Chapter 338: The Temple and the Vision in the Sky

Harry, Ron and Hermione walked in silence, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Hermione seemed determined to ignore Ron, and walked to Harry's left.

Ron walked to his right and wanted to apologize several times, but never did.

Harry was in the middle of their "battle". He tried to find some topics and was unsuccessful. He tried to seek Ivan's help. But the black cat Ivan had become was nowhere near them and he had no idea where he was.

The sky gradually darkened, and ten minutes later, they arrived at Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid had not yet returned from the great dining hall, and only Fang's barking could be heard in the room.

"Where are Sirius and Ivan?" Harry looked around, lowered his voice and asked, "I don't see them."

"I don't know!" Ron muttered, turning his head and looking at Hermione.

Just as the three of them were confused, a huge black dog stepped out of the shadow of the grass.

Next to Sirius, stood the black cat that Ivan had turned into.

Without a word, Sirius waved his paw in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

Everyone went to the Dark Forest. They had come here to fight the Acromantulas before.

This time, they came to the Centaur colony.

Harry waited until the castle was completely obscured by the thick leaves, and took off his invisibility cloak. "Sirius..."

"We'd better hurry, no one must find out that they left the castle at night." Sirius said as he changed back to human form and led the way.

Because they had already passed once, they were relatively familiar with the path.

But as the sun set, the Forbidden Forest looked gloomier, its darkness and quietness were overwhelming, and everyone's spirits were very tense.

"When I went to the Forbidden Forest to capture dark creatures for the exam, I notified the centaurs, they know we're coming today." Sirius said. "Maybe they'll come out to meet us..."

His voice just dropped, and a sharp arrow hit the path in front of him.

It was a centaur, giving them a "warm" welcome.

"Be careful!" Sirius shouted.

Even without his warning, everyone stopped, drawing their wands and pointing forward.

"Human..." Just as everyone was on guard, an arrogant voice rang out, and a tall centaur stepped out of the shadows.

Unsurprisingly, it was Sirius' old rival, Magorian.

"Good evening, Magorian!" Sirius gestured to Ivan at his side, and continued, "You should have known this boy took out the Acromantulas."

"The stars have told us of this. Respected human warrior, you have earned the friendship and recognition of the Centaurs, and the elder is waiting for you in the colony." Magorian bowed to Ivan to show respect.

Like human mages, centaurs also respect the strong.

The request made by the eldest of the centaurs was to weaken the power of the Acromantulas. They thought Ivan and the others would kill a few Acromantulas, just a few young ones.

They secretly watched to see if the bravery of the four people met the requirements.

No one thought that Ivan could eliminate the Acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest practically by himself.

This was simply too incredible; and even the most powerful centaur could not do it.

The strong are respected, and treating Ivan, Magorian was not as arrogant as before.

But when he turned his head and looked at Sirius, Harry, Ron and Hermione, he was still angry, as if he wanted to rush to fight them.

On the way back, Magorian and Sirius were as before, fighting each other. Had they not considered the presence of Ivan, Harry, Ron and Hermione, they might have fought right away.

As they approached the colony, more and more centaurs joined their ranks.

The lines grew longer and longer, and they were surrounded by the sound of centaur hooves falling to the ground. Ivan saw Ronan and Bane. They didn't seem to have changed since the last time they met, but this time they didn't pretend not to know them, but nodded slightly.

Firenze was also there, with her sapphire eyes.

She greeted everyone politely, approached Ivan and began to tell him about recent events in the Forbidden Forest, as well as some omens from the planets.

"Mars has recently been exceptionally bright, and the energy it radiates is particularly unstable." Firenze said quietly, "Ivan, this does not bode well. Perhaps..."

Magorian snorted heavily and turned to Firenze with a warning look.

Perhaps because he was facing Ivan, he said nothing.

Ivan remembered that the last time they met, Magorian once said that everyone knew his and Harry's fate, and that this fate was doomed to remain unchanged. He asked Firenze not to reveal to them what the centaurs saw, because it was something very shameful.

But this time he did not explicitly object, which was really strange.

Ivan did not believe that, because he had solved the problem of the Acromantulas and won the recognition of the Centaurs, he would be entitled to learn the secrets they knew about the stars in the sky.

This was not a matter of friendship and recognition, but an exclusive matter based on race.

Centaurs would not impart any knowledge of their own to humans, or they would be driven from the herd forever and exiled.

Or worse, they could be killed outright.

This was also the main reason why after Firenze accepted Dumbledore's request to become Hogwarts Divination professor two years later, he could no longer be near the Forbidden Forest.

But now, it was clear that Firenze wanted to talk to him.

This was too unusual, and Ivan never thought he would have more access than Dumbledore.

"Do you know what that means?" Firenze said quietly, sapphire eyes sparkling, "It means war. War is about to start."

"I know, you told me about it before. I went back and read the text books, upstairs..." said Ivan.

"No, you don't!" Firenze took a few steps forward and then stopped to look at Ivan. "The signs on the planet have changed. The ancient evil is about to return. Even the centaurs are not immune to this war!"

Ivan looked at him doubtfully, and then immediately looked at the scene in front of him, shocked.

Unconsciously, they had arrived at the centaur colony.

In front of him, the thick leaves gradually dispersed, revealing the bright stars in the night sky.

It was a very spacious area, with a large number of dark gray cabins, delicate and elegant, arranged in a coherent and stylish line.

In the center of the colony, there was an extraordinarily magnificent temple built on a hill. It was made of pure black obsidian, with strange and exaggerated patterns and figures on its broken stone wall, reflecting the vicissitudes of history and the uniqueness of the centaur style.

The most striking thing was not this temple, but the bloody moon right above it!