"It's very simple. I'll read you the nonsense words. If they are in Parseltongue, you should understand them." Ivan pointed to the ancient text curved into the stone, "In due time, you will translate them."
"I'll try!" Harry nodded.
"There, I'm starting..." Ivan fumbled for the words on the stone, trying to spell the incoherent letters, and uttered strange tones in his mouth.
It sounded like a low, hoarse whistle, almost like the words of someone speaking Parseltongue.
He read a passage and Harry, Ron and Hermione were stunned.
They looked puzzled and didn't know what Ivan was saying. The words didn't sound meaningful.
"Do you understand anything?" Hermione asked uncertainly.
"No!" Harry replied frustrated. "I don't understand what Ivan is talking about. I don't feel anything at all. I'm not sure if it's Parseltongue."
"Don't worry, let's take our time. Maybe I can help you understand." Ivan knew that Harry was not a real talented Parseltongue knower and that he could not use the Parseltongue at will. He could only react with the fragments of Voldemort's Horcrux stuck to him.
If he didn't see a real snake, he might not understand the Parseltongue.
Harry needed some inspiration. Ivan lightly tapped the sky blue ceramic cup next to him with his wand. The cup immediately began to distort and became a deep blue python with exquisite designs, looking very beautiful.
With the increase of his magic, Ivan's mastery of Transfiguration also increased.
In the past, even if he could turn a cup into a snake, it would never have been so easy, and the snake would never have had such fine lines.
The blue python slithered lazily toward Harry. The two looked at each other with their big eyes, while Ivan, Ron and Hermione watched nervously.
The scene was eccentric, and if Madam Pomfrey walked in, she would scream in horror.
Although Ivan's health was not seriously affected, Dumbledore insisted that he remain in the school hospital until the magic of the locket was fully absorbed.
Given his current unstable condition, Madam Pomfrey would not allow anyone else to come and visit him, which bored him to death.
Ivan had been begging Madam Pomfrey for a long time before she reluctantly agreed to let Harry, Ron and Hermione in, as long as no strange and troublesome things were allowed.
The current situation, while it was not dangerous, was certainly very strange.
If she saw it, Harry, Ron and Hermione would be expelled.
Harry held his breath and stared into the python's pale blue eyes. He shook his head slightly and had a wonderful feeling.
"Saiasa... back off!" he said quietly.
When she heard Harry's command, the blue python hesitated for a moment and then began to back away.
"All right, keep it that way. Let's try it again!" Seeing that Harry had succeeded, Ivan hastily read the stone's words.
There was another grotesque hiss in his mouth. He read very slowly, pausing after each word for a moment. When he finished saying a word, Harry repeated it.
In the room, Ivan and Harry hissed strangely at each other.
Ron and Hermione looked at them. Ron's face turned red and he looked like he wanted to laugh.
Hermione nudged him, but he ignored her and couldn't look anywhere else. The scene in front of him was very interesting.
"Eiasa, saisa..." said Ivan.
Harry frowned and said slowly, "In the name of Salazar Slytherin..."
"Success!" Ron and Hermione looked at each other and shouted happily.
All four were thrilled to see that Harry could understand the words on the stone. The message left by Salazar Slytherin himself a thousand years ago would be deciphered. It could be an old secret, powerful magic, o....
In short, anything was possible. It was an absolutely important discovery that would shock the entire magical world.
"Go on, Ivan!" Ron said excitedly, "What did Slytherin do on your behalf? Did he mention ways to increase your strength quickly?"
"I don't think he mentioned that. It's not a magical book. These stones must be about historical facts, recording the reasons why Slytherin built that huge subway relic." Hermione analyzed seriously, "I must have seen it in 'Hogwarts History'."
"I want to know why he left that monster in the school." Harry said, "And what exactly is that eyeball monster."
"Anything is possible, anything is possible!" Ivan repeated, and he was very excited. "Get ready, Harry, I'm going to read on."
Harry, Ron and Hermione concentrated hurriedly, their little faces full of anticipation. Hermione even found a scroll to record.
"I seal it here in the name of Salazar Slytherin, for eternal years..." said Harry slowly.
Hermione was right. The stone Ivan pulled out detailed the reason Salazar Slytherin built the subway ruins.
Slowly, they deciphered the words above, relying on the fact that Salazar had found the monster in the ruins of a temple in ancient Greece.
This monster was never one that existed naturally in the world, but was the magical creation of a dark wizard. It was discovered by Salazar in the deepest chamber of the ruins. When his fellow wizards were busy searching for powerful magical items and books of magic, he secretly brought out the monster.
A few months later, he brought the fruits of that expedition back to England, to his father's castle, which was now Hogwarts.
He built a space underground for research, and kept it secret.
Salazar believed that by studying this mysterious monster, he would learn the secrets of life and the soul, and then escape death and become immortal.
The ancient temple where the monster was discovered worshiped one of the most powerful and influential dark wizards in the history of magic, he was considered to be the last ancient wizard and the oldest dark wizard in the history of magic. His numerous research findings had laid the foundation for the development of black magic and continued to exert influence.
He invented and created many curses and dark creatures, the most notorious of which was the study of Necromancy and Horcruxes.
Through the study of the monster's body structure and the classics of magic brought from the temple, Salazar discovered that this monster could escape death, but at the same time had to pay a considerable price. He would never do that unless he was truly desperate.
Death might be more pleasant than getting such eternal life, because the soul would be cursed by escaping death.
In addition to that, with the deepening of the investigation, Salazar also found a more striking secret, which was....