Chapter 146: Peter's Lies

Although Peter said that, Ivan was not happy to see him.

In his plan, Pettigrew and he should not meet at that time, but a few hours later, at the time of his victory. Sirius Black, Harry, Hermione and others would be present. But now, he found himself with Peter alone.

Ivan thought quickly about the situation, he could take the risk of trying to defeat Peter right now. But that way, he could not guarantee that he would not escape.

It would be terrible if he could run away in his Animago form.

Ivan was ready to communicate with him, while looking for an opportunity to attack or try to buy time. Harry and Hermione knew he was in Professor Lupin's office. If he did not return with them, they would certainly come to him with Sirius after he entered the castle.

So be it! As neither of them were sure of winning the duel and both wanted to communicate, the unimaginable suddenly happened in Professor Lupin's office: the two people who were obviously alert to the extreme suddenly started chatting happily and the initially tense mood seemed relaxed.

But in reality, they were both secretly clutching their wands, and their minds were deep in concentration without taking a break.

"Peter Pettigrew?!" Ivan said in amazement. "I've heard about you. You're the wizard killed by Sirius Black twelve years ago, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am!" Finding out that Ivan knew about it gave Peter a sense of satisfaction. This would save him a lot of trouble. He had a strange smile at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Aren't you Ivan Mason, dear boy?"

Ivan nodded briefly telling him to continue.

"You know, Ivan!" Peter glanced at the wand in Ivan's hand, and quickly moved his eyes away as if he didn't notice Ivan's hostility towards him, and continued, "That year, Black sold Harry, James and Lily's parents, and then tried to kill me, but he didn't succeed and I escaped at the last minute."

"But didn't everyone say you were killed?" said Ivan slowly.

"I didn't die. I was just hiding." Peter's voice trembled and he looked at Ivan with tears in his eyes. "I had to. After all, I caught Black. I personally sent him to Azkaban. That madman should have hated my guts."

"Hide?" Ivan looked at him quizzically. "Since Black was caught, why did you go into hiding? you've been hiding for twelve years?!"

"You don't understand, dear boy!" Pettigrew's voice was sharper than before, "I had to hide. Black defected to the one who must not be named. The latter taught him a few tricks. He had Dark Magic we could only dream of. His Magic was very evil and strong, I am no opponent for him! "

"Evil and strong Magic?" Ivan narrowed his eyes, "You mean Voldemort..."

"Don't mention that name!" Peter Pettigrew was pale, as if Ivan had lashed him with a whip. He wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve and continued, "In a word, he who must not be named, gave Black a lot of dark magic. That's why he escaped Azkaban. "

"Well, since you were hiding, why did you suddenly appear in the castle now?" said Ivan simply.

"I'm here to save you!" Peter Pettigrew pulled his wand out from behind his back. His face was full of smirks; it looked very distorted and ugly. "We all know Black escaped to kill Harry. He wants to avenge You-Know-Who, I can't let his plot succeed. I must stop him. Even risking the worst of dangers, I will not hesitate to do so, because I was Harry's parents' best friend before they passed away. Before that tragic incident occurred, they had entrusted me with their son..."

Looking at Peter Pettigrew's appearance, Ivan felt sick.

Twelve years ago, he had sold his friends James and Lily to Voldemort, turning Harry into an orphan; he had set Sirius Black up and sent him to spend twelve years in Azkaban; just yesterday, he had also controlled Ron into revealing Professor Lupin's werewolf status and accused him of assaulting his students.

Now, he wants to continue to deceive him and use Harry to slander Sirius Black again. Can a man be so brazen to speak with such words?

Ivan took a deep breath and resisted the urge to strike Peter Pettigrew. His heart was full of anger.

He really felt bad for Harry's parents, Sirius Black, Professor Lupin and everyone who had been sold out by him. At Hogwarts, they obviously took Peter as a friend.

But this man had his own selfish interests first and foremost. He betrayed them. He is the main culprit for their tragic fates.

Peter Pettigrew's muttering annoyed Ivan, his right hand gripped his wand tightly and said bluntly. "So you really do have a good heart!"

"Believe me, Ivan! It was my effort that captured Black and it was I who put him in Azkaban." Pettigrew continued. "I'm here to save you. All you have to do is..."

"You didn't say how you got into the castle?" Ivan interrupted. "There's strong protective magic around Hogwarts - no one can get in."

"That's not a problem for me. You know..." Peter's eyes went back to looking at Ivan's hand firmly holding his wand. He hesitated and said, "I'm an Animagus!"

"Animagus?" repeated Ivan.

"It's a spell that can turn a wizard into an animal!" Pettigrew lowered his voice, not wanting anyone to hear what he was going to say next. "My Animagus form is a rat, I'm Ron's pet Scabbers. Over the years, I've been close to you, protecting you day and night."

"Protecting us day and night, like a rat?!" Ivan scoffed. Besides eating, he didn't know what a pet rat could do, he continued with contempt, "So you're Scabbers! I'm surprised a person can hold out for 12 years as a rat."

"I had to. I guessed long ago that Black would escape. I must protect you." Pettigrew licked his lips, looking longingly at the Marauder's Map in Ivan's hand and said, "Believe me son! Counting it, it's been almost two years since we met. You've hugged me before and fed me. Remember, a few days ago, you even made me a rat tonic!"

Ivan nodded and was glad he did.

If it wasn't for the bottle of tonic supplement with tracer agents, he probably would have become a corpse.