Chapter 149: Gryffindor's Test

Peter Pettigrew screamed, falling back and forth on the floor.

Ivan was surprised to see Pettigrew start to cry. That looked terrible: He looked like an oversized bald baby shivering on the floor.

"Listen to me, Ivan! You're a smart boy..." Peter whispered. He struggled to Ivan's location, moving forward, clutching the edge of his tunic.

"You said enough today, Peter Pettigrew!" Ivan pulled his robe from Peter's grasp; he stepped back and retreated to the office door. "If you have anything else to say, you can wait a while and tell Dumbledore and the Aurors at the Ministry of Magic. I think they'll be interested."

"No, no, no!" Peter muttered. "That was Sirius Black... "

"Of course, if you're innocent, they'll naturally let you go." Ivan looked at him and said, "But if you're found guilty, you'll get what you deserve. The dementors outside the school are already too impatient. Maybe they'll give you a kiss..."

At the sound of "Dementors" and "kiss," Peter Pettigrew's face instantly paled, as if he had run out of blood.

"Let me go, boy!" Peter begged. "You gain nothing by doing this - don't you want to be a powerful wizard? I'll help you. I know a secret, that thing with enormous magical power; it's in the Forbidden Forest. I know how to get it."

"If you mean the magical object left by Gryffindor hidden in the centaur colony," Ivan said slowly. "It's a pity Black promised to take me there before you did."

"Without my help, you won't succeed!" Peter said hastily. "Even after a thousand years, the protective magic that Gryffindor wielded is still active. You must overcome your deepest fears in the depths of your heart and pass the final test to obtain that thing. The magic is so powerful that no one can succeed. But I know a way, a shortcut. The Dark Lord told me, I can..."

"You can't take shortcuts to everything, Pettigrew!" Ivan looked at Peter with a hint of pity, and with incredible confidence in his voice said, "If that's the test Gryffindor has left, then I think I can pass it."

Said Peter, "Wait a minute, I have another..."

"We've wasted too much time. After I hand you over to the professors, I have to get to Sirius Black, save Ron and go to the Great Dining Hall for dinner. There are so many things waiting to be done; I'll get this done as soon as possible. Let's see where Professor Dumbledore is - he may be back!" Ivan pointed to the Marauder's Map with his wand." I solemnly swear that my intentions are not good. "

With Ivan's words, thin lines of ink began to spread like a spider's web on the Marauder's Map.

On the map, green and black lines, elaborately depicted every detail of the castle and grounds of Hogwarts. It had tiny dots of ink moving around it, each labeled with a name in tiny letters.

Ivan looked first at Dumbledore's office and it was empty. He looked down and most of the people who stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas were gathered in the Great Dining Hall. It was time for dinner, but Ivan didn't see Harry, Ron and Hermione. He quickly moved to the Gryffindor Tower.

Gryffindor Tower. He scanned it and discovered that Harry and Hermione were there, and in front of them was Sirius Black.

Since Sirius Black entered the castle, he should take Peter with him immediately.

Wait, where did Ron go?

Ivan looked at the map, but he didn't see Ron anywhere.

A moment later, on the third floor of Professor Lupin's office, where he was, he suddenly saw that there was another person besides Pettigrew and himself standing in front of the door, outside the office....

.... .....

In the Gryffindor common room, Ivan had just left, and Crookshanks also contacted Sirius Black with the new password.

Now, only Harry and Hermione were still here, they were standing outside the third year boys' dormitory.

"Ron?" Harry shouted in fear.

No one answered. Harry and Hermione looked at each other. They both thought Ron was asleep.

But when they turned around, they found Ron lying on the bed, staring at them with wide eyes.

In the dark bedroom, Ron's appearance was extremely strange and the atmosphere was terrible.

After a while, Hermione said timidly, "Do you look sick, Ron?"

"I'm fine!" Ron replied stiffly and got out of bed.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other again and saw the concern on their faces.

Harry shook his head and said, "No, you look bad. You should go see Madam Pomfrey. She'll help you."

"I don't need help. I've never been as well as I am now." Ron walked over to them as if he was leaving the room.

"We need to talk to you!" Harry reached out and stopped Ron. He exclaimed. "I have something to tell you about what happened last night."

Harry's anger turned to concern after learning that Ron was being controlled.

All he wanted to do was to wake Ron up. He also remembered Ivan saying that the best way to resist the Imperius Curse was a strong will. As long as his willpower is strong enough, he can resist the invasion of the curse.

When a man is a victim of the Imperius Charm, he feels a void in his mind and becomes very happy. Then, there will be a voice asking the cursed person to do something. As if hypnotized, the cursed man enters a subconscious state, and unconsciously obeys the caster's orders.

But this is not absolute. The cursed person can still receive all the information from the outside world. That information could have an impact on everything he does. If these things seriously touch his heart and make him feel rebellious, then he will take the initiative to resist the Imperius Curse and weaken its power greatly.

"Ron, I know!" Harry grabbed Ron's shoulder with both hands and looked at him in anguish, and shouted, "I know. I know all about it. I don't blame you for what happened last night. I shouldn't have hit you at the end. You're also..."

"What happened last night?" Ron lowered his head and repeated it slowly, in a monotone voice. "You can understand that was the best thing to do, Harry! I saved you last night, I saved Hermione and everyone. Once a werewolf can get into the castle, the consequences are unimaginable."

"Professor Lupin is innocent, he won't attack anyone," Harry gasped. He shook Ron vigorously and wailed, "Please, Ron! Just wake up. You shouldn't be like this"