Chapter 23: The first issue of the newspaper (Edited)

The punishment for the fight was quickly decided, and everyone involved in the fight got different punishments.

Harry, Ivan and Hermione helped Lockhart answer to his fans because Lockhart wanted their help, while Ron, Colin and Neville helped Filch clean up the trophies in the trophy showroom.

Malfoy had to clean up Snape's office, while the Slytherin and Gryffindor Quidditch team had to clean up the Quidditch pitch as Fred and George threw too many stink bombs.

At dinner, Harry looked frustrated, he told the others that it was the worst punishment to help Lockhart with his letters, that he would rather help clean the trophies or clean the Quidditch pitch.

Hermione was even more frustrated than Harry, and said with a sullen face, "Look at everything you've done, there's only one day left before the official publication of the paper and everyone's in detention. Ivan, you shouldn't be so impulsive and Ron, you keep spitting slugs just because of Malfoy."

Hearing Hermione's complaints, Ron didn't know what to say.

Ron lowered his head and whispered to Harry, "When we were fighting, Hermione seemed more excited than anyone else."

Of course, his voice was so low that no one besides Ivan, who was sitting next to Harry, heard him.

Fred said to Hermione, "Don't be angry Hermione! After all, we won in the end, didn't we?"

George looked at the Slytherin table with satisfaction all over his face and said, "This was the first time we used stink bombs to attack others, the effect was incredible. There is stench all over the Slytherin table, so no one wants to go near them.

The two said in unison, "To celebrate this victory, we should have a party."

Hermione looked at the two of them angrily and said, "You should write and tell your mother about this," Hermione said as she looked at them angrily.

Ivan quickly said, "Leave them alone, Hermione! After all they were trying to help us, it was Malfoy who called us a Dirty Blood in the first place!"

Harry, trying to lighten the atmosphere, asked in confusion, "What does that mean?"

Ron explained, "It's an offensive comment. The word Dirty Blood is a pejorative term for people born to Muggles with no recent magical ancestry. Some wizards, like the Malfoy family, always feel superior to others because they call themselves Purebloods."

Ivan added: "Discrimination based on ancestry. Voldemort used this reason to kill Muggles."

After hearing the name of the one who must not be named, everyone at the table trembled, especially Ginny, she looked terrified.

Hermione asked, "Let's change the subject, what are we going to do now?"

Ivan pondered for a moment and said, "I have a way to persuade Professor Lockhart to let us leave early!"

Harry said excitedly, "That's great, Ivan!"

Ivan smiled slightly and said, "Of course Harry, but you have to be the sacrifice and stay with him."

When Harry heard what Ivan said, Harry was depressed again.

When they arrived at Lockhart's office after dinner, Ivan asked Lockhart to allow him and Hermione to go back and finish the manuscripts because there was only one day left until the official launch of "The Magic of Hogwarts" newspaper, and they still had a lot of work to do.

Lockhart agreed very readily to Ivan's request, after all, in Lockhart's eyes, he was the focus of the paper.

Ignoring Harry's pitiful look, Ivan and Hermione ran to the library with a large stack of parchments in their arms.

Ivan smiled bitterly as he looked at all the parchments and said, "This will be a lot of work. We can find Ginny to help us, since she shouldn't be grounded."

Hermione said, "She went to help Fred and George clean up the Quidditch pitch, there are still traces of Stink Bombs left, with two brothers like that, I feel bad for her."

Ivan sighed and said, "Well, Hermione! Fred and George are good people, everyone likes them!"

Hermione looked at Ivan and said, "I'm not saying they're bad people, but they're too naughty, maybe...."

Seeing that Hermione was going to go on forever, Ivan quickly changed the subject of the conversation, "Er, Hermione, I just wanted to ask you, what are you going to write?"

Hermione pondered for a moment and said, "An article drawing attention to school violence , but after hearing you talk about the Dirty Bloods, I'm going to change it to The Rights and Legitimate Interests of Muggle Wizards, that will be my assignment, so the rest is up to you."

After his words, Hermione got up and looked for books related to her article.

Ivan rearranged the front page and put the fighting incident as the headline.

Time passed, and the Gryffindors remained in a festive mood for two days.

Many people heard about Saturday's fight, and although it had ended in an even fight, the sight of those smelly Slytherin students was enough to know that Gryffindor had gotten the better of them.

Gossip was everywhere, and Ivan was once again the center of attention, there was gossip about him everywhere, there were at least ten versions of him beating Malfoy.

Ron was also the topic of discussion, as he was spitting slugs, so everyone is talking about what kind of spell can do such a thing, so many of the library books on charms had been taken.

In fact, apart from Slytherin, students from the other three houses regretted not seeing that wonderful scene with their own eyes.

As a result, people were full of anticipation for the upcoming first issue of the Hogwarts magical newspaper, because the paper had details of the battle and the spell Ron used.

On Monday morning, Ivan got up early and arrived at the Great Dining Hall with the freshly printed newspapers in his hands to distribute them.

Following his strategy, the first issue was free, had all the names of the staff, the name of the author of the article, and the method of ordering. Fred and George did a song, but Professor McGonagall made them stop singing. But this didn't stop everyone's enthusiasm, except for Slytherin's boycott of the paper, all copies were soon snapped up by the other houses.

Inside the Great Dining Hall, everyone was either skimming the paper or discussing the articles.

The long Slytherin table was out of sync with the other three, as they were not talking, but eating breakfast with somber faces. It was as if they were attending a funeral at the long Slytherin table, the atmosphere was frightening and chilling.

As he expected this to happen beforehand, Ivan had not counted them at all when the papers were printed. He approached the professors' table with a dozen thick newspapers and handed them to each of them.

Dumbledore accepted it gladly, while Professor McGonagall nodded, but looked a little proud of Ivan, and Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout smiled and picked it up; as for Lockhart, he took it and immediately turned it straight over to his pictures and started laughing, and asked Ivan to send him a few copies.

The problem was Snape, he looked at Ivan with a distressed face, he seemed to have no intention of talking to him, like the Slytherin students.

But after Ivan pretended to be careless and dropped it where the article about Lily could be seen, Snape grabbed the paper with a look of disgust.