he just said, "Oh."

They hadn't met a Gryffindor, so they didn't know the password for the school year, but soon their savior appeared. It was Hermione who was walking towards them.

Harry asked worriedly, "Hermione, do you know what house Ivan is in?"

Hermione looked at them and said impatiently, "Gryffindor! You took him to school with a flying car and risked getting them expelled!"

Ron looked at her and said in desperation, "Don't lecture us, we've been lectured all night. Tell us the password quickly."

Hermione still hadn't given up on lecturing them, but she still told them, "The password is, Bearded Bird."

She waited outside to lecture them and try to make them realize her mistake before they entered the common room.

But when the portrait of the fat lady opened in response, her words were immediately interrupted by applause, and Harry and Ron were dragged inside.

The Gryffindor students were still awake all huddled in the common room, Harry and Ron became the new subject.

Ivan was delighted to see them come in, he was finally free, so he slipped quietly out of the center of the crowd, collapsing on the couch by the fireplace, unusually weak from an eventful night and the lack of dinner....

When Hermione saw Ivan on the couch, she walked over and called out to him in a deep voice, "Ivan!"

Ivan saw Hermione's solemn face sitting in front of him, and in a pitiful voice, he said, "Let me go Hermione, lecture me tomorrow, I'm starving right now!"

Hermione pursed her lips and without saying anything, took a piece of chocolate out of her pocket and handed it to him. Ivan ate it making him feel much better.

The Gryffindor's welcome didn't last long and soon, with Percy scolding loudly, they all went back to their dormitories to sleep.

Ron proudly walked up to Ivan and said, "Congratulations on being sorted into Gryffindor, I know I shouldn't be the proud one, but..."

Ron was talking to Ivan as they walked to their dormitories, but when he saw Hermione looking at him, he quickly shut up:

Harry asked awkwardly, "How come I didn't see Fred and George?"

Ivan replied, "I asked them to go to the kitchen and get me something to eat, do you guys want some too?"

Ron rubbed his belly and said, "Oh, sure...."

But then Ron looked at Hermione warily and said, "Never mind, Harry and I have already eaten in Snape's office, so let's go upstairs now, we're a bit tired."

Harry, looking at Hermione's tense face, said quickly, "Good night, Hermione, good night, Ivan!"

After a few minutes, there were only two people left in the common room, he and Hermione, the fire was burning quietly, and the atmosphere was somewhat strange. Ivan saw that Hermione was going over her schedule, and had circled all of Lockhart's classes with hearts.

Ivan looked at her schedule and was speechless, but because he didn't know what to say, he simply spoke to her with the first thing that came to his mind, "Hermione, you know I bought a lot of things in Diagon Alley, and I think they should arrive tonight."

Hermione said with a curt tone as she raised her head, "Yes, I remember, you promised to lend me some of the books, remember?"

Ivan immediately agreed and even said, "Of course, you can read whatever you want as long as there is something you like."

Ivan could see that Hermione was still dissatisfied with the way they arrived at school.

As soon as Ivan uttered his words, he could see several owls appearing outside the window of the Gryffindor tower, so Ivan hurried to open the window.

A beautiful collection of magical books appeared in front of the two of them, fifty of them.

Hermione's attention shifted to the books Ivan bought, there were many types of books from their year, even later years.

Next, the subject of the two shifted to magical knowledge, and the conversation was very pleasant, and Ivan found that Hermione had become as friendly as before.

As they chatted about a magical spell, the doors to the common room opened and Fred and George entered with trays full of food.

Seeing Ivan and Hermione chatting happily, Fred said in a mocking tone, "Looks like we're back early, our hero Ivan is on a date with Hermione!"

George joined him, teasing the two, "And it looks like they've moved the school library."

Ivan saw the two of them and rushed over as he said, "Finally you're back, I'm starving."

Fred stepped away from Ivan and pulled some red candles out of his arms and said, "Of course, our dear Mr. Mason, it's a pleasure to serve you."

George walked over and lit the candles on the table for him as he said to Ivan, "This is the meal you ordered, so we'll leave you and Miss Granger to the rest of your dinner by candlelight!"

Both Ivan and Hermione blushed as Fred and George set the plates in front of them, like waiters in a fancy restaurant.

Fred and George looked at the two embarrassed people as they smiled, and were preparing to turn and leave when they saw something out the window.

The twins said in unison, "Look, what's that?"

Ivan and Hermione, saw something giant approaching the Gryffindor tower.

A few seconds later, Ivan could see that it was a transport team of dozens of owls. The owls were still falling and looked exhausted, so Ivan hurried to meet them.

When the owls landed, the ground shook a little.

Looking at the three people next to him with surprised faces, Ivan hurried to explain, "Don't worry, it's something I bought."

Fred and George asked in unison, "What is it?"

As Ivan fed the owls and signed for the delivery of the package, he said, "It's a newspaper printing device that I spent a lot of money on in Diagon Alley."

Fred asked loudly, "What? did you buy professional printing equipment?"

George continued, "You're not going to tell us you're going to start a newspaper, are you?"

Ivan pondered for a moment and said, "Yes, I'm going to start a newspaper, like the Daily Prophet, I think I'll call it The Magic of Hogwarts."

Ivan opened the outer packaging of the printing press, a complex silver-white magical device appeared in front of the four people, compared to the Muggle printing press, it relied entirely on magic to operate and also had a precise calibration function.

Ivan looked at the printing press and said quietly, "Think about it, all adult wizards graduate from Hogwarts, they have countless good memories, while for younger wizards Hogwarts is full of secrets, and we can run a newspaper to remember, explore and decipher its mysteries."

Then Ivan looked at Fred, George and Hermione and said confidently, "Believe me, we will be more successful than the Daily Prophet, we will become the most read newspaper in the wizarding world."