Chapter 111: Identity Exposed

"We must be careful. Peter Pettigrew is a cunning opponent. We shouldn't underestimate him. I noticed you don't even have a wand!"," Looking at Black's appearance, Ivan couldn't help but loosen his palm.

In the course of these events, Black was like an ultra version of Harry when it came to taking risks.

Well, at least, Harry sometimes listened to other people's advice, but Black ignored it completely.

Ivan noticed a white card that Black had just left on the floor. It was an owl mail payment confirmation slip.

The item ordered was a firebolt and the recipient was Harry Potter.

This was Black's Christmas present for Harry, and looking at the astronomical price, Ivan wondered, this guy had the time and ability to buy such a valuable product for Harry, but he can't afford to get a wand for himself? That's just unbelievable!

"Wand?!" said Sirius Black dismissively. "I don't need such a thing, I can handle Peter Pettigrew with my bare hands."

"This isn't a matter of strength. I may not be on par with you when it comes to power, but if you run away, anything can happen, just like 12 years ago." Ivan continued to persuade Black, "We.... We have to get him this time, it's the only way to clear your name."

"You still don't get it, kid." Black roared loudly. "I repeat, I don't care what others think of me, I don't care if they think I'm guilty, I just want him dead I can't wait any longer!"

His loud voice shook the dust on the ceiling of the owl post office.

"I can appreciate your desire for revenge, but you have to at least think of Harry, I hear you're his godfather This is your final mission, the last thing his parents entrusted you with!" Ivan still had more, "You want Harry to have a 'murderer' for a godfather? You want him to think that about you? that his father's best friend sold his friends out to Voldemort?"

Hearing Ivan's words, Sirius calmed down.

His body trembled gently, his eyes filled with pain.

"For the last 12 years, Harry had a very bad life at his Muggle aunt and uncle's house, the Dursleys don't like him, you know that." Ivan said quietly, "Maybe he would be willing to live with you, if you manage to clear your name."

"James and Lily's son, living with me..." Tears welled up in Black's eyes; he wiped away the tears and sobbed. "You're right, for Harry's sake, I'll let that rat live for a few more days."

"Well, you can come to the Gryffindor common room tomorrow evening at eight o'clock." said Ivan happily. "The goal shouldn't be to kill Peter Pettigrew, but to catch him alive, I'll make sure the rat is there for you, and if possible, I'll catch him myself, in advance."

Ivan still had more to say, and as he prepared to discuss the details of tomorrow's plan with Black, Hermione's voice suddenly came from downstairs, "Are you up there, Ivan?"

"Yes, I'll be right down." Ivan replied hurriedly, beckoning to Crookshanks on the windowsill, who leapt into his arms.

"Who is this girl, your young bride?", A smirk crossed Black's lips.

"No, just my classmate." Ivan hurriedly explained, "You should meet her, her name is Hermione Granger, she's Harry's best friend."

"I know this girl, a very pretty young lady. Judging by her looks, she looks like she's a year older than you." Black looked at Ivan's face and saw his embarrassment, "However, I think I just saw you with her at Madam Puddifoot's tea store..."

"What I do with Hermione has nothing to do with you!" said Ivan, blushing.

"I was more popular than you in my student days. Lots of girls wrote me love letters, but I wasn't as good as you, I've never been with someone a year older than me..." said Black with a smirk.

"Shut up, quickly return to your Animagus form and stay here until we leave." Ivan raised his wand and said nonchalantly, "Remember, tomorrow night at eight o'clock sharp."

Ivan finished his words and put his wand on his waist.

He dusted off his body and led Crookshanks downstairs, where he saw Hermione, her face red from the cold, looking at him with a worried expression.

"I've found Crookshanks, Hermione!"

"What's he doing here?", Hermione held Crookshanks back "How did he get to Hogsmeade on his own? It's so far away from school..."

She hadn't finished her words, when she stopped and looked behind Ivan.

Following his gaze, Ivan turned his head hurriedly and saw a large black dog slowly coming down the stairs, hunched over and acting decently, like a noble gentleman entering a high class banquet, he didn't look like a lone stray dog.

Damn Sirius Black, coming down and adding to the chaos, didn't he tell her to stay on the top floor?

"Ivan, this big black dog!" Hermione looked at Black in panic and said in an uncertain tone, "Is that what Harry saw?"

"Like I said before, it was just a stray dog!" Ivan came over and tried to kick Black, who jumped aside, dodging Ivan's foot.

His eyes darted back and forth over Ivan and Hermione, his mouth flashing a truly human smile, and looking at Ivan with a look that all men knew.

Immediately after, he ran up to Hermione, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail, and finally started to look like a normal dog.

"Before I turn you into a slug, get down!" Ivan pulled out his wand and gritted his teeth.

"Wait a minute, Ivan!" Hermione hurriedly stopped him, looked at Black suspiciously for a while and suddenly said in a whisper, "I feel this dog is not normal, Harry said he had seen him many times before, from the streets of London to Hogwarts, and now he's in Hogsmeade, a normal stray dog wouldn't make it this far."

Ivan shook his head and said, "It could be a coincidence, the stray dog Harry was talking about, I've seen him too, they're not the same."

Because he was so close to Hermione, she kept whispering in his ear and her breath met his skin.

Her face flushed red in the moment, her heart pounding and her thoughts drifted back to Mrs. Puddifoot's tea store.

He was a second away from touching Hermione's lips....

She still had time; maybe he should go back to her and finish what he hadn't started.

"No, Ivan! This is definitely not a coincidence. I saw this dog around the forest in the last few days, I was watching Harry's Quidditch practice. It was no different dog." Hermione looked at Sirius Black.

Black looked at her strangely and slowly moved closer to listen to what she was saying to Ivan.

"Ivan, this big black dog..." Hermione lowered her voice a little. "I think he's an Animagus!"

"What?!" At Hermione's words, Ivan almost jumped.

Sirius Black, who had just approached, apparently heard the same thing as Ivan, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.