Chapter 239: The Actions of the Black Family

"Sirius, what the hell is this?" asked Harry in surprise.

"I don't know, it's not the same as when I first came here 16 years ago." Sirius looked around and wondered, "From what I remember, mountains of gold coins and gold items filled the entire room, to the point where we couldn't set foot inside..."

For the moment, the vault was empty. Besides all sorts of strange treasures and black magic items that were very evil at first glance, you couldn't even see the shadow of gold.

"Griphook?" asked Sirius.

"We can't reveal the secrets of our clients, but this doesn't look like something that should be hidden." Griphook said grimly, "This vault was opened 13 years ago, and at the behest of its owner at the time, Mrs. Walburga Black, we sent our staff to transfer all the gold and goods here to the personal vaults of Mrs. Bellatrix Lestrange and Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy. Because there was so much gold, the task took us two full days."

Listening to Griphook's description, Ivan could picture the scene at that moment.

Goblins were lining up and going in and out of the Black family vault, carrying gold in their arms and bringing them up to the personal vaults in carts.

"No wonder, after Regulus died, my dear mother redistributed the family wealth." Sirius said sarcastically, "Each of my cousins has a share. One of them is married to a Death Eater, and the other is one of the craziest of them all. My mother must have been very proud! It's no surprise. I should have guessed she would. She certainly didn't want to leave me anything."

Sirius walked over to a skull and kicked it in the side with his foot.

The cracked old skull rolled on the floor, making an uncomfortably rough sound, rolling into the dark corner of the room.

Ivan, Harry and Hermione looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

As if noticing that the atmosphere wasn't right, Sirius immediately raised his head and said, "Well, you three, don't let this get you down. No one cares about the gold. We're here to find the writings. Let me see, they should still be here."

He went to a cupboard and rummaged through, and Ivan rushed to help.

Sirius was right, everything that looked dangerous black magic objects and things that apparently bore the Black family crest remained here, unmoving.

The absence of gold wasn't the only strange thing in the vault.

Many of them were simply strange ornamental accessories, belonging to the personal collection of former members of the Black family.

There were also many objects that had magical power, and Ivan even felt a powerful magical reaction from several objects. Unfortunately, most of them were objects of black magic, and could not be used.

In front of a large dark red stone table, Ivan saw a simple card.

The card showed that everything on the table belonged to Arcturus Black, and Ivan remembered the Black family tree he had seen the day before. This guy was Sirius' grandfather, a person who had remained alive until 3 or 4 years ago.

On the stone table, the most striking thing was the motionless, blood-stained eyeball in a glass case.

It looked like it had been plucked alive directly from someone's eye.

There were several bones placed on the inner side of the stone platform, most of which were bones of magical creatures, but many of which were in the shape of known human bones.

There couldn't have been a title deed on top, and Ivan went to the side to open another cabinet.

Under the thick dust cover, he saw dozens of large glass bottles filled with unfamiliar yellow and green liquids.

He squinted, walked over and peered curiously.

The nearest glass bottle contained an Ashwinder, very thin, about the size of a thick thread.

It was bent in a strange way, very similar to the Ashwinder pattern in the book.

The Ashwinder is a rare magical creature. It is a snake born with magic.

The Ashwinder is created when a magical fire is left burning for too long. A slender, pale gray snake with glowing red eyes would rise from the embers of an unsupervised fire and slither into unattended and slither into the shadows of the dwelling in which it lies, leaving behind it an ashen trail an ashen trail behind it.

The Ashwinder lives for only an hour and during that time seeks a dark, secluded place in which to lay its eggs, after which it collapses into dust.

Ashwinder eggs are bright red and emit intense heat.

They will ignite the dwelling in a matter of minutes if not found in time. These Ashwinder eggs have strong magical power, and if they can be frozen with a freezing charm, they can be used in a love potion or eaten whole as a cure for agony.

Due to the high demand for fire, this type of snake is really difficult to create.

It is impossible to keep an Ashwinder as a specimen, and Ivan had never seen anything similar except this one in the bottle.

Just as he was about to approach and look at what was interesting in the other bottles, Hermione's voice came from the side.

"Come here, I found the deeds!" she shouted.

Hermione took many yellow papers from a filing cabinet, which was full of text and very hard to read. It was in old English. At the bottom, the Black family seal and the Ministry of Magic seal, proving that the deeds were legal and valid.

"This is 6 Spider Tail Alley!" Hermione picked up the first title and looked at it carefully. "I've never heard of this place, where is Spider Tail Alley?"

"On the north side of Diagon and Knockturn alleys, there's a big muggle area in the middle." Sirius walked over and explained, "It's an old wizarding gathering area, about 500 years old. Because there were so many black wizards who had gradually abandoned it over the past few decades, this place is of no importance."

Under this deed, there was the deed to 12 Grimmauld Place. It belonged to the Blacks for centuries. In addition to the house, it also included a large area of land. The deed had the emblem of the Ministry of Magic Presbyterian Church, and the emblem of the then Muggle King.

The fourth deed was for a store in Knockturn Alley, and there was a long-term lease on each of the two deeds.

One of them, No. 21, was leased to an old witch, for a period of 40 years to sell such things as poisoned apples and poisoned candles. As for 83, it was leased to the McGonagall family for a period of one hundred years to sell the skins and skulls of various magical creatures.

After that, the fifth deed was eventually a store in Diagon Alley, No. 36 Diagon Alley.

"36 Diagon Alley!" Hermione remembered carefully. "It appears to be between Eeylops Owl Emporium and Ollivander's wand store, there..."

In Ivan's memory, there was indeed a great place, there, that had been idle for a long time.

That place would have to be 36 Diagon Alley. This place was not the best, but there were a lot of people around. Especially at the beginning of school every year, many young wizards would buy wands or an owl as a mascot.

It was a good choice for the newspaper headquarters. If the place was big enough, the location on the second floor could be used in its entirety to sell things like Weasley Jokes products.

Inside the filing cabinet, the last one written was Black's Manor in the countryside. It was very large and appeared to have a deserted castle.