Chapter 116: Fenrir Greyback

"Damn, you dare to attack me I want to tear their throats out, they look so tasty! The boy can make a good dinner, and the girl can be a sweet dessert!"

The man lifted his dirty hand to wipe the bloodstain from his forehead, then stuck out his tongue and licked the blood off the back of his hand, slowly, gently and disgustingly, with a look that still had a craving for more.

Seeing that, Hermione paled.

She quickly pulled out her wand and approached Ivan.

"Go away, this is not where you should be. The Aurors and Dementors are nearby..." Ivan's wand was still pointed at his opponent, its tip emitting a faint glow.

"I'll be done and out of here long before they get here!" The man wiped his teeth with his yellowed fingernails and smiled, "You two are too unlucky, I thought it would take me much longer to find my prey. Since I received the letter from him, my companions, those cowards, took to the Muggle streets. I alone came to Hogsmeade, because I know that the blood of a young wizard is far more fascinating than that of a little Muggle."

As he finished his words, a high-pitched voice was heard. It was that of a man in a black mask who appeared at his side, "Hurry up, Greyback! You've only got a minute. I took a chance and promised to come all this way with you just for the Galleons, not to listen to your nonsense. Hogwarts isn't too far from here and I don't want to provoke Dumbledore," he glared at Ivan and Hermione, and said in an anxious, high-pitched voice. "As for these two, take a bite out of each of them, and remember to keep them alive. Along with the muggles the others prepared, they should satisfy you."

One bite each of them? That didn't sound very pleasant.

Ivan's body was tense and his mind fully focused. The conversation between the two reminded him of someone. That, along with the man's appearance, made him almost certain of his identity.

It's Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf who transformed Professor Lupin.

As everyone knows, he is, perhaps, the cruelest werewolf in existence today. He considers it his mission in life to bite and contaminate as many people as possible.

He specializes in biting small children, and then raising them away from their parents, raising them to hate normal wizards. In this way, they would spread fear and despair themselves. Due to his long consumption of human flesh and blood, he has come to love human flesh and blood, even if not on a full moon.

Greyback was Voldemort's most loyal supporter, and during the first Wizarding War, he was one of the most deterrent weapons the Dark Lord had on his side.

Voldemort assigned him to bite those who would not obey him, and those threats often worked.

After Voldemort's fall, Greyback was lucky enough to escape and not be captured in Azkaban. However, due to Auror persecution, he also went into hiding and rarely made a public appearance. Many wizards even optimistically speculated that he might be dead.

Obviously, their expectations were completely wrong.

Ivan didn't know how Greyback suddenly appeared here in Hogsmeade, and he had met him and Hermione by chance.

First it was Sirius Black, and now it was Greyback, Hogsmeade this year had been very busy. They are the most dangerous fugitives hunted by the Ministry of Magic were passing through Hogsmeade, and Fudge would certainly send over 500 Dementors if he ever knew about it.

Besides, after listening to the man in a black mask next to Greyback, Ivan knew they were clearly up to something. Did this have something to do with Voldemort?

Ivan looked at Greyback intently. Though curious, he knew very well that this was not the time to study such a man.

No matter what they were up to, the most important thing now was to protect Hermione.

"This guy is a werewolf, let's go!" Ivan held Hermione behind him. "I'll stop them and you find a professor to help us!"

Hermione shook her head, though her eyes were filled with tears, her look was determined.

She didn't speak, she took her wand and stepped forward, standing next to Ivan, showing her determination to support him.

Seeing Hermione's determination, Ivan sighed knowing that no matter what she said, she could never leave him alone and run away. Just as it was impossible for him to abandon Hermione, it was also out of the question for her, there was no other way to do this except for both of them to stand their ground.

"So be it, on the count of three, we attack together!" Ivan whispered, "Be sure to protect yourself, and remember that if it all goes wrong, you must run."

Just as Ivan finished speaking to Hermione, they both heard the man in the black mask speaking anxiously, "Hurry up, Greyback - we don't have time!"

"Shut up, you coward!" growled Greyback. "Don't rush me, you only came to help..."

Halfway through his words, he stopped talking.

He saw a red light approaching, and ran to his right to evade Hermione's spell.

Just as he wanted to let out a breath of relief, Ivan's spell followed.

He fell to the ground to dodge Ivan's spell, but to no avail, he was too careless. Ivan's spell was cast at an awkward angle. Greyback rolled on the ground, but his right leg was finally hit.

Ivan knew that Greyback's body was very resistant to magic, so he didn't use the 'Desmaius' spell, this time, he used the 'Petrificus Totalus' spell.

Under its effect, Greyback's body turned blue-grayish in the blink of an eye, and he became stiff as a wooden board.

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!" Greyback screamed as he struggled to get up, and then promptly collapsed again, falling to the snow.

"That's enough, you stupid werewolf!" The man in the black mask hastily pulled out his wand, "I must have lost my mind! I only came with you here for the galleons!"

As he said that, he cast a few spells at Ivan and Hermione.

The spells cast from his wand were all green, like fireflies. Needless to say, they were all curses, and the two were quick to dodge them.

The masked man took the opportunity to run towards Greyback wishing to undo the spell.

But Ivan didn't give him the chance to do so; he was quick to throw an 'Expelliarmus' at him.

The masked man evaded it and attacked both of them.

Both sides were casting spells and it was a tied battle.

Even though he was stronger than Ivan and Hermione, the masked man was struggling to deal with them. And with their combined effort, they were both struggling to cope with him.

After a while, it was impossible to determine who was going to win the battle, and the masked man had no chance of undoing Ivan's spell.

Eventually, he seemed very anxious as the situation became increasingly unfavorable for him. He shouted anxiously, and that obviously affected his concentration, and his next spells flew at Ivan and Hermione.

As exhausting as it was, they both gritted their teeth. If they persisted for a few more minutes, reinforcements were bound to arrive eventually.

As the battle progressed, it looked like they might be able to capture their two enemies.

Just when Ivan thought victory was near, the situation suddenly changed.