Chapter 83: Second contact with stray dog

Everyone gasped at Peeves' words, Sirius Black had broken into the castle and had even tried to enter the Gryffindor common room.

This was horrible, and thank goodness it was Halloween and no one was in the tower.

Professor Dumbledore asked all students to return to the Great Dining Hall immediately, and the staff would conduct a thorough search of the castle to ensure safety. Ivan hurried downstairs with the others, and everyone whispered about what had just happened.

"Do you think Black is still in the castle?" asked Hermione anxiously and quietly.

"From what Dumbledore said, it's obvious he thinks so." Ron whispered in reply, "I'd say we're lucky he chose tonight to come."

"Yes!" Colin nodded uneasily, looking around nervously, as if Sirius Black was hiding in some corner, ready to pounce.

"I guess he's been confused because he's been running away and didn't realize it was Halloween. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come in." Ron's words earned everyone's approval. Besides, everyone was asking the same question: how did he get in?

"Maybe he knows how to 'show up'?!"

"That's impossible. As long as you've read the book 'History of Hogwarts', you'll know that we're not only protected by walls." Hermione said quickly, "The castle has been enchanted to prevent outsiders from sneaking in. It's impossible to get in through the chimneys. Also, I'd like to see what kind of enchantment can fool the dementors. These guys watch every entrance, if they fly in, they'll see it. Filch knows all the secret passages and they've sealed those passages!"

"Who knows, this is Sirius Black after all. the second most powerful dark wizard after 'He Who Must Not Be Named'.", Ron wrinkled his nose nervously, his eyes fixed on the girls' bathroom at the end of the third floor corridor. He remembered last year's nightmarish experience.

At the mention of Voldemort, the crowd fell silent for three seconds, and no one said anything as they walked silently down the dimly lit corridors of the third floor.

Harry was pale just like Ron, and no blood could be seen on his face. Black had entered the castle to kill him. This feeling was bad enough.

Hermione whispered, "Rest assured, no matter what trick Black had pulled, he would have been discovered by Dumbledore. What do you think, Ivan?"

"Maybe." Ivan replied.

He looked out the narrow window on the left side of the corridor and his gaze fell on the castle lawn. There was a huge black dog covered in coarse fur, Sirius Black! Not far behind the black dog was ginger-colored Crookshanks, both scurried across the lawn.

As if sensing something, Black suddenly looked in that direction.

The next second, following Ivan's gaze, Harry also saw the two creatures on the lawn. He ran to the window and opened his eyes wide, "Guys look outside, do you see it, the big black dog?"

"Harry, you're not seeing anything sinister again are you?" Ron approached uneasily and muttered vaguely, "Looks like the bloody cat!".

"You mean Crookshanks!" Hermione continued to worry, and said, "What is Crookshanks doing outside the castle, and when Sirius can be at school?

"Please Hermione, Black won't kill a cat. His purpose for entering the castle is..." Ron stopped suddenly and looked at Harry nervously.

Harry didn't seem to understand what he meant. He said excitedly, "That dog was near Crookshanks. None of you saw him?"

"It's very dark outside, you might be mistaken. Maybe it's just a big tree or a rock or something." Ron swallowed and saw everyone else looking at him.

Harry shook his head and said, "Impossible, Ivan, did you see it?"

Ivan didn't answer. He secretly calculated the distance from the outside lawn.

As long as it was fast enough, it wasn't too late to contact Sirius.

"You guys go ahead first, I'll go to the bathroom!" Ivan said hurriedly.

As the others looked at him in surprise, he turned into another hallway and ran towards the castle doors.

When he decided there was no one around, he decided to transform. Ivan's body quickly turned into a black cat. He crossed the deep marble hall at high speed and silently exited the castle.

He shivered as he felt the night breeze.

Hogwarts castle looked eerie tonight, with the oddly shaped statues on the grounds against the dim moonlight, a few bats gliding low in the sky, and the ominous hooting of owls in his ears.

In the distance, the shadows of Dementors loomed around the walls, where the ground had been blackened and all the plants were gradually withering.

Black could not go in the direction of the walls. Ivan turned hurriedly to look to the side of the Forbidden Forest. In the moonlight, he saw the big dog and Crookshanks disappear into the shadow of the Forbidden Forest and Ivan hurried after them.

Just as he entered the shadows, a figure darted out from behind a tree.

It was a surprise attack!

Ivan felt the warm air around him and looked up to see Sirius, the big black dog, snarling with a row of ferocious one-inch teeth. With a thud, Black lunged at him with a mighty impact.

Ivan fell and his body rolled across the grass until he hit a tree and stopped.

He was stunned and felt that his ribs seemed to be broken.

He wanted to get to his feet, but Black didn't give him the chance. He glared fiercely at Ivan, snarled and charged again.

Staring at the huge figure that was getting closer and closer, Ivan hurried to undo the animagus transformation and, at the same time, his hand grabbed the wand at his waist.

The tip of the wand sent out a red light and struck Sirius Black.

Black flew backwards, landing on the grass with a groan of pain.

"Enough, don't try to attack me again, or next time you won't be hit with a stun charm!" Ivan wiped traces of blood from his mouth, his left hand holding the tree trunk as he struggled to get to his feet.

He was breathing heavily, as was Black, who stood in front of him.

For a few seconds, no one spoke and the atmosphere was terribly tense.

Ivan saw Black's eyes glow with a crazy light from time to time in the darkness, staring at his wand. His muscles were tense, his fangs bared in an aggressive posture, like a cornered beast.

"Listen, I'm not malicious, I know who you are and I know what you're here for." Ivan pointed his wand at Black. "I just want to talk to you about Harry, he's a friend of mine. Ron..."

Before he could finish the sentence, footsteps could be heard approaching from a distance.

Ivan hurriedly turned his head and saw a glare of dazzling light. He blinked and was dazzled by it for a moment before he could see that it was Professor Lupin, "Professor Lupin?!"

"It turned out to be you, Ivan! I heard noises while I was checking the owl house, what happened here? why are you outside the castle?" Lupin looked at Irvine in surprise and said in a worried tone, "Sirius Black had just entered the castle and it's dangerous. Dumbledore asked all students to go to the Great Dining Hall."

"I, I..." Ivan didn't know how to respond. To tell the other person that he had gone out to meet Black to have a nice meeting?

Although Lupin was his good friend during his time as a student, in the absence of the truth and with the current situation, would he believe that Black was framed?

Ivan shook his head. In the absence of real evidence, with Lupin's character, even if he believed Black was innocent, Ivan feared the first thing he would do would be to tie him up and hand him over to Dumbledore.

Then, they would go after Peter Pettigrew.

If all went well, it would solve everything. But if Peter got away, Blake would be handed over to the Dementors before tomorrow, and a kiss would await him.

It was so serious that Ivan hesitated and decided to hide the truth.